So… all you have is a sign, and I assume you’re looking for investors? I don’t fall for that anymore since I got burned by that south-sea trading company craze a couple hundred years back, sorry.
Are you sure…When I discovered this place a couple of years back I called the planet Altair 3 and the system Farpoint. (From the pilot episode of Star Trek: Next Generation) The diplos were even called Picard lol. Hows that for a topical tie in!
Tbh i may move on from there as the diplos, giant mantises and crabs are all extinct now
Ahh. Nice photo of the intersection of the planet halo and a rainbow.
Clever composition.
If you travel to enough places, the game eventually does the composition for you.
Noahs bug report?
Tried to get all of the rainbow in the picture but I was too close. Took a shot of the top, middle and bottom and then used Photoshop Elements to make a panorama. Had to crop out some of the side areas.