NMS Lore & More (SPOILERS!) - version 1.38

Transmission Towers - NMS_LOC1_ENGLISH

Transmission Towers - NMS_LOC1_ENGLISH
ID Value (text)
EXPLORER_RADIO_OPTION_NAME_1 Scan for Distress Signal Coordinates
TIP_RADIOTOWER <TITLE>Transmission Tower callsign received<>
Starship distress signal coordinates accessible
SIGNAL_RADIOTOWER Transmission Tower Detected
ALL_1_RADIO_FOUND_1 Distress Signal coordinates discovered!
ALL_1_RADIO_NOTFOUND_1 No signal found
Terminal Name
INTRCT_RADIO_TWR %RACE% Transmission Tower
ALL_RADIO_LANG_1 1 - 2 - 6 - 24 - 120 - XXX
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_1 Input: 720
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_1 Input: 620
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_1 Input: 180
ALL_RADIO_LANG_2 23 - 45 - 89 - 177 - XXX
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_2 Input: 353
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_2 Input: 186
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_2 Input: 392
ALL_RADIO_LANG_3 99 - 92 - 86 - 81 - XX
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_3 Input: 77
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_3 Input: 79
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_3 Input: 95
ALL_RADIO_LANG_4 2 - 4 - 12 - 48 - 240 - XXX
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_4 Input: 1240
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_4 Input: 1440
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_4 Input: 1540
ALL_RADIO_LANG_5 17 - 33 - 65 - 129 - XXX
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_5 Input: 257
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_5 Input: 261
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_5 Input: 258
ALL_RADIO_LANG_6 80 - 71 - 63 - 56 - XX
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_6 Input: 49
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_6 Input: 48
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_6 Input: 50
ALL_RADIO_LANG_7 5040 - 720 - 120 - 24 - X
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_7 Input: 12
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_7 Input: 6
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_7 Input: 8
ALL_RADIO_LANG_8 5 - 14 - 41 - 122 - XXX
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_8 Input: 356
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_8 Input: 365
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_8 Input: 355
ALL_RADIO_LANG_9 1 - 5 - 3 - 7 - 5 - 9 - X
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_9 Input: 6
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_9 Input: 8
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_9 Input: 7
ALL_RADIO_LANG_10 3 - 5 - 8 - 13 - 21 - XX
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_10 Input 32
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_10 Input: 34
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_10 Input: 35
ALL_RADIO_LANG_11 56 - 59 - 63 - 68 - 74 - XX
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_11 Input: 81
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_11 Input: 80
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_11 Input: 83
ALL_RADIO_LANG_12 1 - 3 - 4 - 7 -11 - 18 - XX
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_12 Input: 27
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_12 Input: 28
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_12 Input: 29
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_1 Long ago, it seems, an automated distress call went unanswered.

If I can crack the encryption pattern I could potentially extract the coordinates.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_2 The operations terminal reveals an automated plea for help.

A clear pattern emerges within the white noise hissing from the screen. If I can work out what comes next I could potentially lock down the distressed craft’s location.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_3 The transmission readout suggests that, long ago, a distress signal went unanswered.

A sequence of numbers has been repeating itself for so long that its imprint is burnt into the screen. An input box flashes at me insistently. If I crack the code, I can find the ship.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_4 A faint, but insistent, bleeping noise can be heard from the operations terminal.

A garbled distress call can be heard amongst it all, alongside screams and the tearing of metal. The only thing that’s clear to me is a brief number sequence. Cracking its code could lead me to the crash site.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_5 A pulsing red light flashes on the console. Below it, a sequence of numbers repeats itself endlessly below it. It’s clearly a distress signal.

It is a cold, empty and distant way of viewing a disaster that, in all likelihood, cost a pilot’s life. If I can work out the encryption routine, I could perhaps trace a ship’s point of impact.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_6 An acoustical beacon can be heard through the operations terminal. It repeats at intervals of 16 seconds.

I feel compelled to work out the pattern of its encryption, locate the ship it calls out from… and discover what horror awaits at the crash site.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_7 The operations terminal flickers on, and a muffled distress call bleeds from the system.

If I can pinpoint its frequency by cracking its encryption I could potentially discover the fate of the poor pilot. The jarring noise of screaming engines and terrified alien chatter I can hear, however, would suggest that it did not end well.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_8 This operations terminal has been switched off for many years. I boot it up, and it starts running through a vast database of signals silently recorded by the facilities listening devices.

Amidst countless requests for landing permissions and an atonal wall of ship-to-ship chatter, the system suddenly pinpoints an emergency beacon. An distress signal that has never been responded to. If I can isolate the pattern in its encoded frequency, I could perhaps trace the ship that’s calling for help.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_9 An unanswered distress call seems to be logged on the Transmission Tower operations terminal.

No-one has thought to respond. Its encrypted frequency sequence flickers desperately on the screen. Whatever hope the sender once had of rescue has long-since died. If I can work out what’s next in the code I can at least find out what happened to them, and where they can be found.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_10 As I boot up the operations terminal a hologram of a spacecraft going through a catastrophic planetary descent is beamed into my visor. It’s clear that it’s on an express elevator to hell. The impact with the planet’s surface is made to look tiny. In truth, the impact crater could be vast.

The ship’s distress beacon can still be heard. It’s encrypted, but if I crack the sequence I can lock the frequency…
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_11 An urgent transmission is logged with the operations terminal. It has been answered, but there’s no evidence of a rescue party being sent to answer the distress call.

A Transmission Tower worker went to investigate long ago, but no resolution was ever recorded. It’s entirely possible that the rescue party itself succumbed to the conditions and roaming predators of this strange planet. If I can isolate the pattern within the encrypted frequencies myself, then I could perhaps finish the job…
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_12 A red light on the Transmission Tower console throws light on a distress call read-out. Simultaneously the image of a craft violently pirouetting through this planet’s upper atmosphere is beamed holographically into my visor. Amazingly, the ship does not break up on re-entry, but instead falls to the ground like a stone.

An automated distress beacon can be heard. If I can break its encryption I could find the crash site and, however, unlikely it is - look for survivors.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_13 An unanswered distress call seems to be logged.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_14 An urgent transmission is yet to be attended to.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_15 I’m taking in the view from cameras that feed in the view from the top of the Transmission Tower when I notice an urgent bleeping.

An unanswered transmission seems to be logged with the operations terminal. The voice of a ship’s pilot calmly intones news of its imminent death to its superiors, or perhaps its family. Its words, however, are lost in static. Only a wavelength cipher remains, if I can crack the code I can perhaps ascertain its true fate…
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_16 As soon as I access the tower’s operations terminal I see hazy images sent from a doomed starship during its plummet to earth. G-force pins the body of its terrified pilot to the top of its cockpit, before slamming its broken body into the control mechanism.

There are clearly no survivors, but I can extrapolate the impact location if I can work out the coding of the repeating ciphers attached to the distress signal.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_17 The radio chatter spilling out of the Transmission Tower console is a wall of noise. It’s painful to listen to, not least because of the desperate scream of an overheated fusion engine and devastating planetary impact that follows.

I try to clear the signal, and search for the encrypted distress signal that I’m sure will lie behind the spacecraft’s death throes. I eventually find it, but then must figure out what comes next…
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_18 In amongst warning lights and urgent communications chatter, I can hear a wavelength cipher repeating itself from the Transmission Tower databanks. It’s heavily encoded to prevent pirates tracking its signal and stealing cargo, but with the technology around me and a little intuition I feel as if I could perhaps crack the code sequence.

The question is, how should I respond to the beacon?
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_19 The Transmission Tower’s terminal stubbornly refuses to decode a distress signal that seems to have been sitting in the databanks for a long time.

If I decipher the code I can hear the message.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_20 The tower’s communication panel hisses with the conflicting broadcasts of several frequencies.

One sounds urgent, but how best to respond?
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_21 As I access the Transmission Tower terminal I’m met with the unsettling hiss of several overlapping signals.

One sounds like a distress signal. If I can isolate the frequency I could pinpoint its location.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_22 The tranquillity of the Transmission Tower is suddenly broken by the hiss of an encoded incoming signal.

The terminal nearby flashes expectantly, awaiting an access code to unscramble the message.
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_23 Static from several hissing frequencies mingle offputtingly with a repeating signal that sounds suspiciously like a distress call.

If I can pinpoint it I might be able to ascertain its whereabouts.

Transmission Towers - NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH

Transmission Towers - NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH
ID Value (text)
Terminal Name
ALL_RADIO_LANG_24 4416 - 6441 - 1644 - ****
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_24 A distress signal was issued from this location long ago, demanding rescue and aid from any nearby ship.

The pilot appears to have been in denial about their chances, so much so that they encrypted the transmission to prevent non-allied ships from locating their position.

An input box flashes, awaiting the completion of the test…
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_24 Input: 4461
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_24 Input: 4164
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_24 Input: 1446
ALL_RADIO_LANG_25 1027 - 7102 - 2710 - ****
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_25 The transmission readout suggests that, long ago, a distress signal went unanswered.

The pilot appears to have spent a great deal of time alone on this world, their transmission broadcasting to an empty void. No-one answered. The records show that their life signs came to an abrupt halt a decade ago, their emotional state highly agitated.

An input box flashes. If I can crack the code, I can find the ship.
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_25 Input: 0271
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_25 Input: 0217
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_25 Input: 2071
ALL_RADIO_LANG_26 9854 - 4985 - 5498 - ****
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_26 An unanswered distress call seems to be logged on the Transmission Tower operations terminal.

The pilot recorded multiple messages throughout their time on this world. They appear to have grown angry at the lack of rescue, blaming all manner of decisions and entities for their arrival and subsequent isolation on this world. It was everyone else’s fault.

The ship’s beacon is encrypted, but if I can break through its defenses, I should be able to locate the vessel.
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_26 Input: 8459
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_26 Input: 4589
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_26 Input: 8549
ALL_RADIO_LANG_27 8432 - 2843 - 3284 - ****
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_27 A distress signal was issued from this location long ago, demanding rescue and aid from any nearby ship.

The pilot appears to have offered a bounty to anyone who answered their call, claiming to possess much wealth and power. Over time, this attempted bargain grew more desperate, pledging their entire life in servitude of anyone able to save them from this lonely place. No-one ever answered.

An input box flashes, awaiting the cracking of a code…
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_27 Input: 4328
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_27 Input: 4238
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_27 Input: 8234
ALL_RADIO_LANG_28 5047 - 7504 - 4750 - ****
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_28 The transmission readout suggests that, long ago, a distress signal went unanswered.

The pilot appears to have stopped trying many years ago, giving up any hope of being found. They ventured into the caves beneath the world, well beyond the range of these signals…

An input box flashes. If I can crack the code, I can find the ship.
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_28 Input: 0475
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_28 Input: 0457
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_28 Input: 0745
ALL_RADIO_LANG_29 1737 - 7173 - 3717 - ****
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_29 A distress call seems to be logged on the terminal.

The pilot seems to have accepted that they would never be found. After years of attempting to transmit a signal, it seems they created a makeshift shelter and began to farm crops and hunt local wildlife. It seems to have been a good life. Records indicate they were annihilated by Sentinels.

The ship’s beacon is encrypted, but if I can break through its defences, I should be able to locate the vessel.
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_29 Input: 7371
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_29 Input: 3771
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_29 Input: 1773
ALL_RADIO_LANG_30 5493 - 3549 - 9354 - ****
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_30 A distress signal was issued from this location long ago, demanding rescue and aid from any nearby ship.

The pilot appears to have died shortly after impact, but there is something wrong with this data. It shows the pilot intermittently exploring their world over a period of twenty years, returning to an apparently comatose state between excursions.

An input box flashes, awaiting the completion of the test…
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_30 Input: 3459
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_30 Input: 4935
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_30 Input: 4395
ALL_RADIO_LANG_31 8104 - 4810 - 0481 - ****
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_31 The transmission readout suggests that, long ago, a distress signal went unanswered.

The pilot appears to have located a Monolith a few months after crashing. They attempted to use its technology to find a way home. Instead, they witnessed what they claimed to be the end of all life. The transmission is a warning: leave this world and never return.

An input flashes. If I crack the code, I can find the ship.
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_31 Input: 0481
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_31 Input: 1048
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_31 Input: 1084
ALL_RADIO_LANG_32 8432 - 2843 - 3284 - ****
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_32 An unanswered distress call seems to be logged on the Transmission Tower operations terminal.

The pilot of the fallen vessel left many years ago, somehow decoding the runes of a nearby portal and abandoning their ship to the inhabitants of this world.

The ship’s beacon is encrypted, but if I can break through its defenses, I should be able to locate the vessel.
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_32 Input: 4328
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_32 Input: 3428
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_32 Input: 2843
ALL_RADIO_LANG_33 5047 - 7504 - 4750 - ****
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_33 A distress signal was issued from this location long ago, demanding rescue and aid from any nearby ship.

The fallen pilot appears to have identified themselves as a Templar of the Atlas. It is unclear what this means.

An input box flashes, awaiting the completion of the test…
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_33 Input: 4075
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_33 Input: 7450
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_33 Input: 0475
ALL_RADIO_LANG_34 1737 - 7173 - 3717 - ****
ALL_1_RADIO_DESC_34 The transmission readout suggests that, long ago, a distress signal went unanswered.

The pilot’s log is filled only with a deep and terrible laughter, a warning of some secret truth behind the universe’s operation. It begs me to realise where I am. It begs me to wake up.

An input box flashes. If I can crack the code, I can find the ship.
ALL_RADIO_OPT_A_34 Input: 7317
ALL_RADIO_OPT_B_34 Input: 1377
ALL_RADIO_OPT_C_34 Input: 7371