No Man's Sky—Profit, VR, MMOG & Future

Hello Labs : “WARE” and “VR” …plus Co-Op


Upon only 2 years after release (coming July/Aug est.),
Now with the addition of Xbox and Chinese WeGames;
Described above… Is exactly what I think were seeing.

This would account for…

(1) The WARE (W/ARE) -&/or- V/RE logo appearing on the public NEXT v1.5 teaser video,
(2) The WARE logo appearing particularly similar to V/RE (VR; Virtual Reality), -a hint?
(3) The WARE fake company offering a fake sci-fi VR Headset, -why tease this? -why?
(4) The WARE subscriber emails leading to real indie game Steam key giveaways,
(5) The WARE fake company website featuring real indie game developers,
(6) The WARE fake company website requesting real indie game developers,
With newsletter email including a link to an Application Form for indie developers
to apply for a Developer Kit, which includes these questions…

Game Studio Application Forms:

  • What is the name of your Studio?
  • How many people are on your team?
  • What type of game do you want to bring to WARE?
  • Do you have a publisher?
  • What platform is your game currently on?
    Choose as many as you like: PS4, Steam, XBOX One, Tencent WeGame
  • Where are you in development:
    Alpha, Beta, Release
  • Did you see a private demonstration of our platform at GDC?
Click for video!

Here’s the GDC (Game Developer Conference) that’s likely being referred to,
:movie_camera: …Perhaps jump to “Hello Labs” at the end.
This is not the private demo, of course… but “Hello Labs” is clearly described.

  • Why do you want to port your game to our platform?
  • What are the killer features you see WARE giving your games?
  • Who is your primary contact?
    Please put an email that we can make public on our developers list

(7) The bottom of and featuring WARE (V/RE) logo
(8) displaying logo right along with Steam, Xbox One, PS4, Apple, Android, Nintendo 3DS, Linux… and coincidentally right below that is a drawing of a girl playing video games with her teddy bear wearing 3D glasses
(9) WARE Discord mentioning the upcoming launch of their new translated English website (from Chinese), new extranet and the release of a “WARE cryptocoin”, and…
(10) Asking users who are planning to be at PAX East to let them know at with “PAX EAST - YES!” in the subject line

PAX East is an indie game developers showcase.
Dates are Apr 5 - 8, 2018. | And… Today is the 12th!

(11) Hello Games and Sean Murrey’s tweets…

Screenshot of Tweet

Might the developers be the cause? (-or fictitious Atlas Foundation? -maybe both?)
And No Man’s Sky be the effect? (-the simulation? -or the app? -or another depth?)

Might the Atlas Foundation semi-illustratively represent Hello Games? -&/or humanity?

Could the evil app be “Atlas/Loop16/Emily” whom we voted remain?

And could it be that…

(12) Remember the ‘infinity mirrors’ we submitted? -3D VR !?
-&/or atlas pass v4 prior galaxy back-travel? -which? -both? :thinking:

Perhaps we each login from our different perspectives of infinity.

(13) Company: WARE | Slogan: “Dream Better” …
A fake company offering a fake sci-fi VR Headset…
-Hinting at what? -VR in the NEXT update? -You think!?

(14) Waking Titan and potential clues…

Quoting Elizabeth Leighton, CEO of the fictitious Atlas Foundation…

WT Season 2 Introduction…

Quoting the “Mercury command terminal” update…

Morpheus was the original code-name for Play Station VR. -is this a hint?

(15) So many references to cloud computing (throughout Waking Titan ‘Season 1 & 2’)…
Could these be hints toward PC/PS4/Xbox united on 1 server? …or just Atlas in general?

(16) Atlas Rises v1.3 introduced “joint exploration”

Quoting the official NMS blog…

(17) Insert here whatever I missed and whatever’s… NEXT . . .

Although if Hello Labs, VR, MMOG aren’t what’s coming,
Then here’s my ❝GRAND WISH❞ for the above! …if best.