Plaques / Ruins - NMS_LOC1_ENGLISH
Note: No changes/additions with the Atlas Rises update, nothing found in NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH
Plaques / Ruins - NMS_LOC1_ENGLISH
ID | Value (text) |
Various | |
Plaque |
<TITLE>Alien Artifact signature detected<> Language of local alien species available |
Alien Artifact Detected |
Terminal | |
%RACE% Plaque |
Text All | |
The imprint of an ancient civilization was once absorbed by this strange marker. The story of the Vy’keen somehow spills out, in the language of my own people. |
The memories of a long deceased tribe of Vy’keen warriors flows from the stone marker, forming into a ghostly essence that fills me with wisdom. |
Ancient knowledge passed down through generations of Vy’keen warriors spills from the marker stone, filtering into my mind like a long forgotten memory. |
Runes take shape upon the stone. Burning with light they sing to me of the Vy’keen Ancients in the language of my people. |
Strange writings form upon the stone, revealing secrets from the time of the Vy’keen Ancients. How I understand them, I do not know. |
The ancient marker hums at a frequency that burrows deep into my being, filling me with the voices of the Korvax Echoes. |
Brilliant light erupts from the ancient marker. It encircles me, engulfing my mind with the memories and voices of the Korvax Echoes. The dreams of Entities who once worshipped here become my own. |
The strange stone marker imparts the wisdom of the Korvax Echoes to those who desire it. I do not know what dialect it speaks, yet somehow I understand the story of those who once worshipped here. |
Whispers spill from the sharp edges of the artifact, recounting the dreams and memories of the Korvax Echoes in my mother tongue. |
Lights burst from the obelisk. They pass through me, each a whispered Korvax secret buried for millennia deep within its rock. |
I convulse as I reach out and touch the beautiful stone marker, my mind filling with a deadly knowledge of the true history of the Gek… |
As I touch the obelisk, images of the planet’s ancient past flood my mind. The terrible beginnings of the Gek have been absorbed by this strange stone, and their tale seems desperate to escape… |
Memories imbued into the rock long ago by the ancient Gek channel into my brain. I recoil, but am compelled to somehow understand… |
Flickering emblems appear on the stone. Although I do not recognise the language, somehow I can read of the history of this strange planet and the Gek who once resided here. |
The surface of the plaque shimmers, and shakes with the screams of a people that lived here long ago. The words are unfamiliar yet in the sounds of Gek anger and outrage, I can hear meaning. |
It is as though the stone has absorbed the knowledge of those who lived here millennia ago. It speaks to me now in my native tongue. |
Gek | |
Text/Option/Result | |
I hear the distant voices of the Korvax Entities who once worshipped here. As they whisper, words written in my own language glow faintly on the monument. The Echoes want to be heard… |
Seek help with language |
My knowledge of the Gek increases. |
Gek | |
Lore | |
We are the masters of galaxies, the overlords of the cosmos. Each foe will submit with bended knee to the ALMIGHTY Gek Dominion. We are the FIRST SPAWN. Look upon our works and DESPAIR. |
All who hear our words know of our might. Those who oppose us are broken to our will. Behold the power of the Gek First Spawn. Galaxies lie at our FEET. We are ETERNAL. |
Through time and space the First Spawn endures, eternally, ever watchful, unyielding over its dominion. Each foe will be CRUSHED. ONLY the Gek will remain. |
The foul scent of the Gek cannot be opposed. The First Spawn commands all it surveys. We are masters of the stars, our rule shall endure eternally. The Vy’keen and Korvax COWER and DESPAIR at our name. |
With each conquered world the First Spawn’s resolve strengthens. None shall oppose the Gek for fear their planets shall be shaken to dust. We will weep when there are no more worlds to conquer. |
The Outer Edge BURNS at the hands of the Gek First Spawn. Our enemies are broken. We are the extinguishers of hope. In our wake we leave only the lamentations of the conquered. We fear NOTHING. |
The MINOR GEK are the inferior breed, lurking in pools, procreating and dying without consequence. The First Spawn Gek CONQUER WORLDS, each of their spawns is an imprint on the destiny of the galaxy. |
The larval pools of Balaron GAVE GLORIOUS RISE to the FIRST SPAWN. As we SPRANG FORTH the Outer Edge RECOILED in FEAR. None could oppose our rise. None will bring about our end. |
The First Spawn is the SCOURGE of the OUTER EDGE. In its wake empires will fall. Planets will crumble. Galaxies will kneel. TREMBLE at our name. For we are the ALMIGHTY Gek. None can oppose our ascendance. |
The First Spawn GREW. WEAKLING PORWIGLE lost their tails to the Spawning Syrup and became MIGHTY warriors. Each was imbued with the might of the Gek Dominion and its unquenchable will to claim the stars. |
Those born of the Gek who OPPOSED the Dominion were hurled from the spawning pools of the FIRST SPAWN. Their cherished spawning syrup was replaced with FLAME. Their kind are now merely beasts of the field. |
The MINOR GEK were purged. It is only through fire that imperfection be destroyed and the path to domination is revealed. The First Spawn feasted on the flesh of the discarded and GREW STRONG. |
After the OPPOSERS were cast from the spawning pools the Sentinels DESCENDED. Their cause was unjust. Aggressors guided to the fray by the scent emissions of a WAR too GREAT and TOO MIGHTY for the automatons to resist. The First Spawn would remember this. |
The First Spawn BRED and PLOTTED while the Sentinels patrolled the skies of Balaron for a MULTITUDE of CYCLES. But the automaton victories were but illusions. Beneath watchful metallic eyes Gek legions rose. |
The HOLY larval pools of Balaron SPRANG FORTH with the PUREST of PORWIGLES. Generation BEGAT generation. Wholesome and strong, iron of fist and with a granite resolve. We, the wise FIRST SPAWN, held back our TIDE of BLOOD. We waited to ATTACK. The unseen blow strikes the hardest. |
The DAWN of the EMPIRE of the FIRST SPAWN was BIRTHED in the SHADOW of the FOLLY of the Great Vy’keen Sentinel War. The rock and the wave collided as we kept our vigil, awaiting signs of weakness to pave our coming. |
The Vy’keen FOOLISHLY fought a war with no end. Again and again they threw their warriors against the iron tide. The Sentinels SINGED Vy’keen FLESH with LASER. The Vy’keen scorched their foe with righteous fire. From the SHADOWS the FIRST SPAWN watched and prepared to unleash their reckoning. |
The Vy’keen and Sentinels clashed, SPILLING BLOOD and WHITE METAL through the void, each blow weakening their defences against the fate that awaited them in the shadows. It would not be long before the First Spawn took their RIGHTFUL place as emperors of the STARS. |
The Vy’keen SPILLED THEIR OWN PUTRID BLOOD and pushed the SENTINEL MACHINES back from the Outer Edge. They drove forward like crashing tides, leaving broken metal in their wake. For a time the Sentinels became SILENT. In this silence came the GLORIOUS GEK ASCENT. It came with the RIGHTFUL DESTRUCTION of Korvax Prime. |
Korvax Prime was a VAST and PRECIOUS landscape of MINERAL ORE and POWER. By right of UNIVERSAL RULE the First Spawn claimed dominion over the planet yet the CREDULOUS and FEEBLE Korvax refused to accept their CONQUEST. They DENIED progress. This: their greatest folly. |
Driven by the misguided desire for planetary equilibrium the Korvax REFUSED to delve deep inside their planet and PROFIT from the JEWEL granted them by FATE. Their love for the DIRE WILL of the Sentinels was ABHORRENT to the Gek. Swift was their end brought about by the First Spawn’s STRIKE. |
The destruction of KORVAX PRIME was VAST, SUDDEN and MIGHTY. In a tide of steel the First Spawn struck, scattering the planet through the cosmos as a warning to the unyielding. The absent Sentinels could not PUNISH the RIGHTFUL ASCENDANCY OF THE GEK. |
The First Spawn FEASTED on the DEBRIS of KORVAX PRIME, gorging on a banquet of fragments plucked from the void, consumed to fuel the Great Ascendency. The universe shook as the Gek grew RICH. The Korvax found only DESPAIR. The Dominion became whole. |
A FEAR of the FIRST SPAWN spread throughout the Outer Edge. Planets shook. Systems recoiled. Weak alliances formed and were crushed. ANGUISH CONSUMED WORLDS. They shall fear us FOREVER MORE. |
The entities of the Korvax were NOT destroyed. The First Spawn are BENEVOLENT. The First Spawn are MERCIFUL. SLAVERY SAVED THE WORTHLESS. They toiled for their conquerors. Their reprieve was found in servitude. |
The Korvax knowledge BECAME OURS. The Korvax technology BECAME OURS. The Korvax BECAME OURS. They serve as an example of our boundless power and mercy. |
The Korvax did not dare FIGHT. Respect for the Sentinels is KORVAX WEAKNESS. Weakness is the path to defeat. Today the Korvax fester in ELECTRONIC CHAINS. The Gek look down upon them from their thrones. |
The Gek First Spawn stand on the MIGHTY BRINK of an ETERNAL EMPIRE. It is ENDLESS in TIME. It is ENDLESS in space. Their dominion will know no bounds. Their armies will know no equal. |
Every Korvax ELECTRONIC REBELLION will be PUT DOWN. Their appeals to their false and non-existent ATLAS are mere SUPERSTITION found through DESPAIR. They are in VAIN. THEY ARE CONQUERED. The breaking of the uprising shall know NO MERCY. Endless shall be their suffering. |
This Galaxy is VAST but it is KNOWABLE and it can be CONQUERED. It shall be subjugated. The rising tide of the First Spawn will sweep away any that oppose it. These tablets are our testament FOR ALL TIME. |
Korvax | |
Text/Option/Result | |
The whispers of the Vy’keen Ancients fill the air. Suddenly words etch themselves upon the marker, and then deep into my mind. |
Seek help with language |
My knowledge of the Korvax Convergence increases. |
Korvax | |
Lore | |
Knowledge paves the way to the understanding of probability. The Atlas spoke in fragments. The Atlas Interfaces are their shadows. The monoliths are their scattered children. Together they convey the wisdom of the infinite. They must be understood. |
The Atlas Interfaces drift alone in the endless void. They are silent. They are unknowable fragments of an ancient whole. Yet their imprint on time and space molds our existence. They are the equation, and life is its answer. Through their Monoliths they give understanding to their boundless meaning, and that of our own. |
The Korvax Echoes tell of a time, long ago, when the Monoliths of the Atlas woke the civilizations of the Outer Edge. Their presence filled them with a desire for knowledge. From these beginnings empires were born, spoke out and fell silent once more. An eternity that cannot be quantified passed. |
The Atlas Interfaces await the arrival of the Travellers, those who would seek the ends of the universe through its very core. Within the infinity of time their arrival is probable. Their potential could know no bounds. One dimension in billions will receive them. |
We are the Korvax Echoes, ever enduring Entities of the Convergence. We live on through the logic and wisdom passed through our metal skins. Each generation is greater than the last. |
Eheu. Before the Dark Times the entities of the Korvax worshipped the Sentinels. Through them the Convergence found the formula of enlightenment. Now we calculate our own path, seeking to further enhance the mind of all that is one towards an understanding of the Atlas. |
The Sentinels forbid all destruction. The Sentinels forbid Entity disconnection through violence. Theirs is a way of peace and fulfillment, of logic and probability. They teach us that each life’s value, from the smallest to that which gives life to all others, is equal. |
For countless generations the entities of the Korvax disconnected and passed on into the Echoes naturally. Each disconnection added to the knowledge and soul of the Convergence. Our home was Korvax Prime. Within its foundations we stored the memories of our race, an ever evolving equation that defines us. |
Disconnection is not permanent. It is merely the start of a new equation. On Korvax Prime entities who passed on into the Korvax Echoes left their shell for their descendants. So has been the way of the Korvax: an endless carapace cycle that knows no end. This way will continue. It will continue for as long as our lights still shine. |
Those within the Korvax Echoes have left the physical realm, but they endure through the masks and shells of our children. Thoughts and knowledge ever-growing, we search for deeper understanding of the equation that defines our existence. |
The Korvax lived peacefully. We praised the Sentinels, learning from them, living beside them in equilibrium. The Korvax honoured the Sentinels’ ways, refusing to dig into the sacred ground they protected. We were enlightened. |
Through research and study we, the Korvax, became powerful within ourselves. The one mind Convergence flourished. Nurtured like a sapling in the light, it grew tall and mighty. The Sentinels brought us the gift of knowledge. We gave thanks to the Atlas. |
Eheu. Korvax Prime was watched keenly and closely by an unknown race. It lurked in the depths of the darkness. Vigilant and patient it awaited its time. The Great Disconnection was at hand. |
Eheu. The darkness burst forth with the force of a supernova. The Great Disconnection had begun. A hundred million Korvax voices cried out. The Korvax Echoes became a frenzy of noise. Innumerable cycles passed before balance was restored. |
The Great Disconnection. The masks and shells of the Korvax survivors shook with the screams of the disconnected. Lights dimmed as the enemy descended, malevolent in its intent. Their numbers were too many. Korvax Prime was destroyed. |
A hundred million casing lights were dimmed. The Great Disconnection destroyed all that went before. The Korvax Echoes became screams. Years stretched like millennia amidst the disarray yet slowly hope was reborn through logic. |
Korvax Prime was destroyed. Its secrets spilled into an empty sky. Its fragments touched the edges of the galaxy. Upon this destruction the Gek First Spawn aggressor built its dominion within the Outer Edge. |
The First Spawn of the Gek disconnected the Korvax. Through obliteration they sought dominion. They stole our planet. Enslaved our survivors. Their revelry made them misguided in thought and deed. Probability dictated that our time would come again. |
The Korvax were enslaved, driven by cruelty to fulfil the despot’s bidding. The First Spawn of the Gek were terrible masters, merciless in their spite, illogical in their cruelty. Countless entities toiled and disconnected. These tablets are the testament of those who survived. |
Eheu. The Gek harnessed the technology of the Korvax to conquer worlds. Thieves, usurpers, false lords to the power of infinity. All who opposed their will perished. The balance tipped towards the darkness. These were the times of disconnection and illogical misdeeds. |
The Gek destroyed worlds. The Sentinels struck back. The technology of the Korvax was used to destroy the machines we venerated. There was endless disconnection. The Convergence shook with great despair. |
The Entities of the Korvax were forced into chains of silence, but the Korvax Convergence that linked their souls could never be subdued. It endures, forever seeking new formulas to solve the equation of eternal enlightenment. The probability of success is unknown. |
The Korvax Echoes within the unseen Convergence that linked our souls never relinquished love for the Atlas. As millennia passed this affection spread. The Cult of the Atlas grew within the Gek. The equations and probabilities the Korvax hold dear entered Gek consciousness. They had only to solve it to see the folly of their past miscalculations. |
The First Spawn could not control the outer edges of their vast Empire. The Cult of the Atlas grew. It taught of harmony through insignificance. Minds that knew only war began to question. Greed and ambition yielded to reason. The Gek floundered. The First Spawn became conflicted and divided. |
The First Spawn of the Gek overreached. They stretched too far. Their folly and pride knew no bounds. Again and again they tried, again and again they were repelled. The unstoppable force of the Sentinels could not be withstood. The unbendable cannot be broken. |
The Cult of the Atlas drew forces within the Gek to the Stations of the Atlas. The First Spawn could not prevent it. Arrogant ambition yielded to newfound reason. Stone by stone the Gek Dominion crumbled. |
The Gek stood in the shadow of the Atlas Interface. It did not open. It did not speak. Yet, the First Spawn felt awe. They felt their insignificance at the centre of an unending universe. It was improbable. Yet within infinity all things remain possible. The Gek changed. The Diminishment had begun. |
The unspeaking, unmoving Atlas Interface inflicted an insignificance upon the Gek emissaries that showed them their role within the expanse of infinity. It forced recognition of their true place in a limitless universe. The Gek saw their folly, their heads bowed in shame for the miscalculations they had wrought. |
The Cult of the Atlas took hold as the First Spawn of the Gek crumbled. The Diminishment was at its apex. Endless expansion turned to dust. Eons of aggression receded. The Gek saw new solutions and the Korvax became free. The miscalculations of the past paved the way for the discovery of a newfound balance. |
The low spawn Gek turned on their leaders. Their First Spawn were cast out, ripped from their spawning pools and cast into the dust. Their lamentations curdled the air. The wisdom of the Korvax and the Atlas prevailed. |
The Entities of the Korvax are free. Free to study the Atlas. Free to praise the Sentinels. Free to aid the Travellers if probability will allow. Korvax and Gek would begin anew, equal in standing, united in the eternal search for balance and understanding. |
The coming of the Travellers is possible, as all things are. Yet the chances are infinitesimal. We watch the skies nonetheless. If they do not come here, they will exist elsewhere and our kind – or a kind like us will welcome them. Within the chaos of the infinite we must cling to the probable. |
All things must happen. All things will occur. Somewhere, elsewhere or as a part of the hereafter. Now ends the testament of the Korvax. |
Vy’keen | |
Text/Option/Result | |
My vision clouds and the words of the ancient Gek seem to emerge on the strange stone structure. I sense that these are words that the forgotten and restless want understood… |
Seek help with language |
My knowledge of the Vy’keen increases. |
Vy’keen | |
Lore | |
The noble Travellers will be spared. Their journey through the cosmos shall not be thwarted. So it is decreed. The will of Hirk commands it. The Vy’keen shall honour the judgment and the belief of the Ancients. |
The Book of Hirk speaks of the rise of the Travellers. They shall ascend, delving into the boundless void. The Vy’keen shall not impede their ascent for the Travellers must prevail. So decrees the word of Hirk. |
None hamper the path towards Dryn’dargh as The Sentinels. They must be destroyed. Their time will be ended. So has it been written, so it shall come to be. This the Vy’keen swear. |
The Sentinels are not of the natural order. Things must fall apart. In their endlessness and replication the automatons prove themselves abominations. They must be purged from existence. All should die, whether through righteous battle or the assault of time. |
Hirk foresaw the weakness of the Vy’keen warrior kind. The star ascent of our noble race was blocked by the weak-minded Sentinels. Nine times nine fold, Hirk commanded, we would have our vengeance and dash the metal demons against the rocks of damnation. |
It came to pass that the Great Monolith awoke. It heard the challenge of Hirk. Five times Hirk called upon it and was met by silence. On the sixth cry it awoke. |
The Great Monolith spoke to Hirk of the Travellers. Their coming should not be met with fire. Their coming was but one dream in an infinite Universe. Their reach would be that of the endless. When Hirk asked of the Sentinels, the Great Monolith said nothing. Hirk was troubled by its silence. |
Hirk returned to the Vy’keen. ‘Grah!’ they spake atop the sacred mountain of Dun’s’kaareen. And proclaiming loudly to all who had gathered there, their leader said unto them, ‘The Great Monolith has answered me. It has awoken.’ ‘It has told of the coming of the Travellers. They will be spared. The Vy’keen shall honour this decree.’ |
The crowd cried for Hirk to reveal the Great Monolith’s judgement of the Sentinel threat. “The Monolith stood silent!” Hirk spake forth, but the people were not satisfied. They muttered amongst themselves and those blessed with tendrils did extend them. Then with raised voice Hirk decreed, “The oppressors will be eradicated! Gather your arms for the time of reckoning is upon the enemy.” And the Vy’keen adored their leader. |
As Hirk stood upon the sacred mountain Nal climbed to its peak and there with fist outstretched challenged Hirk. ‘Fool!’ Nal cried. ‘The Sentinels cannot be vanquished!’ Hirk, with furious rage struck the fool from the mountain. For three moons and suns Nal fell before being claimed by doom. |
Hirk’s rage against the upstart Nal inflamed the hearts of Nal’s followers who upon their leader’s demise felt the blood of the ancestors rise within them. The Vy’keen nations were bathed in righteous war for sixty-six moons. |
On the sixty-sixth moon the war cry of the Vy’keen of Nal was silenced. After surveying their bodies, Hirk gazed unto the heavens and there beheld a great Sentinel host descending upon the Vy’keen. The great Vy’keen Sentinel War was at hand. |
For a multitude of cycles the yoke of the Sentinels had strangled the civilizations of the galaxy in their mewling cribs. Hirk was displeased with the world of the Vy’keen. As the automatons descended, Hirk gazed upon a planet ravaged by weakness. |
Progress, prosperity and war: these are the things forbidden by automatons. But the Vy’keen were the first to break the shackles, casting the old ways into the pit to herald the birth of a new age. The Vy’keen were the dam that overflowed. Righteous is the flood. |
Grah! The Sentinels are the enemy of progress and civilization. They are not of the natural order. Their interference is an affront to the virtuous Vy’keen crusade, which seeks to balance in all things through blood, ashes and iron. This affront to the Vy’keen and their creed cannot go unpunished. |
Before the coming of Hirk the Vy’keen feared the Sentinels. Like all races our people cowered from their unquestioning violence, shrank from their tyrannical rule. But the coming of Hirk heralded a new dawn. Through their leader, the Vy’keen became strong. Now their courage knows no bounds. |
Hirk looked to the skies and witnessed the pitiless destruction of the Sentinels that smothered all races brought forth out unto the Outer Edge. Worlds withered and died beneath their relentless gaze. The anger of Hirk was unleashed. |
And so it came to pass that on the eve of the eighteenth moon of Drun’Gala Hirk cast the shackles of the Sentinel oppressors into the pit. The Vy’keen were the glorious first, the rising water that broke the dam. The endless war began. |
The death of Hirk came during the endless war. Hirk’s body was ravaged by old age, becoming ancient and useless. Bellowing, Hirk tore this failing body in two before the Great Monolith, as is the Vy’keen way. The echo of that dying roar can still be heard throughout the Outer Edge. Hirk lives in us, the most venerated of the ancients. |
Countless cycles sifted through the claws of time. Attrition was great. The battle against the Sentinels raged endlessly. But through righteous fire the Vy’keen endured and the Sentinels burned. The oppressors were pushed back. Back into the dark of space. |
The Vy’keen saw borders stretch between the stars. Onwards they delved with legions at their back, scorching Sentinel metal from their fiery chariots and attack ships. The Vy’keen gazed upon their conquests and saw that they were righteous and good. |
The Vy’keen rose in glorious victory, yet noble warriors grew tired and weak. The onslaught against the machines endured for ninety-nine times ninety cycles. There was attrition and incalculable death, but victory eluded them still. The endless replication of the Sentinels slowed, but could not be vanquished. |
Grah! The Sentinel hordes were pushed back. The oppressors fled into the sanctuary of the cosmos. The spirit of Hirk surveyed the field of battle, and saw that the Vy’keen victory was glorious and just. The automatons became silent as the nation of Hirk feasted upon grahgrah. The songs of the victorious echoed to the edges of the galaxy. |
And thus the Sentinel horde congregated in the dark places of the void. There they watched in the in-between nothingness. The blackness of space. Thy waited beyond the limits of the Outer Edge. As millennia passed they replenished, growing a force to return their order for countless ages. |
The Vy’keen licked each other’s wounds during the Silence of the Sentinels, while the dishonourable Gek First Spawn chose to destroy Korvax Prime. The Vy’keen condemned this crime, but lacked the strength to fight. |
The Gek Empire flourished. It spread its empire into the depths of the cosmos. The Vy’keen victory in pushing the Sentinels back from the Outer Edge gave rise to Dominion of another. No world, moon, or race could have opposed the Gek onslaught. |
The brutality of the Gek First Spawn called back the automatons that were hiding in the darkness. Their forces had grown. Their technologies had developed. The foolish Gek beckoned the monster back into the places where our nations might have dwelt in strange harmony. True Sentinel domination of the Outer Edge began. |
Within a single lifetime the Sentinels had returned. They came to dwell on every world we knew. Every world we went on to discover. The pathetic, idiotic Gek had doomed the Outer Edge to aeons of their rule. |
The dominion of the Gek First Spawn crumbled. They fell apart through idiocy, and through the unchanging will of the beings they enslaved but could never understand. Their power is but a memory. Their crimes forgotten by so many. |
The Gek changed. They became peaceful. Their spawning pools bred in the name of commerce. They Vy’keen accept this peace, but we do not forget as the other beings of the Galaxy are so keen to do. Dishonour is unchanging. Crimes marked in blood do not fade. We do not forget. |