Of course it’s part of the ARG, i didn’t think that was ever in question.
I didn’t realize that. I’m new to this stuff and not very good at it yet.
Its linked on wakingtitan.com so I would think so too
I don’t know why that didn’t clue me in. Super embarassed.
Even if Emily is an NPC (all be it fleshy and human like) i do not beleieve her, and the others associated with this forum, are here to hinder the investigation. If anything they are here to help, their association with the ARG and waking titan is, therefore, moot as at the moment it would not change anything.
Just my two cents
I’m just hoping they’re patient enough to not help too much… and also felt that we all should know what is and isn’t in game. Some of us were fooled into thinking this was a separate entity, I know I was until I had the moment where I questioned the absence of HAM posts. But meh…
Fun mystery either way you go
Really new to all this but following with great interest. Sorry for the dumb question, but what are HAM posts?
HAM is a term for amateur radio Amateur Radio - Wikipedia
Pssst you guys are just being paranoid.
Luckily she is not just running away from all of it with all these accusations.
Any other person would just quit.
You got us covering your back girl.
And now focus on important things.
Like for example the waking titan mystery.
Or finding about atlas.
No lack of paths and questions to answer.
Good luck with the hunt.
Thanks. Feel like an idiot for not knowing. Have heard of it as well now that I think of it.
With all the evidence shown thus far, if you’re still white-knighting, I’m gonna have to consider you either have a crush on the host, or you’re part of the gag. Supporting role NPC, as it were.
Its become extremely obvious that Etarc is part of the ARG. To say otherwise now is disingenuous. She’s not going to get her feelings hurt, she’s a paid actor.
With that in mind, has anyone looked around the Etarc site for clues? Its probably clean, but doesn’t hurt to check.
To the ARG creators, if you had scraped some forum traffic from an actual ham site and put it on here it would have sealed the illusion. Notes for the future or whatnot… Thanks for making such a delicious puzzle
If Emily would like to dispel these allegations, either because she’s actually not in on it, or because she wants to re-establish the integrity of her NPC, she’s welcome to make a vlog describing her radio gear, and how she got into HAM radio… The more detail the better… getting interviewed by a 3rd party ham enthusiast would not hurt.
It would actually be good for her website’s “intended” purpose to have something like that, so there’s no need for the white-knighting which is about to commence. And ham operators love to talk about their gear, usually.
Commence meaningless defense mechanism in 5, 4, 3 2, 1…
Calling out the NPC’s in an ARG gains you nothing. You’re right they wont get their feelings hurt but there are lots of people trying to play the game and have fun. Cant we just drop it an play the game?
I think it is CAPITAL that you read my previous post again
This. It honestly just defeats the point of this entire thing.
Ha Cheeky!!
I’m closing this thread as it’s outside the scope of the forum.