Screenshots 🖼

We do have some very talented people here with a knowledge of photography. Or if you are like me… don’t know much at all. :smile:
So here is a little 101 to go with the new camera controls in Origins.

This addition is something I have wanted for ages. The ability to control which part of the picture is in focus. Before, there was only one setting for blur or bokeh, as it is referred to in photography.
Now, we can blur either the foreground or the background or both at the same time.
In the above example, I have blurred both.
In the next example, I have blurred only the background which allows me to get in close to the critter I want to feature. If you wanted to focus on something far away, then you would blur the foreground.

So here is how it works. (Someone who knows more, feel free to correct me)

By running the Focal Depth down, you increase the depth of the blur, in other words, the blur is taken all the way to the back of the scene.
By running the Focal Distance up or down, you can adjust what you are focused on, thus turning off or reducing the blur at that depth.
The Depth of Field determines the intensity of the blur.
Field of View is the same as before. Beware that widening the view too much distorts the scene. (Also check your FOV in the settings as this can also have an affect)
It does take a bit longer to set up the shot, but the payoff can be huge.
I hope that was understandable and helpful, :sweat_smile:
Have fun!