NMS Lore & More (SPOILERS!) - version 1.38

Monoliths #3 - NMS_LOC1_ENGLISH

Had to split due to character limit. This part contains the Vy’keen

Monoliths #3 - NMS_LOC1_ENGLISH
ID Value (text)
Vy’keen (dict)
Option Name
WARRIOR_MONOLITH_OPTION_NAME_5 Fire your weapon at the monolith.
WARRIOR_MONOLITH_OPTION_NAME_6 Make a barking noise.
WARRIOR_MONOLITH_OPTION_NAME_7 Learn a Vy’keen word before the inscription fades.
WARRIOR_MONOLITH_OPTION_NAME_8 Place your hand inside the portal.
WARRIOR_MONOLITH_OPTION_NAME_11 Fire your weapon in the air.
Option Text
WARRIOR_MONOLITH_OPTION_TEXT_1 The Vy’keen Ancients wish you glory.
WARRIOR_MONOLITH_OPTION_TEXT_2 The Vy’keen Ancients are satisfied.
WARRIOR_MONOLITH_OPTION_TEXT_3 The Vy’keen Ancients are angered.
WARRIOR_MONOLITH_OPTION_TEXT_4 Your Vy’keen word bank expands!
WARRIOR_MONOLITH_OPTION_TEXT_5 The Vy’keen Ancients reward your fearlessness.
WARRIOR_MONOLITH_OPTION_TEXT_6 The Vy’keen Ancients laugh at you.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_1 Isotope given. Ice thaws. Vy’keen rise.
WAR_MON_DESC_1 I am trying to read the glyphs on the ancient monument when I feel a strange chill. A layer of frozen gas suddenly coats the monolith from bottom to top. It’s so cold that I can see my breath inside my helmet.

There is one small gap in the crystal ice, and I feel convinced that I could feed some of my mined elements through it, so they can come into contact with the monolith behind.
WAR_MON_OPT_A_1 Insert isotope element
WAR_MON_OPT_B_1 Insert oxide element
WAR_MON_OPT_C_1 Insert silicate element
WAR_MON_RES_A_1 The frozen gas melts into the atmosphere.

I am rewarded.
WAR_MON_RES_B_1 There is silence.

My elements are not returned.
WAR_MON_RES_C_1 There is silence.

My elements are not returned.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_2 Respect the Warrior! Respect their weapon!
WAR_MON_DESC_2 The body of a warrior emerges from the obelisk, a jagged tear in their midriff suggesting that the dangerous-looking multi-tool that sits in their hand was not enough to save them.

The surface of the sculpted rock blurs and shows images of military worship. It’s trying to tell me something.
WAR_MON_OPT_A_2 Bury the soldier and multi-tool
WAR_MON_OPT_B_2 Take the multi-tool and leave
WAR_MON_RES_A_2 Ancient voices howl their appreciation in a wind that whips around me.

An offering emerges from the monolith.
WAR_MON_RES_B_2 I take the multi-tool from the body.

I’m about to turn to leave when a crimson bolt of energy strikes me on the right shoulder.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_3 Grah! Vy’keen Ancients bless your journey!
WAR_MON_DESC_3 I see a strange vision. A small terrified creature emerges from the monolith and runs between my legs. I hear the noises of an ancient hunt: the howls of pack animals in pursuit and the thunder of hooves.

Warriors on vast beasts charge through the rock, and amidst the chaos one sees me staring. It raises its facial tendrils in greeting, barks a few words and swings a bladed weapon down towards me.
WAR_MON_OPT_A_3 Grab weapon
WAR_MON_OPT_B_3 Dodge weapon
WAR_MON_RES_A_3 The hallucination fades, but the blade remains.

It transforms into a multi-tool I can use.
WAR_MON_RES_B_3 I dodge the warrior’s attack.

The hunt disappears, and I am left alone.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_4 The command of the Vy’keen Ancients! Sacrifice the beast! Blood for Hirk!
WAR_MON_DESC_4 The monolith shows images of creatures lying dead before it. Each sacrificed, butchered and offered up to whatever Gods were once worshipped here.

Suddenly, the head of a small woodland animal raises up through the earth below me. It stares at me with wide-eyes, then gives a joyful skip when its tiny hooves reach ground level. Something is clearly expected of me…
WAR_MON_OPT_A_4 Sacrifice the creature
WAR_MON_OPT_B_4 Let the creature live
WAR_MON_RES_A_4 I blast the woodland animal in two.

I am rewarded for this offering.
WAR_MON_RES_B_4 The creature skips around my feet with joyful abandon.

It runs away and out of sight.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_5 Choose healing blood or renergising bile of the Vy’keen Ancients. Drink destiny.
WAR_MON_DESC_5 Two ancient stone cups materialise in front of the monolith. One is filled with a dark red viscous liquid, the other contains a sticky fluid that is bright yellow and smells powerfully bitter.

On the stone tablet behind the cups ancient glyphs swirl to form an image. A powerful and muscular warrior surrounded by a red halo challenges an opponent clad in bright yellow armour.
WAR_MON_OPT_A_5 Drink the viscous red liquid
WAR_MON_OPT_B_5 Drink the bitter yellow liquid
WAR_MON_RES_A_5 The liquid seems to clot as I swallow it.

I feel somehow reinvigorated.
WAR_MON_RES_B_5 The liquid tastes foul as it washes down my throat.

Suddenly an unknown power repairs all my equipment.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_6 Pathetic dead coward lies here! Interloper! Take your remuneration…
WAR_MON_DESC_6 The monolith rips like paper, opening a window to another world. It is laced with a giant web. Just within my reach, an ancient warrior lies cocooned. It has been there for centuries. Dead, vacant eyes stare through me and on into the landscape beyond.

It carries a rusted multi-tool, while a bulging webbed sack on its chest suggests it might carry greater riches on its body. Suddenly, the strange leathery growth starts to move…
WAR_MON_OPT_A_6 Take multi-tool
WAR_MON_OPT_B_6 Search body
WAR_MON_RES_A_6 The multi-tool is not operational.

I salvage a new technology blueprint.
WAR_MON_RES_B_6 Hundreds of arachnids burst from the warrior’s corpse.

Their bites are poison, but my search is rewarded.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_7 Respect the Vy’keen Ancients sacrifice. The beast has holy sight.
WAR_MON_DESC_7 A portal opens on the monolith, and the body of a huge winged animal falls to my feet. Its throat has been ritually cut, and its wings have been tattooed with faces of an ancient warrior tribe. The eyes though, the eyes look strange…

Its original eyes have been cut out, and replaced by glittering red orbs. The more I look, the more they blaze. An advanced technology clearly lies at their centre. Can I bear to desecrate this sacrifice for help with my journey?
WAR_MON_OPT_A_7 Remove sacrifice’s eyes
WAR_MON_OPT_B_7 Respect sacrifice
WAR_MON_RES_A_7 The red orbs glow, then crackle information through my multi-tool.

I gain a blueprint, but have angered an unknown power.
WAR_MON_RES_B_7 The ancients that dwell here smile on my decision.

I am blessed.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_8 Feed the beast
WAR_MON_DESC_8 The giant mouth of an ancient hound suddenly emerges through the face of the monolith. It opens its jaws wide, and foul-smelling spittle streaks my visor. My nausea is tempered by the sight of valuable commodities balanced on its giant tongue.

In a sudden movement the hound shifts the goods to one side of its mouth, spraying saliva over my arms. There’s space on the tongue for more, should I wish to give up some of my cargo…
WAR_MON_OPT_A_8 Place goods on giant hound tongue
WAR_MON_OPT_B_8 Remove goods from giant hound tongue
WAR_MON_RES_A_8 The hound swallows my offerings, and licks me enthusiastically.

I am blessed by an ancient power.
WAR_MON_RES_B_8 The giant beast clamps its jaws, puncturing my arm with a yellowed canine.

I retrieve the offering.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_9 Brave interloper! Resist fear!
WAR_MON_DESC_9 An ancient warrior’s feet and legs slowly emerge from the bottom of the monolith. The rest of its torso then follows, unceremoniously pushed out onto the alien turf. It has been decapitated.

Blood drips at my feet and high above me a disembodied head laughs at my shock. It shouts a guttural command of encouragement down to me. Behind, I hear an ancient blade unsheathe, and someone rushing towards me…
WAR_MON_RES_A_9 A spectral blade passes through my neck. I pass the test.

The blood that drips from the warrior’s exposed neck turns into a reward.
WAR_MON_RES_B_9 A spectral blade passes over my head. The disembodied skull seems disappointed.

I have perhaps failed some sort of test.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_10 The Vy’keen feed the Atlas stone rare oxides. It builds. It towers.
WAR_MON_DESC_10 The monolith fragments before my eyes. It folds down in on itself, again and again, until it is a tiny red orb surrounded by dancing lights. It feels like something truly ancient, perhaps something divine, is showing me the origin of these strange constructions.

The oxides I carry are physically dragging me towards it - desperate to help it rebuild. It’s not so much that I’m a pilgrim bearing offerings in hope of a blessing, but more that the elements I carry want to offer themselves…
WAR_MON_OPT_A_10 Give common oxide
WAR_MON_OPT_B_10 Give uncommon oxide
WAR_MON_OPT_C_10 Give rare oxide
WAR_MON_RES_A_10 I see my insignificance within the infinite bounds of space.

The monolith slowly rebuilds inch by inch. I am pitied.
WAR_MON_RES_B_10 I see my true place within the infinite depth of space and time.

The monolith slowly rebuilds. It pities me.
WAR_MON_RES_C_10 I see my true place within the infinite depth of space and time.

The monolith rebuilds, and rewards me in consolation.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_11 The Vy’keen Ancients burn thieves and pirates.
WAR_MON_DESC_11 I place my palm on the monolith, then stand back when it melts in response to my touch. Molten rock drips down the stone, exposing a hollow interior. Inside, I see riches that are beyond belief. Ancient technologies and cargo that would aid my journey.

Lava continues to drop, and the edifice seems unstable, but equipment that could aid me is within arm’s reach. Suddenly, the voice of an ancient tribe shakes the ground I stand on…
WAR_MON_OPT_A_11 Reach in
WAR_MON_OPT_B_11 Stand back
WAR_MON_RES_A_11 The molten monolith collapses onto my exosuit.

The edifice is reconstructed – the damage remains.
WAR_MON_RES_B_11 The ancient warriors who once worshipped here bless my show of respect.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_12 Grah! Learn language of the conquerors! Learn language of the conquered!
WAR_MON_DESC_12 There are three vast columns of words on the ancient structure, each written in a different alphabet. The first column’s words are like savage runes scratched in sand, the second shows precise sequences of dots. The final column has wide and welcoming letters, almost appearing hand-written in hard stone.

The dirt and blood of ancient hand prints cover the base of each column.
WAR_MON_OPT_A_12 Press hand against runes
WAR_MON_OPT_B_12 Press hand against dots
WAR_MON_OPT_C_12 Press hand against letters
WAR_MON_RES_A_12 The ancient spirits that dwell here infuse me with the language of their warrior descendants.
WAR_MON_RES_B_12 The ancient spirits that dwell here infuse me with the language of a distant race of electronic lifeforms.
WAR_MON_RES_C_12 The ancient spirits that dwell here infuse me with the language of a distant race of beaked traders.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_13 Rebuild the ancient warrior body. Restore monolith power.
WAR_MON_DESC_13 I become a part of a strange new reality. The ancient rock opens. Inside, the dried out heart of an ancient warrior is strung up between wooden pillars. It pulses slowly as it hangs there, still beating.

Lying below it on a dusty floor are a set of wrinkled lungs that look forever doomed to wheeze stale air. A desiccated eyeball stares up at me. Unblinking.
WAR_MON_OPT_A_13 Shoot heart
WAR_MON_OPT_B_13 Place lungs with heart
WAR_MON_OPT_C_13 Respectfully depart
WAR_MON_RES_A_13 I hear an ancient scream.

The monolith’s power fades.
WAR_MON_RES_B_13 The heart and lungs pulse in harmony.

The monolith’s power is restored.
WAR_MON_RES_C_13 The monolith closes.

I hear disappointed wails from inside.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_14 Choose your warrior! Vy’keen ancients reward interloper howl!
WAR_MON_DESC_14 I live within a new reality. I am inside a vast coliseum and beneath a blood red sky. The noise is overpowering. Warriors scream and bark at the battle set up before them.

Two combatants are squaring up on the crimson sand. One has lost its blade, and hides behind a shield. The other stalks towards it, with a spear raised. I feel compelled to add my voice to the howl of the mob.
WAR_MON_OPT_A_14 Support endangered gladiator
WAR_MON_OPT_B_14 Support spear-wielding gladiator
WAR_MON_RES_A_14 The gladiator decapitates its foe with the sharpened shield. It bows towards me.

I am thanked with something to defend me.
WAR_MON_RES_B_14 The gladiator plunges the spear straight through its rival’s head. It bows towards me.

I am thanked with something to help me destroy my enemies.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_15 Seal gap! Protect Monolith! Precious valuable material lost! Use oxide!
WAR_MON_DESC_15 I place my hand on the ancient structure and feel an intense heat burning within. Suddenly, as if attracted to my suit, a liquid metal starts to seep from a hole that’s been broken into the rock.

What starts as a drip, becomes a surge forcing itself through the gap. The monolith’s previous contents are draining, and its glow is starting to fade. A voice screams out.
WAR_MON_OPT_A_15 Plug hole with oxide
WAR_MON_OPT_B_15 Plug hole with silicate
WAR_MON_OPT_C_15 Take molten substance
WAR_MON_RES_A_15 The hole is sealed. The monolith’s contents are secured.

I am safe, and thanked.
WAR_MON_RES_B_15 The silicate reacts with the molten material. It vaporises, both within the structure and without.

The monolith’s power fades.
WAR_MON_RES_C_15 The molten material burns my suit.

Its value makes the pain worthwhile.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_16 Light brings power. Darkness brings resilience.
WAR_MON_DESC_16 The body of a gilled blob creature materialises on the surface of the rock. It is an ancient sacrifice, impaled through its wide, open eyes with metal spears.

Liquid is dripping from the body down the monolith through a channel cut into the rock by ancient hands. It can be diverted toward two carvings – one of a sun, the other of a moon.
WAR_MON_OPT_A_16 Divert body liquid to sun
WAR_MON_OPT_B_16 Divert body liquid to moon
WAR_MON_OPT_C_16 Take metal spears
WAR_MON_RES_A_16 The Monolith creates my chosen reward.

I am blessed.
WAR_MON_RES_B_16 I take the metal spears. The blob fades away.

I have disappointed an unknown power.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_17 Ancients consume interloper life force! Ancients reward interloper for rebirth! Closer! Faster! Closer! Faster!
WAR_MON_DESC_17 I feel drained. Readings on my multi-tool and exosuit start to gradually pull downwards, and a feeling of lethargy overwhelms me. I breathe normally, but my body screams for oxygen.

The monolith, silent and unmoving, towers above. A thought from outside my own mind starts to echo through my consciousness.
WAR_MON_OPT_A_17 Touch monolith
WAR_MON_OPT_B_17 Stand still
WAR_MON_OPT_C_17 Move away
WAR_MON_RES_A_17 The monolith swiftly drains life force through my outstretched arm.

It is rejuvenated, and I am rewarded.
WAR_MON_RES_B_17 The monolith slowly drains me of my life force.

After an extended period of lethargy and pain, I am rewarded.
WAR_MON_RES_C_17 I move beyond the reach of the life-draining monolith.

It towers above me. Implacable and disapproving.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_18 Hirk took the treasure of Nal after battle. Treasure now hides in the city of Hirk.
WAR_MON_DESC_18 It’s the time of day that this mysterious site becomes active. A beam of light shines down from the sky and is focused by ancient glyphs onto a stone surface marked with ancient carvings.

The beam of light slowly traces towards images scratched into the stone. A vast warrior battle, an alien city and what could be a stolen treasure. The hand prints of pilgrims cover each one…
WAR_MON_OPT_A_18 Touch battle image
WAR_MON_OPT_B_18 Touch city image
WAR_MON_OPT_C_18 Touch treasure image
WAR_MON_RES_A_18 The beam of light disappears.

I am left alone in this desolate place.
WAR_MON_RES_B_18 The image of the city begins to glow.

A part of an ancient treasure becomes mine.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_19 Warning! Keep clear! Ancient radiation pulse site!
WAR_MON_DESC_19 A sudden pulse of destructive energy flows through my exosuit. My multi-tools sensors sense another build-up of energy growing deep within the monolith. It will soon unleash itself on me, and the landscape that surrounds the ancient site.

I can use my Protection Mesh functions to dampen the imminent energy wave, but systems are too overwhelmed to identify it…
WAR_MON_OPT_A_19 Prepare to absorb radiation
WAR_MON_OPT_B_19 Prepare to absorb toxins
WAR_MON_RES_A_19 The radiation wave is absorbed and the site made safe once again.

The planetary overseer is grateful.
WAR_MON_RES_B_19 I am overwhelmed by the energy wave.

Systems cannot cope and planetary ecosystems are disrupted.
DNT_WAR_MON_LANG_20 Warrior accepts journey’s end. Embrace death.
WAR_MON_DESC_20 I am suddenly underwater. I am drowning. Water clogs my lungs. My chest is on fire. I gasp for air where there is none, and feel only tepid liquids filling me inside and out. My vision is clouding. I know this is my time. This is it. This is what it feels like.

Suddenly, a green hand thrusts itself through the surface of the water. The light is fading.
WAR_MON_OPT_A_20 Reach for hand
WAR_MON_RES_A_20 I reach for the hand, but it pushes me back down.

Reality reverts. I live, but have disappointed.
WAR_MON_RES_B_20 The lights go out. Reality reverts.

I have known death, and it makes me stronger. The ancients bless me.