NMS Lore & More (SPOILERS!) - version 1.38

Observatories - NMS_LOC1_ENGLISH

Observatories - NMS_LOC1_ENGLISH
ID Value (text)
TIP_OBSERVATORY <TITLE>Observatory callsign intercepted<>
Off-planet transmission locations accessible
SIGNAL_OBSERVATORY Observatory Detected
Terminal Name
Rewards All
ALL_OBS_REWARD_1 The Observatory discovers an intriguing location on a distant planet.
ALL_OBS_REWARD_2 The Observatory shares a useful location on another planet.
ALL_OBS_REWARD_3 The Observatory receives location data from an outpost on a distant planet.
ALL_OBS_REWARD_4 The Observatory traces a distress signal on another planet.
ALL_OBS_REWARD_5 I receive the location coordinates of a starship crash site somewhere within this solar system.
ALL_OBS_REWARD_6 I receive the coordinates of a starship distress beacon calling from somewhere within the skies above.
TRA_OBS_LANG_1 1212 - 2121 - 1212 - ****
TRA_OBS_DESC_1 The lifeform that works, or worked, in this installation left its equipment scanning the skies for interesting new systems and spacial phenomena.

In its absence, it struck gold. A beacon has been received, and a transmission sequence awaits response.
TRA_OBS_OPT_A_1 Input: 2121
TRA_OBS_OPT_B_1 Input: 1212
TRA_OBS_OPT_C_1 Input: 2112
TRA_OBS_RES_A_1 I discover a location within the distant stars.
TRA_OBS_RES_B_1 There is no response.

Machines remain dormant, the skies remain silent.
TRA_OBS_RES_C_1 There is no response.

Machines remain dormant, the skies remain silent.
TRA_OBS_LANG_2 9183 - 1839 - 8391 - ****
TRA_OBS_DESC_2 The observatory hums gently as it scans the sky. The trader that manned it was clearly looking for something in the cosmos. And it seems the observatory may have found it.

If I can decipher this beacon’s code, I may be able to pinpoint its origin.
TRA_OBS_OPT_A_2 Input: 3819
TRA_OBS_OPT_B_2 Input: 3918
TRA_OBS_OPT_C_2 Input: 8931
TRA_OBS_RES_A_2 I crack the code and find the location within the depths of space.
TRA_OBS_RES_B_2 I cannot decipher the code.

The location remains a mystery to me.
TRA_OBS_LANG_3 9780 - 7809 - 8097 - ****
TRA_OBS_DESC_3 A beacon sent from light years away flickers tantalisingly on the monitor, awaiting a response.

But what response do I give?
TRA_OBS_OPT_A_3 Input: 8079
TRA_OBS_OPT_B_3 Input: 7908
TRA_OBS_OPT_C_3 Input: 0978
TRA_OBS_RES_A_3 My instincts were correct and my efforts are amply rewarded.
TRA_OBS_RES_B_3 My choice is greeted by silence.
TRA_OBS_LANG_4 2109 - 1092 - 0921 - ****
TRA_OBS_DESC_4 The observatory has long been abandoned by its overseer. Thick layers of dust betray years of neglect. But the systems remain online, ever vigilant as they scan the sky.

A beacon received from a distant alien world flashes on the monitor. All I need to discover its location is enter the correct response.
TRA_OBS_OPT_A_4 Input: 9210
TRA_OBS_OPT_B_4 Input: 2109
TRA_OBS_OPT_C_4 Input: 0129
TRA_OBS_RES_A_4 Success! The new location is revealed to me.
TRA_OBS_RES_B_4 I enter the code and wait, but no new location is revealed to me.
TRA_OBS_LANG_5 3941 - 9413 - 4139 - ****
TRA_OBS_DESC_5 Details of past cargo dealings are found on the terminal. The trader who once manned this place must have also used it as a storage room.

The trader was also scanning for something in the cosmos. But what? A blinking beacon on the monitor could hold the answer, but first I must send the correct response.
TRA_OBS_OPT_A_5 Input: 3149
TRA_OBS_OPT_B_5 Input: 1394
TRA_OBS_OPT_C_5 Input: 9134
TRA_OBS_RES_A_5 The answer to my question is revealed…
TRA_OBS_RES_B_5 No answer arrives.

The code I entered must have been incorrect.
TRA_OBS_LANG_6 4865 - 8654 - 6548 - ****
TRA_OBS_DESC_6 The trader that once manned this station seems to have been more concerned with commerce than the discovery of new worlds, leaving the observatory to scan the stars in its absence.

A beacon, received years ago, flickers with unceasing persistence on the screen, awaiting the correct response to reveal its origin. Now I must attempt to decipher it.
TRA_OBS_OPT_A_6 Input: 5486
TRA_OBS_OPT_B_6 Input: 5846
TRA_OBS_OPT_C_6 Input: 5648
TRA_OBS_RES_A_6 I discover a new location in the depths of space.
TRA_OBS_RES_B_6 I send my reply but there is no response.

The code I entered was not correct.
EXP_OBS_LANG_1 2738 - 7382 - 3827 - ****
EXP_OBS_DESC_1 I stand at the terminal and watch a beacon from an unknown star endlessly play itself out on the screen.

The pattern seems clear, but what to enter?
EXP_OBS_OPT_A_1 Input: 7238
EXP_OBS_OPT_B_1 Input: 8273
EXP_OBS_OPT_C_1 Input: 3278
EXP_OBS_RES_A_1 I discover a location within the distant stars!
EXP_OBS_RES_B_1 The observatory does not get a response from the infinite and unimaginable space above it.

I am quite alone.
EXP_OBS_RES_C_1 The observatory does not get a response from the infinite and unimaginable space above it.

I am quite alone.
EXP_OBS_LANG_2 3908 - 9083 - 0839 - ****
EXP_OBS_DESC_2 A beacon flickers on screen, received from a distant point in space.

My fingers hover above the terminal, ready to enter the code to reveal the location, but what numbers do I enter?
EXP_OBS_OPT_A_2 Input: 8039
EXP_OBS_OPT_B_2 Input: 0839
EXP_OBS_OPT_C_2 Input: 8390
EXP_OBS_RES_A_2 I enter the digits and wait.

The location of a distant point in space is revealed to me.
EXP_OBS_RES_B_2 There is no response.

The beacon’s origin remains unknown.
EXP_OBS_LANG_3 9162 - 1629 - 6291 - ****
EXP_OBS_DESC_3 The observatory’s sterile, functional layout suggests its former overseer could have been electronic in origin. Judging by the decades-old beacon flashing on screen, this entity left this place long ago.

Perhaps if I can decipher the code I can learn where the beacon originated?
EXP_OBS_OPT_A_3 Input: 6192
EXP_OBS_OPT_B_3 Input: 2916
EXP_OBS_OPT_C_3 Input: 1962
EXP_OBS_RES_A_3 Success.

I learn of a new location in the cosmos.
EXP_OBS_RES_B_3 My attempts prove futile.

The dark void above sends no response to my code.
EXP_OBS_LANG_4 5336 - 3365 - 3653 - ****
EXP_OBS_DESC_4 The image of the observatory’s former electronic overseer flickers on the console next to the flash of the beacon indicator. I wonder how long it waited to receive such a signal from an unknown part of space?

Perhaps I can send the reply the overseer never could. But first I must decipher the code.
EXP_OBS_OPT_A_4 Input: 3653
EXP_OBS_OPT_B_4 Input: 3566
EXP_OBS_OPT_C_4 Input: 6533
EXP_OBS_RES_A_4 The stars reveal their secret.

I have discovered a new world within the infinite void.
EXP_OBS_RES_B_4 There is no response.

The beacon’s secret remains unknown to me.
EXP_OBS_LANG_5 4366 - 3664 - 6643 - ****
EXP_OBS_DESC_5 The facility is more like a science lab than an observatory, the star gazing equipment sitting amidst a sea of advanced experiments.

Perhaps the former custodian was too preoccupied to notice the beacon blinking invitingly on screen. If I can work out the code, I’m sure I can decipher its origin.
EXP_OBS_OPT_A_5 Input: 6436
EXP_OBS_OPT_B_5 Input: 4663
EXP_OBS_OPT_C_5 Input: 3643
EXP_OBS_RES_A_5 Success.

I punch in the numbers and the beacon reveals the location of a new location within the cosmos.
EXP_OBS_RES_B_5 I punch in the numbers but the beacon does not divulge its secret.
EXP_OBS_LANG_6 7354 - 3547 - 5473 - ****
EXP_OBS_DESC_6 As I stand at the terminal tiny drones go about a series of perfunctory cleaning routines within the pristine observatory. Clearly the former overseer was a stickler for cleanliness but less conscientious about monitoring incoming communications from distant reaches of space.

A beacon blinks invitingly on the monitor. If I can enter the correct access code perhaps I could make a valuable discovery.
EXP_OBS_OPT_A_6 Input: 3547
EXP_OBS_OPT_B_6 Input: 4735
EXP_OBS_OPT_C_6 Input: 3574
EXP_OBS_RES_A_6 The code is correct.

The beacon’s mystery is revealed to me.
EXP_OBS_RES_B_6 The code is incorrect.

The beacon’s origin remains a mystery.
WAR_OBS_LANG_1 1702 - 7021 - 0217 - ****
WAR_OBS_DESC_1 A beacon sent long ago from a distant system awaits my response.

Three numbers are visible above an empty input box. I think I know what comes next…
WAR_OBS_OPT_A_1 Input: 2170
WAR_OBS_OPT_B_1 Input: 1720
WAR_OBS_OPT_C_1 Input: 1702
WAR_OBS_RES_A_1 I discover a location within the distant stars.
WAR_OBS_RES_B_1 The observatory remains dormant.

The beacon does not respond.
WAR_OBS_LANG_2 4634 - 6344 -3446 - ****
WAR_OBS_DESC_2 Images of shattered Sentinels are displayed like trophies on this terminal screen. Seems the observatory’s former overseer had a penchant for hunting these machines.

Perhaps their time would have been better spent monitoring incoming beacons like the one that flashes on a monitor before me. If I can enter the correct access code perhaps I can discover where it originated from.
WAR_OBS_OPT_A_2 Input: 6344
WAR_OBS_OPT_B_2 Input: 4634
WAR_OBS_OPT_C_2 Input: 4463
WAR_OBS_RES_A_2 The observatory hums into life as the location of a new world is displayed on the screen.
WAR_OBS_RES_B_2 The observatory remains dormant.

No new locations are revealed to me.
WAR_OBS_LANG_3 5920 - 9205 - 2059 - ****
WAR_OBS_DESC_3 Judging by the imposing size and weapons shown on the identification ID image that glares at me as I boot up the system, the station’s overseer must have originated from a warrior race.

The lifeform probably left long before the arrival of the beacon that now winks tantalisingly next to it. If I can enter the correct code perhaps I can learn its secrets.
WAR_OBS_OPT_A_3 Input: 0592
WAR_OBS_OPT_B_3 Input: 5920
WAR_OBS_OPT_C_3 Input: 2059
WAR_OBS_RES_A_3 The numbers I enter are correct.

The location of a new world appears on the screen.
WAR_OBS_RES_B_3 The number I enter has no effect.

The beacon’s origin remains a mystery.
WAR_OBS_LANG_4 3987 - 9873 - 8739 - ****
WAR_OBS_DESC_4 Images show that this observatory was once a warzone. Mangled metal, scorched walls and the heavily decayed corpses of a dozen hulking lifeforms betray a brutal firefight.

Now repaired, whatever transpired it must have happened before the beacon that flashes on screen arrived. Perhaps if I enter the correct code I can decipher it.
WAR_OBS_OPT_A_4 Input: 7398
WAR_OBS_OPT_B_4 Input: 3987
WAR_OBS_OPT_C_4 Input: 9873
WAR_OBS_RES_A_4 Thanks to its recent repairs the observatory still functions.

It leaps into life as I enter the digits, showing the location of a new destination deep within the cosmos.
WAR_OBS_RES_B_4 Perhaps the observatory still needs repairs, or perhaps the code I entered was incorrect.

For whatever reason, I fail to decipher the beacon.
WAR_OBS_LANG_5 7771 - 1777 - 7177 - ****
WAR_OBS_DESC_5 The heat within the observatory is oppressive, caused by the banks of powerful additional power units beneath my feet used to boost this facility’s signal - and to receive others from distant worlds.

I’m distracted by a beacon that flickers on a nearby monitor. If I can work out the access code, perhaps I can decipher it.
WAR_OBS_OPT_A_5 Input: 7177
WAR_OBS_OPT_B_5 Input: 7717
WAR_OBS_OPT_C_5 Input: 7771
WAR_OBS_RES_A_5 Ignoring the heat, I punch in the code.

I’m rewarded with a location within a distant system.
WAR_OBS_RES_B_5 I type in a code but the beacon continues to flash, revealing nothing.

Observatories - NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH

Observatories - NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH
ID Value (text)
Scientist Mission
NPC_SCI_OBS_DESC The observatory appears to have been calibrated for a single purpose: to locate the interfaces of a being the Korvax call the Atlas.

After many years, the inhabitant of this facility succeeded in their quest, disappearing without a trace.
NPC_SCI_OBS_OPT_A Download data
Terminal Name
TRA_OBS_LANG_7 6618 - 8661 - 1866 - ****
TRA_OBS_DESC_7 The observatory appears to have functioned as a battle station for the Gek, directing fighter craft and war freighters across a dozen systems, tallying the cost and potential profit.

Now, there is no-one left. The war has long since ended.

Nothing remains of their scheme but a beacon blinking upon the screen, a code needed to decipher its point of origin…
TRA_OBS_OPT_A_7 Input: 6186
TRA_OBS_OPT_B_7 Input: 1668
TRA_OBS_OPT_C_7 Input: 8166
TRA_OBS_LANG_8 6543 - 3654 - 4365 - ****
TRA_OBS_DESC_8 The observatory was once inhabited by another lifeform. It was a home, bearing the images of the overseer’s loved ones, the detritus of their lonely life…

And, when the Empire fell, when rescue never came, their bones were left as well. But now even they have faded.

The terminal shows this history and something else. A beacon blinks upon the screen, a code needed to decipher its point of origin…
TRA_OBS_OPT_A_8 Input: 5463
TRA_OBS_OPT_B_8 Input: 5436
TRA_OBS_OPT_C_8 Input: 6534
TRA_OBS_LANG_9 2595 - 5259 - 9525 - ****
TRA_OBS_DESC_9 The observatory appears to have been left derelict a long time ago. Its logs speak of an ancient struggle for control over this and many other worlds.

An ancient empire tore itself apart in grief and self-hatred, unable to comprehend the horrors of its own past. Yet after all this time, its systems still continue to collate data…

A beacon blinks upon the screen, a code needed to decipher its point of origin…
TRA_OBS_OPT_A_9 Input: 5952
TRA_OBS_OPT_B_9 Input: 5529
TRA_OBS_OPT_C_9 Input: 2925
TRA_OBS_LANG_10 5571 - 1557 - 7155 - ****
TRA_OBS_DESC_10 The room changes shape as I stand within it. One moment I see a young Gek, but in the next the installation becomes a ruin, rain pouring through holes in the ceiling.

Time itself shifts, the product of an experiment long since abandoned… or one that is yet to begin.

Through it all, I see a beacon blinking upon the screen. Perhaps this is the nightmare’s exit. All that is needed is a code to decipher its point of origin.
TRA_OBS_OPT_A_10 Input: 1575
TRA_OBS_OPT_B_10 Input: 7515
TRA_OBS_OPT_C_10 Input: 5715
EXP_OBS_LANG_7 8653 - 3865 - 5386 - ****
EXP_OBS_DESC_7 The observatory is ancient, its logs revealing that it predates most of the galaxy’s known history.

It was apparently once built for and inhabited by the Korvax, but this must be an error. The life support systems are calibrated for biological lifeforms…

Nothing remains now but a beacon blinking upon the screen, a code needed to decipher its point of origin…
EXP_OBS_OPT_A_7 Input: 6538
EXP_OBS_OPT_B_7 Input: 5638
EXP_OBS_OPT_C_7 Input: 3568
EXP_OBS_LANG_8 1265 - 5126 - 6512 - ****
EXP_OBS_DESC_8 The observatory appears to have been calibrated for a single purpose: to locate the interfaces of a being the Korvax call the Atlas.

After many years, the inhabitant of this facility succeeded in their quest, disappearing without a trace.

And, over time, the systems reset to their default search pattern. A beacon blinks upon the screen, a code needed to decipher its point of origin…
EXP_OBS_OPT_A_8 Input: 1652
EXP_OBS_OPT_B_8 Input: 2561
EXP_OBS_OPT_C_8 Input: 2651
EXP_OBS_LANG_9 3382 - 2338 - 8233 - ****
EXP_OBS_DESC_9 The observatory appears to have boosted the transmissions of the alien Korvax.

Their Convergence used this place to determine the locations of fallen bodies for retrieval. Their species values the suits of the lost.

One such beacon blinks upon the screen, a code needed to decipher its point of origin…
EXP_OBS_OPT_A_9 Input: 2833
EXP_OBS_OPT_B_9 Input: 3823
EXP_OBS_OPT_C_9 Input: 3832
EXP_OBS_LANG_10 2230 - 0223 - 3022 - ****
EXP_OBS_DESC_10 The observatory appears to have functioned as a battle station for the Korvax, coordinating defensive craft across a dozen systems.

The sensors mark the arrival of Gek fighter ships in the atmosphere many years ago. The station has been unmanned since that day.

Nothing remains but a beacon blinking upon the screen, a code needed to decipher its point of origin…
EXP_OBS_OPT_A_10 Input: 2302
EXP_OBS_OPT_B_10 Input: 2320
EXP_OBS_OPT_C_10 Input: 0322
WAR_OBS_LANG_6 1126 - 6112 - 2611 - ****
WAR_OBS_DESC_6 The observatory once analysed only a single type of signal, both on this world and many others. It was dedicated to hunting Sentinels and determining where they came from.

The data was inconclusive. Those who staffed this facility went missing a few months later.

Nevertheless, some fragment of research remains. A beacon blinks on the screen, a code needed to decipher its point of origin…
WAR_OBS_OPT_A_6 Input: 1261
WAR_OBS_OPT_B_6 Input: 6211
WAR_OBS_OPT_C_6 Input: 1216
WAR_OBS_LANG_7 1181 - 1118 - 8111 - ****
WAR_OBS_DESC_7 The observatory once hosted a Vy’keen warrior in the final years of their life. They served High Command with honour, and although one day they would go to the Monolith to die, they wanted to meditate first.

They just wanted to see the stars.

Nothing remains but a beacon blinking upon the screen, a code needed to decipher its point of origin…
WAR_OBS_OPT_A_7 Input: 8111
WAR_OBS_OPT_B_7 Input: 1811
WAR_OBS_OPT_C_7 Input: 1181
WAR_OBS_LANG_8 9214 - 4921 - 1492 - ****
WAR_OBS_DESC_8 The observatory appears to have functioned as a battle station for the Vy’keen, directing fighter craft and war freighters across a dozen systems to evaluate potential glory.

They were righteous, honourable, justified by their progenitor Hirk.

Nothing remains of their glory but a beacon blinking upon the screen, a code needed to decipher its point of origin…
WAR_OBS_OPT_A_8 Input:4219
WAR_OBS_OPT_B_8 Input:1249
WAR_OBS_OPT_C_8 Input: 2149
WAR_OBS_LANG_9 1345 - 5134 - 4513 - ****
WAR_OBS_DESC_9 The observatory contains machinery for the the tracking of trade routes and the analysis of galactic markets.

Whatever Vy’keen manned this observatory, they seem to have been more interested in potential profit than in doing their duty. They appear to have been reprimanded for Gek-like behaviour and exiled to another location.

Nothing remains of them but a beacon blinking upon the screen, a code needed to decipher its point of origin…
WAR_OBS_OPT_A_9 Input: 5314
WAR_OBS_OPT_B_9 Input: 4315
WAR_OBS_OPT_C_9 Input: 3451
WAR_OBS_LANG_10 2379 - 9237 - 7923 - ****
WAR_OBS_DESC_10 The observatory is run down, bearing the scars of blast fire and disuse. It appears to have once been a refuge for an organisation calling itself the Cult of Nal.

They were scanning many worlds for some unknown purpose. Death found them first, the symbol of a crimson orb scrawled across every machine…

Yet through it all, a beacon blinks upon the screen. A code appears to be needed to decipher its point of origin.
WAR_OBS_OPT_A_10 Input: 7329
WAR_OBS_OPT_B_10 Input: 3792
WAR_OBS_OPT_C_10 Input: 2379