
Do not have footage. Just what I read on twitter

NMS parkour :rofl:

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Just stood on the anomaly and handed out free void eggs. My good deed for the day. :innocent: Many people are very happy.


Seriously? They must have had some kind of mods for protection, because I never even managed to base jump from my freighter onto a space station without dying before arriving there…

I can just imagine the face of the guy reading the “bug report”. “Hey guys, come see this, you won’t believe what this maniac managed to do!!” “Whoa what now? You know what, we’ve got to fix this. If people are crazy enough to come up with shit like that, we ought to be crazy enough to make it possible!” :rofl:


Yes. You die unless you carry stuff to replenish your shields…of course, you just prolong the inevitable. :sweat_smile:


I have seen a vid previously on Reddit where user/player has uploaded video file directly, this is a more recent post

E.g: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/f6fxxh/falling_into_black_hole_post_patch/


Hmmm…the patch did not work? Too bad. I was hoping to see what happens when you get flung out the other side. :laughing:

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New 3xperimental build is up:

Experimental Branch 21/02

  • Fixed a number of minor visual issues with the Living Ship cockpits.
  • Fixed a visual issue with the contrails from the Living Ship.
  • Fixed an issue that caused shuttle-class starships to change appearance.
  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur when handing in a Nexus mission.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when pinning directions for Frost Crystals.
  • Fixed a number of small mission flow problems in the directions for various substances.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed two living ships to spawn at the same location.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause portal warps to fail, resulting in players being returned to their previous system or pushed under the terrain.

3xperimental updated again:

Experimental Branch Update 21/02

  • Fixed an issue that caused too much warp fuel to be consumed when warping in VR.
  • Fixed an issue that caused HUD elements to be incorrectly displayed during warp.
  • Fixed an issue that caused ships to judder and disappear when landing in multiplayer.
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to miss the landing pads when landing at an outpost.
  • Expedition holograms now turn green when the expedition is complete.
  • Fixed an issue that caused ‘Hostile Ships Defeated’ audio to play when combat frigates arrive to assist in a fight.
  • Fixed a rare crash when collecting cargo from a frigate.
  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur when streaming in the Space Anomaly.
  • Added the ability to use nanites to evolve upgrades that have been installed inside Living Ships.
  • Fixed a small visual glitch that could occur when exiting mission dialogue interactions.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed re-interaction with a living ship that was flying away.
  • Fixed an issue that caused stats to be named incorrectly in the descriptions of upgrade modules.
  • Prevented the Starbirth mission from starting in the middle of a multiplayer Nexus mission.

Ha, that one’s been around for ages! :rofl:


Woo Hoo! I got my wings back! Thanks HG!


I was hoping that it would fix your wings, woot!


I sent them a before and after pic when it broke. :smiley:


Maybe they’ll fix the misaligned ship trails too? Haven’t checked yet, but perhaps already done.

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all ok on this one…

let me try and exotic…

Hard to say since I don’t have a ship just like yours.

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Noooo, I thought that was a feature! :tired_face:


We all hoped for that to be true, but it was short-lived


Sorry, I’m with @sheralmyst on this one. Thank Atlas my wings are coming back!

Next: :sunglasses:

LivingShip update: :rage:

It weathered Beyond’s cockpit-inflation excellently, the way it now perfectly lines up with the tail. But oh, those beautiful missing wings! It’s silly, I almost never fly it anymore, but that still drove me nuts!


What happened to the ones with the mega thrusters on them? They were really nice. I wonder if they remained.