No Man’s Sky—v1.3 Screenshots & Art

Had to double-take the carrot gang @sheralmyst! Nice find… Sorry I dont contribute much, here’s a few from the archive…

The Beady-eyed-timidy-pog

All Died Out

The Mighty Bitey Snap-Dragon!

Eye shouldn’t be here!

Flutter-by butt-flyer…

Ok thats enough for now, so many, so hard to pick… Nammit wait, one, no! two more…


Airborne bacterial colony OR gigantic single cell? YOU decide!

(now im thinking it would have been better to post one at a time :thinking:)



A nice desert moon I never wanted to leave!


This shot is gorgeous! I love the dark space. Are you using any filters?

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The new weather effects are kinda scary in low altitude flight, but awesome. This is a toxic wind storm which hit while I was over a huge body of water.



Made this no man’s sky inspired sketch today with some pencils and a rubber. Be sure to tell me what ye think!


Very nice! I like it!


A rubber? Try no disintegrations, this time…

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The saddest day of my life was when they changed the name of all the colours for warhammer :frowning: Whats a man to do without his boltgun metal? Use “LeadBelcher”? No! It’s just, it’s just not the same!


Seriously? I’ve not done anything with Games Workshop stuff for a dozen years or so, but that’s just…wrong.

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Yup, I hadn’t played, painted or collected since I was 14 or 15 maybe. I dunno if it was some quarter life crisis but in my mid twenties I got back in to it in a heavy way, ended up buying and painting EVERY army, a minimum of 1000 points per army, some hitting 5000 points (I’d quit drinking so, had all these excess money cash gold) and then for a year I kinda fell out of the habit, and when I went back in eveyrthing had changed. Everythings plastic now too, no 'eavy metal models. Saving money on their end, yeeeet they prices of models just go up and up. Havent picked up a model in 2-3 years now, but I have picked up the odd pint of guiness since :smiley:

I visit a friends for the occasional round of Mordheim now and then. The original Shogun Total War is still one of my all time favourite games, still play it to this day over any of the newer versions, so obviously I’m playing A LOT of Total War Warhammer these days. Would love a 40k edition :3

To stay on topic, here’s a picture I done took on the 16th of March just after Photo Mode was introduced (lets just pretend it’s a v1.3 screenshot :wink: )

"As the entire cosmos imploded around me, only one thing crossed my mind…

‘…better step on it!’"


Like Artemis, I may be on my own here, but does anyone feel like all these screenshots/arts should start being categorised/catalogued? Would it require too much effort to keep on top of? Would sections have to be created as separate topics OR is there a nicer way of doing it? Anyone in favour?

I kind of like the art and the videos & screens hots together with the rants, suggestions and off-topic fourty-first millennium nostalgia all nicely packed in a single pill… Any Nays?


I think you have made use of that filter for the first time that I had ever seen actually looking great…


I really love that filter, getting it to work right does require a bit of prep work and 9 times out of 10 it’s useless, but when it works it really works :smiley: I’ll have to start sharing more of my photos soon!

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Love the pencil sketch! :heart:


Clouds are back for ps4! And look cooler than ever


I’m loving the clouds, dust storms and distant lightning flashes. These are the update tweaks I love seeing.


Great shots everyone!