BEYOND has released! (plus patches)

I hear there are new jetpacks in the appearance modifier in PC. Not sure if it is experimental or all PC games.


The new backpack styles will be a while before they unlock. Current shop is 26, while the new backpack unlocks in shop 30. That is not to say it is impossible to get, but not through ‘legit’ means.

3xperimental is currently the same as public again with the release of 2.32.


Update just hit ps4 :slight_smile:


Patch Notes (Living Ship Patch 2.33):

  • Enable tessellation on Xbox One X.
  • Introduced partial fix for an issue that could cause players to fall through the terrain.
  • Fixed an issue for PC players who lost their Void Egg during the final stages of the Starbirth mission and were not able to recover it.
  • Fix to prevent base parts from spawning around weekend mission objectives.

I am glad they did this. It has happened too many times that I couldn’t retrieve my nutrient processor.

This last weekend in normal mode, the object to interact with for the albumen pearls was enclosed by wooden walls. However, the closest wall didn’t appear right away. So after I had interacted with the object , it appeared and had me trapped for a few moments. I am glad someone had terrain manipulated a tunnel underneath or I would have needed to restart without mission completion.


If you’re stuck in a base, can’t you use the Z menu to report it and that makes it disappear?


I fell into the ground and was buried alive with parts of a building around me. Not a lot of fun.
You can always disable MP. That usually helps though it may not free you from a building.

Z menu? That doesn’t exist for PS4 to my knowledge.

To report a base, I would need to interact with the base computer, which was not present within the walls in the situation that I described.


The Z is used to access the build menu on PC, from where you can always access the option to report a base. On PS4 as well as Xbox, this would be the D-pad UP I believe.


They are so cute :two_hearts:


Yondu would be proud.

and the FB post for completeness

"What the world needs now is
bobblehead figurines!

A new category of exotic collectables, starting with Nada and Polo, unlockable now at the Anomaly.

Beyond Development Update 8 - No Man's Sky"


First thing to try: Can I put a Bobblehead into a Living Ship? There needs to be a tiny creepy hand holding it. :laughing:


Am I crazy or has something happened to the clouds? They look amazing! And SM tweeted this out

Also, I heard bells when I started the game today, never heard them before.


I made almost that identical comment to Mrs MH the other day. (She’s been playing more than me recently). :grin:
On top of that, while driving home a day or 2 later, I noticed that the real clouds over the nearby mountains looked colour enhanced but with the contrast set wrong. They looked fake!
It has been a strange couple of weeks & it just keeps getting weirder :roll_eyes:


Are you still on meds? Or maybe we all need some meds? :grin:


Nope. No meds for ages. It’s all me!


I feel like there’s things they didn’t mention in the latest patch release.

It seems like the recharge cost for things has gone down. Or has it always been like this and I just never paid attention?

Random ornamental objects are appearing in my CS. Like this:

That most definitely was not there before. Then, poof, it appeared. Several other items have appeared.

There was something else, but I can’t for the life of me remember what.

Also, is anyone else having issues with landing their living ships?


I have not noticed any change in recharge cost. I could possibly check if I have something specific to look for.

I have compared the freighter layout from NEXT (first introduction of new building mechanics on freighters) with the latest layout. Nothing appears to have changed, those screens and other ornaments have always been there. You likely never noticed or for some odd reason they never rendered for you.

No issue here with landing my LS.


I am having tons of issues landing my living ship. It seems like the camera angle is sometimes below ground and it takes many button presses to land.


Last couple of days I’ve had difficulties landing my fighter. Very irritating.