Base Building Creations


Finally got round to rebuilding the Abandoned Astromech in Beyond (Euclid PS4 normal).


@Marky nice!!! Very Good Build.



All weather landing assist

PS4 Normal Euclid


Thank you for the idea.


PC: Blender:NMSE - This is how I get my bases up to maximum altitude allowed in game.


Nice tutorial! Some things I noticed though:

  • Apparently the max build height has changed since Next, where it used to be 1200u instead of 1800. Space still starts at 2000u, so no change there.

  • I did not realise how the cockpit no longer shows the actual height, although there is an indication at the center top of the screen now, but hard to make it consistently show. Only starts to show below 2000u (in atmosphere).

  • I noticed your object count in Blender being about 3400, while the NMS tool shows 2822 parts. Makes me wonder what makes it different. I assume some parts are made of multiple objects, but would love to know which those are.

I have not really messed with this tool in a while, but there may be easier ways to move the base to max height, not sure. If height is consistent, you might be able to figure out some values and compare with Blender.

By the way, I just did a quick test to see if it may actually be possible to build in space. Well, I guess it is possible if you turn it into a freighter. Secret access as well, because you will only see it or be able to get to it, by accessing your freighter … :rofl:

I will have to mess with this some more if I can find the time :wink:

Hmmm, I guess I made my race track portable now … hehehe


Thank you!

  • Yes the height did change, probably before Beyond but not certain on that one.

  • I have been dropping requests to give us back altitude in the cockpit, it mostly makes a difference in severe storms where you can hit terrain. I would like it back but keep lat / lon. Would also like the attitude indicator in some other form, the long used aircraft ball would be perfectly adequate.

  • So I think your observation of the object counts is actually due to me picking video’s from separate builds which best represented what I was trying to get across.

Some of my bases are HUGE. The one with less parts is still in development but I am loathed to decorate it without EUCLI more buildables.
The height is not consistent, I think the game scales all the space from 2000u and below, that is how they achieve the smaller vs larger planets, so the 1800u is not actually that. I estimate the final altitude by flying in to the planet and then timing how long and at what speed it takes to get to the structure.
So the main project in the video took 3 1/2 lifts to get to max and others only took 2 or as many as 5.
The most impressive thing is to visit one of these in VR. They are actually quite large.


Both counts are actually visible at the same time, one in the NMS toolbar, the other at the bottom right info bar.

Ok, so the height does not translate consistent within Blender. Good to know.

On a side note, I have just requested a feature on CharlieBanks’ GitHub, to include freighter building part models. Would make creating a freighter base a lot easier, considering they load perfectly fine. Also asked him to explore additional possibilities this may have.

I bet it is impressive, just too bad I don’t have VR :frowning:

Keep up the creative work!


OK so it took me a while to catch up with what you were saying about part count. You can see that the NMS plugin has the right part count, actually its one piece off consistently but I am not going to ponder that one unless it is something to do with the base computer which cannot be moved in Blender. But I think the reason it finds more in the file is due to things like wiring that consist of not just an object but its “start & end” points which are part of the collection but not considered by the plug in to be separate parts.


All weather landing assist mk3

Flashes green until npc exits ship, then flashes red

Switch to lock on red for long term parking, also indoor chime.


I didn’t realise NPC’s triggered prox-switches!
Very cool :+1:


Second side took a bit longer, turns out sentinels also trip the proximity sensors.


My Starbulb Garden is a featured base on Xbox! :blush:



Congratulations! :heart:


Ah, that makes sense for wiring apparently not counting towards max base objects for upload. Good to know :wink:


No I think wiring is counted (not start and end points) but Blender and Plugin are possibly counting even those.


Added a observation deck to watch the ships come and go.