
…more of a wandering meander, as usual. This despite my best intentions to “just play it through and finally get that last achievement.”

Tim says: No need to build an elaborate base.

Okay, so I am deep into another elaborate base.

Tim says: No taking unnecessary chances.

So, the base is called ‘Top of the World’ and is cleverly located so that I can actually DIE just from falling off of it.

And, even as I get close to a wrap on building this monument to wasted time I am thinking “as a main base of operations this really won’t do…it’s fine for getting started, but once I get through all the ‘expand base and staff’ business I’ll need a better location.”

By the way, has anyone driven a roamer off a truly great height? Is this survivable? I would just experiment, but, y’know…permadeath…


It is in the normal game. None of the exocraft seem to suffer fall damage - I find it amusing to drive them off impossible cliffs. They bounce nicely, and sometimes end up upside down (they always turn right way up - the game won’t leave them undriveable). As for permadeath - I wouldn’t know. I just don’t have that streak of masochism in me.


i have driven an exocraft off of a freighter and survived :smiley:


…but were you in permadeath? Now I need to know…


No I was not. I just tried to recreate it in normal mode, but once I jump the barrier :pensive: my freighter the thrust just dies. Don’t think I recorded the original gameplay at the time either …



I’m thinking that if you are inside an exocraft you are immune to fall damage, and intend to load up my abandoned permadeath run and drive off a cliff. Will report.


Tim says: Use the construction camera…take no chances.

Tim backs off the cliff carrying a floor panel…

Managed to gather my wits and survive, but this bodes ill for the whole concept.

Anyway, since all of this will be lost to posterity if I die, and let’s face facts…

The lower foundation level is reception.

A sharp eye might notice in the outside pictures that through the window you can see the teleporter has no power. In this pic I am standing in range of the proximity switch that turns it on when I want to use it. This base has plenty of power, but it’s a habit.

Main building has spaces for staff plus a great view.

Support structure. I hate having a giant landing pad with a space ship landing on it just hanging there…

This one is also for access.

Storage units and refining floor under the pad. Normally where I would go when I land.

Connecting access when I don’t want to climb back to the landing pad to go talk to my staff. Feel free to laugh at the guard rails, but I finished this right after I walked off the cliff…


:clinking_glasses: here’s hoping you survive. If not, where would you like to be interred?


I know a good cremation company…


Okay, loaded up my abandoned permadeath run and reminded myself why it was abandoned…and more importantly when. Long story short, that iteration does not have the wherewithal to just get a roamer on a whim. Longer story shorter, the glitch that lead to it being abandoned is cured and it isn’t really a terrible situation so if this run fails I do have that to go back to…



Interestingly, I did survive.


Good luck! I assume you had to farm tech and nanites to get all the base building parts in permadeath? Some come from the tutorial and some from expedition rewards as well. And only other PD players can see your base? I 'd be impressed to see that someone bothered to build one in PD. :clap:


I think permadeath might be making me dumb.

Many many plays ago I concluded that the lone eggs scattered around on a lot of inhospitable planets are just not worth the effort. One larval core more or less isn’t making or breaking my bank. They sort of faded into ‘part of the scenery’ status; like I barely even see them and have not given any thought to them in a long long time.

Until last night, when for no apparent reason while walking along on some airless spaceball I saw one and thought “I should pop that.” How does playing on permadeath make picking random pointless fights suddenly seem attractive? Is this just me?


I found myself doing silly reckless things on a recent Permadeath run only to suddenly remember I’m in Permadeath mode and bail myself out of whatever situation I was about to land myself in.

I’ve been much too scared to touch an egg though.