It’s an odd feeling to have this game finally be out and to come to this forum. It was during the first season of waking titan, when we were all busy solving puzzles that this game was announced and I remember people discussing it here, and comparing its visual aesthetic to No Mans Sky somewhat.
Have yet to pick it up, hope to soon. The fact Obsidion made this and the fact that Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky where its directors, tells me this game is going to be one I’ll remember.
Sorry I’ve not been too active here, more transitional phasing on my end from training course to job hunting. Took a break from NMS so I don’t burn myself out on the experience.
Have been playing Disco Elysium in the mean time and might I be so rude as to recommend it to EVERYONE? Because I’m REALLY enjoying it. A lot. Like a super lot. Its a RPG/Point and Click and it has one of the most interesting stats/skills/conversation systems I’ve ever witnessed. Characters seem to remember everythign too and will call you out on it when you contradict yourself. During a lengthy dialogue tree, I got annoyed with a foul mouthed street urchin so just to make them stop I pointed my gun at them and told them to shut up.
This was completely optional. Entirely. Then later, my partner was grilling two teens pretty hard, one of the options I had (options presented differ for players, due to chosen personality skills/stats etc) was to tell him to ease up on them. His response? “That’s rich coming from someone who pointed a loaded weapon at a young girl earlier”. Or something along those lines.
It’s such a small touch, but it was such an amazing experience, and it seems the game is set up in such a way that there are an incredibly large amount of combinations and situations where these little conversations can happen.
I came here to say I really want Outer Worlds, I remember where I was when I heard about it (here), apologise for my absence and then mention I was playing Disco Elysium…
And then my brain vomited out two incoherent paragraphs and now I’m thinking I should have just made a new topic, about Disco Elysium. Gone WAY off topic
So I have been playing pretty much all day, every day since I got the game. First play through was a combo of Normal and Story. Not sure how many hours it has been(is there a way to check that on PS4?) I have completed my first play through. There are still 4 planets I have not visited so, there is definitely reason to play through again.
I will up the difficulty for my second run. I wonder how many different endings there are?
I restarted 4 times due to figuring out how to get the character.
20 hours playing, just finished 6 and i’m on my second planet.
got the high power scope assault rife . nice to take things down a long distances.
I play for a while then wife plays.
I go that flamer thrower, nice damage, ashes they become.
the conversations are great, entertaining,
i just don’t understand ya when ya say completed the play through?
since in 2 days I am at the second planet
seesh … ya ever thought of joining the speed-run association?
Like I said, I played almost non-stop. (And mostly on Story difficulty which is too easy) With all the crap I have been through this year, I gave myself a “time-off” pass.
One thing I really like in this game, when making decisions, there seems to be a compromise route that works for the benefit of all. Not sure it is available at every major decision. The mission with the Sublight contract did not achieve the the results I desired. @MacForADay, I diverted the power differently from you and still achieved a very desirable result. You must choose your replies and actions carefully. A lot hinges on your powers of persuasion, intimidation. I will focus more on those next time.
Still, had 4 planets I did not get to visit and I have no idea how to open them. So I will be making another run.
My “kids” are not really kids anymore. My son is 19. Daughter 25. They fend for themselves. Well, I still cook one good meal a day. Hopefully, my daughter will be able to go back to work soon. She has the all-clear from her heart surgery. My son is interning with a guy who has been in programming for decades and has worked for NASA and the CIA…(shhhh…)
One day, they will have to take care of me but, hopefully that is still a few decades away.
I assume there will be DLC or an update since there are planets that can not be reached and one pedestal that looks empty…? I have just started my second play through. Does anyone know if all planets can be reached?