New hints for NMS NEXT

There was mention by someone that HG had said “no more universe” resets but you may yet be right.
If it’s like you suggest and it all gets archived and rebooted yet again I won’t mind. I’ll just set off once more exploring a fantastic new universe.

I have thought for a while now - since experiencing a discovery bug - that the servers have been undergoing some overhaul or ‘time-out’ whilst the NEXT update is prepared… IF THIS IS TRUE then surely HG could’ve posted some message to inform players about issues that may affect gameplay without revealing what they are doing.

It is possible that the first regeneration was done to provide the platform for all that is coming in NEXT.

I believe that is true & was mentioned at the recent conference.
Was something about setting things up so future tweaking isn’t so disruptive…or something along those lines.

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Ahh cool! Seems like the most logical way forward :globe_with_meridians:

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