BEYOND has released! (plus patches)

So… what’s the deal with derelic freighters in space? You can’t scan them, you can’t land on them, can’t communicate with them, there’s not even a free cargo pod to shoot up or something. Are they really just scenery? I mean, it’s nice and all, but a bit disappointing.


Can shoot them up? Someone on the Steam forum said he could shoot open a panel and go inside.

I only found a “number station” that looks like straight out of the TARDIS and that gives me useless numbers. :slight_smile: And I did not shoot it.


Haven’t found any part on the freighter that would be shootable. Sure you can fly into the hangar bay, but you can’t land there either. When I heard “derelict freighters”, I was kinda hoping they might have explorable interiors, but at least some logs to read… They could have reused the frigate missions to string together a short story of how the ship met its demise, and a lootable cargo container with a chance of containing a frigate module for research, that would be something without making things too complicated.


I liked that “photo” and decided to make it a 1920x1080 wallpaper for my collection…


Shooting panels does no damage, although it does show an indicator. There also appears to be a container inside, which I have not been able to get close to.


Perhaps these freighters will receive additional content at a later date?


Oh my! I got a hell of laugh out of that one! :joy"

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Maybe a future update will add spacewalking so we can access these things and mine for minerals. I would love that.


Maybe wings are in short supply …


After some initial observing, I concluded that the missing wings on Sheralmysts shuttle are due to the entire generation of shuttles having gotten an overhaul. The general rescale that happened when beyond released had not been too kind to them, giving them rather oversized cockpits, since they had somewhat undersized cockpits at first, so rescaling everything proportionally would have led the shuttles to being oversized compared to other ships. Now it seems that they changed the generation in a way that rescales major parts differently. The result is… mixed. They look better now in my opinion (more charming might be the right word), though they have an even more cobbled togeter look than they had before.


I’d love a way to interact with those space wrecks … In e.g. Space Engineers, you do a lot of space walking (walking on inner and outer ship surfaces with magboots, asteroid mining, in-flight repairs, high-jacking NPC vessels), it’s fun! But in SE, that was a day 1 feature and everything was built around it.

If only we could combine the character interaction from Space Engineers, the flight controls from Elite Dangerous, and the planets from NMS… :pleading_face:


Meh… I’m not very fond of those. In my opinion, either you go all out on the realism approach, or you make something that’s just fun, but you don’t go with a realism approach and then introduce arbitrary and illogical limitations because you’re not getting the exact flight model you want. IWar, I found her and the evochron series have made abundantly clear that you can make a brilliant newtonian space dogfight system without any compromises. If you want it arcady and simple, the ST: 25th annyversary control scheme was really the right choice.
Once they made it, that is… Let’s not forget that it wasn’t in when the game launched…


Totally! I tried the mouse maneuvering controls that are an option on No Man’s Sky, but found them more frustrating than the simpler keyboard controls.

I smiled when I saw the little reminder that Hello Games put on the faux paperback book cover for Living Ship … “Science Fiction” text in the bottom right.

The game was never intended as a space simulator or flight simulator. Science Fiction requires a “willing suspension of disbelief.” I love that quote that I picked up long ago (author unknown)


Oh, they’re pretty decent now. Very freelancer-y, which is generally cited as the source of the “follow the mousecursor while shooting at the mousecursor” control scheme. Except Star Trek: 25th annyversary did it like a decade earlier.


“Suspension of Belief” goes all the way back to Aristotle (and probably further) who used it to describe what is needed by the people watching experiencing the primary form of entertainment of his time --Theatre.

We’ve come a looooong way, baby! :grin:


Just a quick comment to say I’m really enjoying/loving this return to Sci-Fi roots for NMS with the latest update.



Posted on NMS FB page - 50% discount this weekend all platforms- share n tell a friend promo.


PS4 Update/Patch
Version 2.32 Now live.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Cuboid Roof Caps to snap to the floor, rather than the roof, of Cuboid Rooms.
  • Added a chance to find cargo pods at derelict freighter space encounters.
  • Fixed an issue that caused extra, incorrect inventory tabs to appear when comparing ships or freighters.
  • Fixed an issue that caused frigates not to award cargo.
  • Water reflections have been removed in PC VR (matching PS VR) to improve visual quality.
  • A toggle has been added to the General Options menu to disable Auto Torch.
  • Fixed a number of issues that prevented Atlas words from being learned correctly.
  • Slightly reduced the time taken for Living Ship components to mature, so that they do not exceed 24 hours.
  • Implemented a recovery fix for players whose Starbirth missions failed to locate an appropriate planet or building at the coordinates steps.
  • Fixed an issue which duplicated the default filter in photo mode.
  • Fixed an issue that caused pinned instructions involving Atlas Stones to suggest that Atlas Stones could be collected from factories.
  • Fixed an issue which affected the portable refiner when picking it up with one too few inventory slots available.
  • Fixed an issue that caused too much warp fuel to be consumed when warping in VR.
  • Fixed an issue that caused HUD elements to be incorrectly displayed during warp.
  • Fixed an issue that caused ships to judder and disappear when landing in multiplayer.
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to miss the landing pads when landing at an outpost.
  • Expedition holograms now turn green when the expedition is complete.
  • Fixed an issue that caused ‘Hostile Ships Defeated’ audio to play when combat frigates arrive to assist in a fight.
  • Fixed a rare crash when collecting cargo from a frigate.
  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur when streaming in the Space Anomaly.
  • Added the ability to use nanites to evolve upgrades that have been installed inside Living Ships.
  • Fixed a small visual glitch that could occur when exiting mission dialogue interactions.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed re-interaction with a living ship that was flying away.
  • Fixed an issue that caused stats to be named incorrectly in the descriptions of upgrade modules.
  • Prevented the Starbirth mission from starting in the middle of a multiplayer Nexus mission.
  • Fixed a number of minor visual issues with the Living Ship cockpits.
  • Fixed a visual issue with the contrails from the Living Ship.
  • Fixed an issue that caused shuttle-class starships to change appearance.
  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur when handing in a Nexus mission.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when pinning directions for Frost Crystals.
  • Fixed a number of small mission flow problems in the directions for various substances.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed two living ships to spawn at the same location.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause portal warps to fail, resulting in players being returned to their previous system or pushed under the terrain.

