No Man’s Sky—Creative Contests

Crim’s ❝Level 1❞ Contest #1

Click the above for details ⋰

Since we saturated the above threads with creativity to such an obsessive degree, they were moved to emotion and didn’t really know what to do. It’s been the same with social media everywhere. So this is really their way of saying to every single one of us…

“Guys, you’re the reason we keep going on. Thank you!” :heart:

So I thought it’d be fun to start out this way.

Although they chose his 1st photo…

Which photo is your personal favorite?

Photo 1 ⋰

Photo 2 ⋰

Photo 3 ⋰

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
0 voters

Original Poll ⋰

Revote Polls . . . Crim’s Contest #1 and #2—REVOTE!

EDIT… Hopefully the “Revote Polls” prove more straightforward and thorough :sweat_smile::sweat_drops:
Also manually uploaded each photo as opposed to displaying from original forum links,
Means you can now safely click a pic and remain on page …REVOTE NOW


1ST PLACE :1st_place_medal: PHOTO 1 :1st_place_medal: PHOTO 2 …TIED!!!

2ND PLACE :2nd_place_medal: PHOTO 3

Tiebreaker Polls . . . Crim’s Contest #1 and #2—TIEBREAKER!


1ST PLACE :1st_place_medal: PHOTO 1 @Simran_Dhillon