Light No Fire

Another thing I notice about the trailer after letting it percolate a bit… for a fantasy game, there’s a disconcerting lack of dungeons in it.


Since we have spent years helping HG bug shoot NMS, I wonder if they will lean into that free help and offer Early Access?


Me 3 (Me2 was already co-, opted. :slightly_smiling_face:)

I may well buy the game just for kicks plus to support Hello Games. I can always re-gift it to a relative – two are gamers.


Most underrated joke of the day :rofl:


Yes, I am really hoping for dungeons. We know they can do them because of the derelict freighters in NMS. There are spheres on top of hills with runic carvings in them, perhaps those are dungeon entrances


That game is the place for true dungeons.


My first thought when I saw the trailer was all the times folk would dream and hope they’d focus their proc gen into a single RPG world or province and damn… They actually went and did it. ;0; I’m so excited… Now will my pc run it or will I have a new console in time for this? XD

was trying to recall where I heard them discuss this before, seems like this has been stewin in the back of their minds for a while. Also recall a pre release interview (like a week or days before) where sean discussed plans for NMS post launch, hoping to add to it freely and eventually become a NMS 2.0 or a NMS Online as he referred to it. Which is why I’m always irked when people say “oh the support is because of the backlash at launch.”

I don’t think hello games ever changed course, they just stuck to their guy and took us on a scenic route along the way :smiley:


And at the game awards Sean said they want to be still updating the new game 10 years from now


I second @jedidia 's desire for functional solo play. Otherwise, it’s just another MMO - one out of thousands.

I’ve always thought, and often said, that what No Man’s Sky lacked was a proper story. MMOs seek to get round this deficiency by using the players as story elements - I’ve always felt this was a cheap and unsatisfying trick. I have no desire to play an MMO.


My guess is that some biomes will be mostly peaceful, like the lush forests and such, where a solo player can easily survive and live, then there will be much more dangerous biomes like the wasteland they showed with undead skeletons which are much more challenging and you would want other players with you to explore.


From the trailer I can’t picture what the gameplay will be like at all, but I’m willing to give it a try. Did they say it’s an RPG (where each toon levels up different skills)? Or more like Minecraft or Valheim where your skills depend on your tools/consumbables? I couldn’t tell what the survival was about (except the skeletons). :person_shrugging:

Not being the hero sounds great – especially after Starfield completely ran the extreme opposite way and made a nobody the super mega galaxy hero after five seconds for not failing the first fetch quest. :person_facepalming: :wink:

Guess this will not be out this Christmas? Well I can play the Invincible first I guess.

… … Can we found a ETARC guild? :pleading_face:


Surely so. You’re now the President. :smile:


Coooool :star_struck:


Hard to say if its like valheim/minecraft but I took some screens. Theres hunting boars so… still hard to say XD Something like ValheiMinecraft meets Skyrim would be great, Enshrouded tried something similar recently

Took some screens of the quick flashes from 4k youtubecompressed source.

That crab lad looks familiar :slight_smile: Looks like new nms update was just Echoes from what was being made in the next room over :smiley:

Was a HDR source so the PNGs always come out a bit weird and dull and never recover from a brightness/contrast change, apologies if blown out on peoples end

Light No Fire Announcement Trailer - YouTube - Google Chrome 08_12_2023 17_11_47

Also adore these lightly ghibli like shadow goons that remind me also of last campfire’s cute macabre aesthetic.


I want to fly on a giant wren. That’s all I need to play. :heart_eyes:


All the human characters are hiding their faces. All the cute animal people are on proud display.

The only reason for this could be that hello games still havent figured out how to model human faces :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s certainly going to fill the void of this game disappearing for years with no word

I was wondering if this game would have any universe or lore connection to NMS, other than the game being very much in its DNA. Then I realised they don’t even have to try, nobody can convince me this isn’t the world in Polos sim.

I’ll send you guys a postcard when I find Artemis 07


You may have a point. We never get to take our helmets off in NMS.
It could be they will have to decide between customizable faces and choosing between some presets…or maybe…our faces will be proc gen…


Thanks. It’s modern self-service data compression - a trailer becomes a video of a slide show in 10x speed and they leave it up to the viewer to flip through the images at their own pace! :grinning: (not recommended on mobile.)


Just realising the draw distance on (player?) structures is certainly a leap beyond NMS’s. That mountain tower the dragon passes can be seen during the walk up from the ocean.

Still no sign if they’ve figure out how to do waterfalls in proc gen.

I get the impression if its a single proc gen world we’ll all be wandering around, they already know how the world looks (or are close to settling on a final iteration) so they can always go in to areas after or use something a little more guided than proc gen that does know what its neighbour is, to add baked detail and structure, but hard to say without knowing where the gameplay loop lies or how thats going to work.


I was thinking the same thing. They only show a side profile of 1 human character for an extremely brief moment. And he lacked a chin. Lol. Or atleast hardly had one. I think they either haven’t got the facial animations down yet, or they haven’t settled on a design yet. Also, I have a feeling that the humanoid faces are going to come to NMS soon. Maybe even before LNF.