As suspected
Apparently, others also saw it.
Yip definitely a glitch in the anomaly…it has reset for me today
I play on steam PC main, not experimental
A lot of server glitches lately. Not sure if just buggy, or a sign of work being done…hoping it is a good sign.
Interesting they haven’t unlocked the next set of Quick Silver Items. Since it finished last night I would have thought they would unlock it…
I was on an hour or two ago and QS shop had updated. Was showing the bubble and antimatter thingys from memory.
I was only using the online version, it still shows 100%…but there it is 2% and climbing…
Now those are three items I am REALLY curious about. I wonder what use they have other than cosmetic?
A post was split to a new topic: Quicksilver Store
I do believe they are purely cosmetic, since I cant see a placeable having any use other than that (especially a bubble vat). They dont fit well with other parts though, but maybe thats just a design overlook. Builders will probably have a field day with them.
The only correlation into something bigger I can see would be the addition and then removal of bubble pipes as an item IIRC. They do still exist as items, but the models arent in the build table yet from what I can see. Maybe that just shows that something will happen after these items unlock, because im sure HG wouldnt stop community missions. But what else that update could be is interesting… If not Frontiers itself.
I’d expect there to be more nexus parts in the future, so there’ll probably be a reasonable collection for a Nexus-themed base at some point.
Tier 1 unlocked