hahaha unfortunately I exactly know what you’re talking about @Ospredox!!
I also always crash into pretty… everything X)
hahaha unfortunately I exactly know what you’re talking about @Ospredox!!
I also always crash into pretty… everything X)
Aww… There’s a landing post at these so it would not have cost you Pu.
Thanks for the fun pics!
Edit: typo
Cosmic supporter ?
That is a spectacular image. I don’t know how you did that, but wow
Thank you @Xion4012! I noticed this a second before I went into the black hole, but it took a while to find the right angle for that shot.
Will I ever find this again?
Just hours had passed since, after weeks of searching, I got my first lovely A-class fighter that this compact little beauty showed up. Unable to trade in my Fighter I called my freighter to low orbit and tried to switch ships and go back down in the hope… Well you know.
An hour later (I’m so slow sometimes!) I realised that it would have been worth it to trade in the fighter. A class fighters are more numerous than these babies. :sigh:
Normally, if you trade your fighter, let a beacon, take the exotic, go on your freighter to take a junk ship, return on the planet, the fighter is still there as abandonned ship. You can then take it back
OMG! Aaarrgh! :pulls hair::
Thanks for the heads-up! Next time.
That’s a very good shot man!! wow thanks for that!
Unrendered Worlds
Sometimes, if you turn your head a bit too quickly, so can see holes; spaces where there is supposed to be something, but instead you see nothing but a white scar, a tear in time. You blink, and everything is back to normal, and you forget it ever happened.
Watercolor and Ink, inspired by NMS.
Beautiful inspiration. Wonderfully executed.
So I made a little animation yesterday and thought of colliding planets in no man’s sky! What do ye think? https://twitter.com/SimranD1502/status/964256837725024258?ref_src=twcamp^copy|twsrc^android|twgr^copy|twcon^7090|twterm^3
Good bye cruel worrrld!!
Ooh, that’s lovely!
Kinda looks like some sorta dungbeetle saluting the sun
If only this happened to me. I’m on a grind for Portal glyphs