Update Speculation

Punny, you are!


"… You’ll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two. "



If I didn’t know better, I’d say someone was in some kind of a… Void


Obviously linking to V.


Well, but what do you want it for? And have you had an environmental impact study done to see what sorts of indigenous rodents and insect life will be unfairly impacted and forced to relocate? Not to mention the effects of all this quantum foam on the planet as you do your particular laundry? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Okay, so where did all the gold come from? Uranium? Lead? Nickel?

Have I mentioned I’m a stinker? :grin:

Get ready for another Stryker essay. I had one typed up, noodling on it through the day as I got distracted for various reasons, and it got a bit out of hand. Let me whittle down a few pertinent bits while I wait for a nephew with some screws for me.

I like whole, complete answers, and they don’t have to be essays and novels. I don’t like being talked down to or condescension, which I get a lot from the scientific community in general, typified by Neil DeGrasse Tyson, a name which practically shouts “leeter than you.” Others are much more conversational, relatable and open to questioning, like Brian Greene, Michio Kaku and to an extent the late Carl Sagan, who was quite the sweet science grandpa. They would sometimes speculate on the spot, and spark discussion, which in the scientific world doesn’t happen a lot. I like honesty and self-depreciation, because so often, science isn’t even… well, I’ll say that later.

But your remarks above are what I often get from some spokes-entity on matters of science. So if fusion reactions in stars basically quit when the centers begin to clog with either carbon or iron, and they either nova or supernova depending on stellar mass, that’s fine. I understand that the non-fuel elements in fission or fusion reactions are “poisons” as the scientists, energy researchers and weapons guys put it, and mess everything up. But we’re told over and over again that heavy elements like nickel, lead and uranium come from supernovas. Except I guess they don’t, because it can’t happen.

Interstellar matter in the form of gas, dust, rock and metals collapses to form stars and planets. Except in the center where the star is going to set up camp, that’s always just gas. Except it should be the area with the highest concentrations of heavy matter, like dust, rocks and metals.

The known Laws of Thermodynamics and entropy are always in play in every process in the universe. Unless it involves primordial goop becoming all life. And suspended for as long as two or three billion years, especially in an environment far more corrosive than ours today.

Rivers evolve over time from racing streams through wide slow meandering rivers, to swamps, and finally to silty fertile valleys and plains. Except with the Grand Canyon. I asked teachers about that in school, and it occurred to me in later years that I was always brushed off. I asked a hard question science wouldn’t deal with.

Why isn’t the scientific community still bent out of shape over the ozone “hole,” which is actually just a thinning? It’s still there, it acts just like it always has - since the 1950s in fact. Is it just not “useful” anymore because we don’t care? Another hard question.

This is where I become a petulant child. I don’t accept pat answers any more, especially when they’re inconsistent with known science. I have a problem when people “lack candor” with me. When science isn’t even wrong, as they like to say about M-Theory. Which is also true but… well, it’s also true.

Science grows over the years, but it often doesn’t like it. I dig the young Turks who rock the boats and flip tables. Discrepancies in findings keep coming up. I’m particularly fond of the latest conundrums in science, such as the continuing discoveries by CERN that the Standard Model of the particle zoo, and quantum physics as well, may be in for another “shift of understanding.” I love shifts of understanding. It gets us closer to things like reliable star travel. Maybe when the intranets take over the world.

Back when cassette recording was still rigoeur, my brother modified a cassette case so recordings could be played backwards, and we had a lot of fun playing around trying to say vocalish things forward which would have meaning played in reverse. But then I noticed we were saying things we hadn’t intended. Even having odd short conversations, even telling weird funnies. I experimented with this strange matter quite a bit, even recorded two groups of friends. One with the knowledge of what we were doing, one unaware that I was even recording them. In both cases, we could discern discreet phrases being spoken, sometimes to each other. I reflected later in life how glad I was the second group was so happy to be recorded without their knowledge, because that could have been taken the wrong way.

Were we tricking ourselves into imposing the same meanings on gibberish? Could well be, though we were sure in agreement over almost all of the gibberish. It made me ponder the implications, that our minds relate to Time in truly mysterious ways. Reverse conversations only work when the strings of words are said in reverse order. And replies before the original statement. Does this mean that either Time has a nature we don’t understand, or that our minds know the future, at least the near future, at a subconscious level? Would this explain why we can sometimes click with some new acquaintance right off, get an immediate crush, or not care for them? Even get the creeps?

Poo gas, this had to be wrapped up this morning… yawn, I need some tea.

I much prefer that science be a little less stuffy, and drop the whole political correctness thing, which has no place in the search for knowledge. But then I’m just a k’fau young / old upstart. :wink:

Hopefully quick edit? I forgot all about that mention of virtual particles being Hawking radiation.

First: these particles / wave functions are completely hypothetical, not even theoretical.

Second, this phenomenon is supposed to be happening regardless of, not because of, the giga-fierce warping of SpaceTime near the black hole’s event horizon.

Third, I understand these are supposed to be phantom, nonexistent particles. But inverse wave functions aren’t like out of phase audio waves, which we engineers deal with routinely. Inverse wave functions describe particle natures, whether leptons or hadrons, and inverse means negative. So as I understand it, yes, we’re talking about antiparticles / antimatter.

Fourth, so… these particles don’t exist. Except when they need to be to support notions like Hawking radiation. Which still hasn’t officially been shown to exist.

Fifth, these virtual particles have nothing to do with the body / mass of the black hole. So I don’t even understand how this does anything but add to the mass of a black hole, assuming these virtual particles become actual particles when they’re useful. And this still completely ignores the accretion disc.

Yes, I am a stinker. :yum:

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Do I get a degree or at least a certificate of completion for reading that? :joy:


(Tom Lehrer voice) There will be a quiz after the recital. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

For your humorous edification. :sweat_smile:

By the way, I promised something newsish today. Let me bathe and hopefully avoid Captain Jack, my pot-head friend, for a while.


Movement on Steam’s Internal.


I like internal movement. It means… stuff. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Hopefully, fun stuff!


Some of the lighter metals can be produced by fusion in the star itself. Just because the fusion of iron doesn’t produce energy, doesn’t mean it doesn’t fuse. The pressure is easily enough for that. It just doesn’t produce any energy anymore, which doesn’t make for a great star. The heavier elements are by-products of supernovae, where the energy and pressure necessary for their fusion becomes available.

As for the rest of your post, I wrote a rather lengthy and not exactly friendly reply, but in the end I think it’s better to just say that there’s some misconceptions in there that I don’t have the time to elaborate on more, and have found you unreceptive for arguments in earlier debates, so It wouldn’t have been very constructive.


Ok you 2…

the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

I may not understand a lot about many scientific topics but, my observations of human behaviour tell me this situation may explode and it won’t result in rainbows and unicorns.

Any more thoughts about the worm emoji? :sweat_smile:


I think the wormhole and sand worm theories are too on the nose. I was thinking fishing but then I think SM,s usually more cryptic than that even. Short story long, I’ve not a clue what the worm emoji means. :smiley:



So he’s just going to post one of these each day until halloween, I guess?


Perhaps a new predator that attacks from below like in Tremors.

Possibly, the basic earthworm idea I mentioned previously to be seen underground?

Intestinal worms needing medical assistance. In fact this is an area that could add new dimensions to NMS: Illnesses, viruses & injuries.

Maybe the actual slithery Sandworm like we saw eons ago in the NMS concept videos as opposed to the leaping, unscannable beasty that eventually arrived.

Maybe the fishing idea but expanded to include boats, (they have been bringing out sails & other nautical themed decor). Perhaps a more textured water surface, affected by storms & rain drops?

Out on a limb here but the Horizons update was a bit glitchy & gave me the impression it had been edited & simplified over a possibly more complex package.
This combined with the mechanical critters we find in uncharted systems makes me wonder if there was originally some sort of tie in with the Horizon Forbiden West release which was delayed.
Perhaps a mechanical wormy thing is coming.


I’ve looked at that vessel blown up, and I’m not sure whether that’s a standard Hauler or not. I’m not sure that’s a standard Planetary Archive or not either. They’re close enough that they could be, but I’m not sure what else is distinctive, worth posting? The suit?

By the way, I had to share this because it’s just so darn hilarious, how Lady sheralmyst and I just had a short chat in PM about a certain stellar body because I really was kind of, sort of derailing the thread just a whole gob.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson is a mean old fuddy duddy who hates Pluto :rofl:

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Hey! Maybe he’s the griefer that shows up at all the big events… :rofl: ok, ok, I am just kidding…no response needed.
As for the last two pics from SM, they look rather dark and mysterious. We got Desolation for Halloween didn’t we? Maybe something similar but I suspect it has to do with the next expedition. But I am on my second glass of stella rosa so I really have no idea… :partying_face: I am having a party in my head just thinking of the possibilities.


Um. TL:DR. :wink:

I’m a stinker too. I had sausage and beans for supper. (Holding nose)


Neil DeGrasse Tyson studied the Euclid Galaxy, and has a stunning revelation

“I have news for you so-called Citizen Scientists. There are NO planets in the Euclid Galaxy. At all. Every large planetary body has asteroids in their vicinity. So there are ZERO planets. Get over it!” :sweat_smile:

I suppose an expedition would be kind of groovy, but I’m hoping for something more… spooky… Voidy… but I’ll take what I can get. :wink: