So, I do art and stuff - general artistic / creative chat

In that yellow shroom pic, the grass on the far left is out of focus…my phone camera just does not work well unless I stand way back. Can’t seem to find a way to adjust it.


I mostly use paper from old comic books (yes sorry I destroy books :sweat_smile:), rather Marvel or DC comics, but most generally from anything I find interesting and that matches with some other stack I already have :smile:

I also use Neon inks that glows in the dark, gitd paint, different Montana or Molotov spray cans…


‘hiding my treasured first 6 DC issues of The Shadow’ :dizzy_face: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :laughing:


Woow Big time !!


Those should be in a strongbox under lock and key! I use to have Silver Surfer 1 and 2. But had to sell them along with the rest of my collection of 2000 comix for $50 so I could afford a train ticket. lol :sob:


That may be a stupid question and sorry Devilin if it’s not the right topic, but you guys are still playing No Man’s Sky regulary? I’ve missed the last 4 updates and played yesterday with my main save!

Did the game upgraded again or is it me? There’s a lot of things that were totally different!

We’re playing a bit of the Outlaws extension with a friend while I’m discovering again all my mats inside my ships, my cargo, old bases…

A lot of fun!


Lots of changes, yes! And yes, we still play


When looking for landscapes online, it is amazingly sad how very few have any real appeal. Just ‘look at this sunset’ or this view. I encounter this problem a lot in NMS when trying to take a screen. Very few actually draw the eye along any kind of path or perspective. They are just vacation memory photos. The kind your family get tired if viewing after a few dozen of them. :face_exhaling:


I know what you mean. It takes a long time to learn how to create a good landscape painting. A certain amount of observation, study, and practise. Also doing it for itself, not for clicks and likes. :smile:

If you have photo editing software you can pull landscape elements from a number of photos/screens and set them up in a way that works for you. Worls for NMS screens, too.

Or we can go outside and paint and/or take landscape photos, and do the same thing in editing software. If there is no eye-path, we can always paint one in. :heart:

Or better yet, do master studies from some of the awesome old dead guys landscapes. Those are fun.


My youngest brother decided to try an acrylic pour. I had no idea they use mostly white glue…


cool. I just tried pouring this weekend. I like it.


Wow, that looks like a scene from my fic! :sweat_smile:

Is that a phone??


It is a canvas


Ooh! @sheralmyst nice work done by your brother! Lovely! I would love to see that framed. What are the dimensions?

I have a number of acrylic pours. They are really fun to do, especially if you have any idea of how colours mix. When certain person became president a few years ago we collaborated on a pour for therapeutic reasons. When it was dry I painted on it as well. It was helpful and calmed us enough to save us from moving to Canada.

I also create acrylic skins using acrylic pours, using butcher paper as a substrate. Those are fun to use in collaged abstract pieces.

Thanks for the reminder, and congrats to your brother. :heart:


You can get thin PTFE baking sheets very cheaply. They’re intended for cooking, but their reason for existence is that absolutely nothing will stick to them.

I have had hours of fun with the grandchildren mixing colours and small pieces of sponge with PVA glue, then pouring it onto the PTFE sheets. When it’s dry, it peels right off, and makes great fake vomit, or any other disgusting biological mess you can dream up.

Totally harmless, absolutely repulsive. The kids love it.


That sounds disgustingly awesome! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Kind of makes me wish I had grandkids. I should make some for when Hallowe’en comes around again. Hmm… could make a very cool mask for a zombie costume. The mind boggles.

I generally use butcher paper because the skins can be saved right on it with another piece of butcher paper on top, and stored flat in a drawer until ready to be cut up and used in a collage or mixed media piece.


Ah, well, you’re making art. I don’t know what I make with the kids, but it’s definitely not intended to delight the eye and please the senses.


I suspect that if it delights the kids (or anyone), it is art.


Vine Tomatoes oil study is progressing in fits and starts as I have good days and bad days with my health. But it is progressing. :upside_down_face:

Here is a couple of sketches from our pre-bedtime art & story sessions though, I made an error with the landscape one. I added watercolour on top of the inks, forgetting that this one was in a plain sketchbook (Strathmore Series 400 sketchbook, 5.5x8.5"), instead of the watercolour sketchbook. The thin paper didn’t like it much, so I will have to burnish it back into smoothness at some point.

The piece behind is one of what Mal and I jokingly refer to as my “Non-Euclidean Geometry” sketches (again ink and W/C paper. You might be able to see another of those, not yet painted, in the background if you squint.

This is so relaxing to do just before bedtime. :blush:


Love the colors in those leaves and sky. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m still writing on my scifandrathro fic, between four and twelve pages a day depending on when I run out of steam. Which seems to be 3pm lately. It’s definitely taking a dramatic turn now, and the swashbuckling and adventure will be time sharing with mysteries and discoveries. And some ro-mance. :kissing_heart: But after that, I have a big stack of watercolor boards and smaller canvases which will hopefully be seeing some paints in a couple of weeks or so… (famous last words)

Tonight my bro in Japan wants to play Anarchy Online with me, which I hopefully will be awake for. So rather than tearing around in a race car in Gran Turismo 7, I’ll be shooting alien monstrosities. Almost like No Man’s Sky, but without the ships.