When I look at the pot-belly, I see part Sea Horse too.
wow! This one is trully amazing! Fo you have the color version?
I took this with the B&W filter, so unfortunately no.
that’s just sinister
wow wow wow wow phenomenal !!! That is exactly why nms is my favourite game!
Hello to you Interlopers!
After a couple of days of playing “RIME”, I come back with more pictures of yesterday’s session!
Found a lot of things! Atlas Stations, Predators, cool bases, as always landscapes, a crashed freighter and an extremely populated planet! (very useful to evolve quickly!)
Hope you guys enjoy it and sorry for the long post!
Let’s start with the view of this Toxic planet I found! it is extremely populated so very very useful to find anything you need. Honestly speaking, it is the first time I found a planet with so many bases close to each other… it is crazy!
Just a little lack of Pu/Th/Zh, but otherwise… this planet is perfect! (home base)
Here a first picture, with those huge stations! On these particular bases I was able to solve 3 different clues! I may sound dumb but that was the first time that happened on my journey! (ok the planet is not that beautiful, but the weather is still ok! not too poisonous)
This picture is taken exactly on the same spot than the previous one…
It is just to show you how close everything is!! Have you ever seen this level of population!? This planet is amazing!!!
You can still find those beauties around ! Big plutonium crystals looks so great!, don’t you think so?
" differents predators upon it! Be careful those are SUPER fast, very difficult to aim if you’re still not having grenades or homing bullets.
This one is also very fast! But inflicts a lot more damage!
Here’s something else I found! Remember all the theories about the big golden ball?
However, I am still thinking (even if it’s not related to portals anymore) that it could be useful for however is coming! Why would a big golden ball be there anyways? For sure this is something !
I am still farming these… but everything is so super close that it is a pleasure finding them! I don’t even have to scan… flying slowly and looking around is far enough !
I don’t know ladies and gents… I really really love these ships!
And here’s the address if anyone wants to get a personal opinion on the planet! Normal mode
I didn’t calculate exactly how far the base is from the portal, but it has to be about 8 or 9 hours as pretty usual! (Weather not being a significant problem)
I still don’t have a base because I am at the beginning of my journey (about 20h now) and I still still have to buy more materials !
ATLAS // 1 - In my personal opinion the Atlas IS the enemy ! Everything is so agressive and threatening ! Look for yourself!
This entrance is really not welcoming ! More like something that will not hesitate to damage you ! (I am into the Atlas Path right now haha, that is why I am focusing a lot )
My 6th Atlas Station … over 12 right? can’t remember right now…
Stupidly, I also found that when you walk over the little lights on the platform gives you extra words… herm … better late than ever !
The seventh Atlas Interface ! I found funny how the stars are allaround the station and the ship
Again… not very welcoming…
And to finish this session a picture of an anomaly I made!
Without the string below it could have been a good one! grrrrr
Until than, Travel safely fellow Interlopers!!!
Always enjoy your long posts with pics and comments. Its like a little day in the life of Arpoja snapshot.
Thank you @Mad-Hatter that means a lot!
I will keep posting about my journey as I almost play every night while my kids are deeply sleeping !
Travel safely Fellow citizen!
PART//2 ( a bit later, the joy of having 3 kids at home haha)
Here we go with that huge freighter that certainly had some problems rather with pirates or for landing… a shame we can’t repair it… Didn’t land though… I was very short on Pu…
Sad but beautiful!
Under massive attack! I tried to steal ressources from those bubble-like base… 2 seconds after opening fire… 3 sentinels + a dog sentinel… had to get in my ship…but it was too late…
Turned to generation 3
Another one showed up after I found another of these full ressources base… I fought harsh… and this time…
Biggest scary animal seen so far, luckily for my generation count, he was pretty peaceful … (even if his face doesn’t make him very welcoming ) haha
And a bigger one!! pfiiu
This time I am done for this bit of travel!
Till next post!
And by safely I’m going to continue to accidentally crash my ship into every single tree and hill on every planet I visit