NMS could have worms like this

- YouTube What do you think about it?
they just appear on certain areas with rare stuff around it.

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Sean Murray just said in an interview a few days ago that they took the sandworms out because they were simply no fun. Maybe they fixed that.
Expecially since they have destructible terrain, I could think of some fun things to do with digging creatures. Like letting them actually dig, for starters.


If they appear just like normal animals in random places and not at specific spots it’s not cool. But the way osiris do that is so cool.

There’s no such thing as a “specific spot” in procgen, unfortunately.

No, in recent interviews Sean said the sand worm NMS had was cut…well, altered, the floating worms are it…he didn’t say anything about bringing it back either. It’s just something that didn’t work out.

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I don’t need sandworms… I do however, need a sandwich… Back later… :wink:


I tweeted the exact spot where Sean said this:


Weeell, you could make their spawning chance limited to desert planets, and within those, have them roam just in the dunes, for example.

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