BlueSky Starter Pack for NMS

Hey folks, dipping toes into BlueSky and like the idea of it’s starter packs.

I figure I’d make one for must follow curators and creators within the NMS community but I’m somewhat lacking in knowledge of who is out there exactly.

Thought I’d make a post and reach out to hear your own personal suggestions of who you follow or like within the community.

So far I have added

Kyle Culver
Martin Griffiths
Paul Weir

Ones I want to add but have yet to create a bluesky account… (as far as i know)

Ghost Light
Dirt The Gamer

Who have I overlooked? Apart from all you beautiful people of course, but I don’t feel comfortable adding regular users to the list.

(If you would like to be on the list, let me know 07 )

To those who are unfamiliar with Bluesky, startpacks are a quick way for new users to narrow in on and follow all the important accounts related to whatever their interests might be.

Some Xitter folk have already tried to abuse the system by making “woke” lists that are secretly hiding a BUNCH of extremely fringe and toxic accounts. We can’t have nice things :stuck_out_tongue:

one glaring oversight/downside to starter packs… You can’t exclude your own account >:(


Some creators have yet to make the switch. I am finding the NMS community split now as some remain on X and others have moved and some are in both places.
Glad to see you making a list.


Where is Sean? :upside_down_face:
Maybe he is waiting for a special invitation :wink:


I think since so many attempts at a new social media come and go and fall into obscurity or crash right out the gate, some folk are probably waiting to see how things go before bothering making an account.

I totally get that.

But Martin Griffiths and Paul Weir are both there; come on Sean!

I have seen several posts from NMS fans on the site trying to summon HelloGames to bluesky with posts.

There is certainly a mass exodus happening so hopefully it’s just a matter of time before more follow.

It’s been a breath of fresh air but one thing I’m already sick of, is everyone talking about how everyone in xitter is freaking out about bluesky. Leave em to it, let’s move on already :stuck_out_tongue:


Someone much more in the loop than I has already made an incredible Feed of Hello Games team members, past and present, that are on BlueSky.


I think I’m going to have to leave BlueSky out of sheer embarrassment @ _ @

I made a joke about people crossing a line by making what they said seem way worse, and everyone responded as if I was saying the way worse thing.

I’m actually having a panic attack and might need to go to the hospital again over this so this is what I’ve learned…

The warning about how I probably shouldn’t use Social Media apps from doctors also applies to Bluesky because my biggest trigger is being taken out of context or being misunderstood (goes back to my primary school bullying.). And boy did that just happen on every possible facet. Explaining myself also seemed to only make it worse.

Just a heads up I might be going quiet for a while on here, love you guys but it’s time to detox until I at least get cleared with my chest examination on Dec 10th ':slight_smile:


We love you @toddumptious :heart:
You are always safe here with us.
Take care of yourself and relax. Take a trip to the shore or find a cozy nook to relax in. Breathe.


For what its worth, I enjoy your humour.
Word play & silly overplayed scenarios with lumps of pop-culture always amuse me.


Dont let the current nonsense over on BS get to you Todd. Theyre dealing with a bit of an identity crisis at the moment.
Imho due mainly to the demographic of accounts that recently migrated from twitter en masse. It will sort itself out soon.


I think I just landed into a clique, kinda felt like I was back at school :joy:

Brushed myself off by starting a new Permadeath playthrough of No Mans Sky, feel invincible now.

But also because of your kind messages of support, thank you all :heart:


I’m glad you decided to stay. I look forward to your conversation - I enjoy your flights of fancy - it’s fun to join in with your jokes. You should, perhaps, remember that a lot of what you say only works for clever, imaginative people. If you don’t choose your audience, you risk being misunderstood - and social media is jammed full of people trying to boost their own popularity by claiming to be offended.

Anyway, I’m happy you’re still here.


Holiday Redux post made damn sure I couldn’t keep my head out of these forums :wink:



I did too.


I kinda “cheated” once I got to the anomaly and got the Atlas Sceptre as a multitool from QS companion :smiley:

I’m still flying the Radiant Pillar though.

I’m going to try keep it for the entire run :cowboy_hat_face:


I am doing that too in my current story run. Keep the Radiant Pillar, which I renamed Great Expectations But I am in Relaxed so, not quite the same :smile:


I have just made a Bluesky account for Grandma In Space I will try and find others there so will look at this starter pack
I would love to be on the list please x


I am there…somewhere
I boosted you!