Echoes (Updates and Patches)

Nat plays on XBox


And it’s not even a winter planet, so … not a snowman. Rocky – back from a date with a lot of fireworks!


I usually dont get many bugs when I play NMS…

but this recent expedition has been very buggy for me. :upside_down_face: I keep getting kicked from Fullscreen mode into windowed at seemingly random times.

Creatures right in front of me would all disappear. And then shortly after, kicked into windowed mode.

While trying to build a base as part of Phase 1, I couldn’t get the parts to snap in place, so I couldn’t place doors or corridors and then I was kicked into windowed mode again. Could have switched back to Fullscreen but had to restart anyways to hopefully fix the base building issue.

Tried it again after a restart, then I couldn’t see the base parts till I placed them. :tired_face: and some placed ones stayed in the clear blue color. Restarted again.

Finished the base, then went to space. Kicked into windowed mode again. While just floating there in space, the game crashed. And when I returned, I was planetside floating in my ship as if I was in space for a moment, then it noticed I was on a planet and started floating as if I was on it again. Ofcourse, shortly after landing, windowed mode.

Took off into space and finally warped to the rendezvous planet. Did 3 or 4 uninterrupted milestones and after that, few more times I was reverted back to windowed mode. :joy:

It was annoying, but in the comical way. Lol


Can confirm this one. Had nothing else out of the ordinary happening, though.


I had a weird memory leak with base parts the night 4.5 dropped but before the expedition went live. A base I’d been building all week, suddenly I noticed parts I’d placed were completely gone.

Walls and floors; fine. All the decor and other bits; lights, wiring, chairs, etc, were starting to disappear, and when i’d turn my back and turn around more stuff would vanish, eventually I was running around an empty shell wondering if my character was wearing magnets too close to the save file XD

A restart fixed it but it does sound from your issues that maybe bases are a bit bugged out atm.

Haven’t experienced what you reported with the windowed mode issues. Hope this sorts itself out or a fix arrives for you soon <3


Xbox Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a Xbox-only issue that caused fireworks to spawn within all decals placed in a base.

PC, PS4 and PS5 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused many of the new biscuit recipes to be inedible.
  • Fixed an inconsistency in the pricing of NipNip buds when bought from smugglers.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause incorrect numbers to be used in mission notifications about spending Quicksilver.
  • Fixed a number of text issues in the Creative Mode tutorial.
  • Fixed a text issue related to the pulse engine refuelling hint.
  • Fixed a rare issue that could prevent black holes being marked on the galaxy map.
  • Fixed a rare issue that could cause players with some Autophage customisation parts to have their customisation scrambled on load.
  • Fixed a visual issue with the eyes on a specific Autophage head.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause red backgrounds when using some menus in PC VR.
  • Fixed a crash related to portals.
  • Fixed a crash related to the Quicksilver shop.
  • Fixed a crash related to freighters.
  • Fixed a crash related to the aerial camera view.
  • Fixed a memory crash.
  • Fixed a crash related to bases.
  • Fixed a PS5 rendering crash.
  • Fixed a crash related to Exocraft.
  • Fixed a crash related to terrain generation.

Looks like they edited the 4.51 patch notes to include latest fixes


Downloading now, 5.0 gb on Steam <3

Had my first hard crash earlier today, first in a long time (on planet approach during an LOD change).

I’ve only had soft crashes in recent months, always just my freighter or ship never coming out of the warp and just vibing through the cosmic tunnel ever eternal. I realise I’m an exception and grateful that this is the worst I’ve faced in years.

It’s mid term break for schools and these lovely people are bringing us patches on the weekend <3 I’m sure it’s all hands on deck with the Trial version this weekend so lets hope there’s some much needed time booked off for whoever’s carrying the torch through til monday


Anyone else loading in with different clothes after this patch? My daughter has a different backpack, I have different shirt and pants


Only booting it up just now and yup, my clothes are all different. Looks like it’s any of the new cosmetics. My robo legs, poncho and expedition 11? cape all changed. Wonder if my saved clothes are effected too? Closer to my original look but the chest is all wrong :wink:


Checked Appearance modifier, if you have your Loadouts saved they will be unaffected <3 Could find my original and my retrofutureapocalyptic states


Hey @DevilinPixy any idea what the time is now between making a manual save and the next autosave?


After quitting out and starting up the game again, my clothes were once again changed :slight_smile:

I guess my characters old enough now to pick out their own clothes.

edit: How did I not notice this was giving me a unique and bespoke backpack? Or just no Exosuit at all? So long, Telamon! (its the cape jets minus the cape)

I kinda like the svelt gearless look


Nintendo Switch - Echoes 4.5.1

2031616 2024-02-15	v31 BuildID:
In-game version: 117567

…Pirate Dreadnought fragmenting and duplicating many times.

We have reached peak matrix :laughing:


Nintendo Switch - Echoes 4.5.2

2097152 2024-03-04	v32 BuildID:
In-game version: 117978

Orbital 4.6 Blog

Orbital 4.6 Release



  • Space stations have been completely overhauled and refreshed.
  • Station exteriors now come in a huge array of procedurally generated shapes and colours, as well as at an increased scale.
  • Space station interiors are now procedurally generated.
  • Space station interiors now have a huge amount of lighting and visual variation.
  • Station interior designs now reflect the race of the local system authorities.
  • The various key space station merchants and interactions have all been visually refreshed.
  • Players can now use the Quick Menu to switch their docked ship while aboard the space station, providing the ship in question has functioning launch thrusters.


  • Introduced a number of optimisations and visual improvements to screen space reflection rendering.
  • Reflection rendering has been revised to reduce noise and make the effect more stable.
  • The lighting model for reflections has been improved to achieve a more realistic, physically based look.


  • While away on expeditions, frigates may now call home via the starship communicator or the fleet command terminal on your freighter.
  • The fleet commander may seek your advice in dealing with a tricky situation, or may even request direct assistance.
  • Your decisions at these moments, or your efforts in coming to the aid of your fleet, have a direct impact on the outcome and rewards for your fleet missions.

  • Fixed a number of text issues when using the captain’s terminal on a frigate.
  • The player’s torch is no longer auto-activated when boarding a frigate.
  • The frigate teleporter can no longer be triggered while the frigate is away on a mission.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause asteroid flickering when warping to a system that contains a frigate fleet.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented outlaw frigates that are not away on a mission from being warped in to defend the player when under attack by hostile starships.
  • Nearby fleets will now always deploy fighters to assist the player in combat, even if they are on a mission.
  • When landing on an outlaw frigate, the captain will now greet you with an appropriate message.


  • A new interaction, the Starship Fabricator, has been added to the space station.
  • The fabricator allows you to build your own custom fighter, hauler or explorer starship.
  • When salvaging a ship, the process can now be targeted at specific visuals, e.g. reclaiming the wings or thruster array specifically. These harvested components can then be combined to create a brand-new ship.
  • Purchase starship reactors from space station technology merchants to determine the stats and class of your new starship.
  • The fabricator also allows you to choose unique colour and paint styles for your new ship.
  • Starships salvaged from the wild or purchased from another pilot benefit from universal authentication, granting them a bonus to future trade-in values.


  • The splash screen and mode select screens have been visually overhauled.
  • The options screens have been tweaked for visual clarity.
  • The in-game patch notes have had a visual upgrade.
  • Purchase and decline buttons in various UI pages have been re-styled.
  • The compare and purchase screens have been tweaked for clarity.

  • When using “Transfer More” to add items to a slot, the popup will now only show valid items.
  • When a mission location is marked, the icon will now briefly start in the centre of the screen before moving to its usual position, making it easier to track off-screen locations.
  • Fixed an issue that added an additional delay to the creation of markers for mission events.


  • Space station technology merchants now have a wider range of upgrades, with more high quality modules available.
  • Space station technology merchants now offer a price discount based on your standing with their faction.

  • The starship Economy Scanner can now be activated from the ship’s inventory as well as from the quick menu.
  • The Economy Scanner can now detect nearby trade surges, in addition to detecting planetary outposts.
  • Trade surges are time-limited events in nearby systems that offer an increased profit margin on key goods. Find a source of the required trade items to take advantage of these surges.
  • A system’s economy description on the galaxy map now uses a consistent label to describe the goods they buy and sell.

  • The guild envoys for the Merchants, Mercenaries and Explorers Guilds now offer a wide selection of items to their members.
  • Find guild envoys aboard space stations.
  • Each envoy offers a range of free supplies and heavily discounted items, with eligibility based on your current standing with their guild. The exact items vary from system to system but are tailored to each specific guild.
  • Envoys will also accept donations to guild supplies, in exchange for increasing your standing with their guild.
  • Vanquished pirate starships now yield Pirate Transponders, which can be donated to the Mercenaries Guild for a boost to standing.

  • The clarity and presentation of the buttons to view journey milestones and faction standing within the catalogue have been improved.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the catalogue system standing button to lead to the wrong page.
  • A number of new alien words have been added, ready to learn and translate.
  • The trade terminal found on space stations now has a clearer name and subtitle.


  • A large number of new base parts have been added, based on the decoration style of the space station.
  • Research these parts with salvaged data at the construction research terminal on the Space Anomaly.


  • Fixed an issue that caused some shuttle wings to be misaligned.
  • Fixed a number of visual issues with the hologram at the Multi-Tool salvage terminal.
  • Fixed an issue that caused starship icons to be used on the Multi-Tool salvage terminal.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause doors to open too slowly, leading to a collision event between the door user and the door structure.
  • Fixed a number of visual issues that could occur when attaching Autophage heads to other bodies in the customiser.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause some planetary crops to flicker.

  • Fixed a number of memory leaks related to texture generation and streaming.
  • Fixed a memory trample related to holograms.
  • Fixed a memory trample related to planetary missions.
  • Fixed a memory trample related to discoveries.
  • Fixed a memory trample related to player bases.
  • Fixed a memory trample related to claiming rewards at the end of an expedition.
  • Fixed a memory trample related to planetary generation.
  • Fixed a number of memory issues that could occur when dying.
  • Introduced a significant performance optimisation while in non-combat locations such as space stations or the Anomaly.
  • Fixed a number of multiplayer connectivity issues on Xbox.

  • Improved the audio for the Starborn Runner’s landing effects.
  • The Starborn Runner can now truly hover when in planetary flight.
  • Solar-class starships now retract their sails when engaging the hyperdrive.
  • Fixed a number of issues that could prevent starships from correctly attaching to their dock or landing pad.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the galaxy map to fail to mark the correct path type for your current mission.
  • Fixed a rare issue that could cause some NPCs or objects aboard an outlaw station to use the wrong dialogue type when loading a save made aboard the station.
  • Fixed a number of text issues with missions that encouraged space combat.
  • Fixed a number of items and technologies being absent from the known recipes list when starting a new creative mode game.
  • Fixed an issue that could incorrectly cause additional base specialists (such as the Overseer or Farmer) to appear at Space Stations even after one had been hired.

  • Fixed a softlock that could occur when dismissing a message box while it was still fading in.
  • Fixed an issue that could allow the accidental early ending of an expedition before all milestones were complete.
  • Fixed a number of rare display issues in the Space Anomaly’s expedition terminal.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to put damaged technologies in the cargo section of the expedition terminal.
  • Fixed a rare issue that could cause supercharged slots not to appear on the preview of some starships given as rewards.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a missing texture to appear on the expedition terminal when no expedition is in progress.

  • Fixed a rare issue that could cause player inventories to slowly fill with emergency signal scanners after placing an active scanner in an inaccessible inventory.
  • Fixed an issue that could make it difficult to delete items from your inventory using the pad without also scrolling the inventory away from the item in question.
  • Fixed a rare issue that could cause the camera to be placed incorrectly after being given a reward.
  • Fixed a number of instances of bad data in bait cooking recipes.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a rare crash relating to very large bases.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause missing text when playing in US English.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that allowed nanite prices to go negative at very high standing levels.
  • Fixed an issue that applied the standing discount to sell prices as well as buy prices.

I’m kinda still hoping for sotrylines connected to the guilds, a bit elder scrolls style maybe. Lots of bonus points if they’re procedural.

But I’m not going to complain, this update delivers a lot of things that I like.


I really had not expected space station enhancements until the anniversary update.

When first reading the announcement on Steam, I smiled, then chuckled, then giggled. (Hey … No judging!) :grin:

Wow. There is a lot to keep players happy in this update.

Now to find a few hours to play. (But it’s Holy Week and prescious hours are not available. Argh.)