Electrical engineering - basic principles - 0037/4 - smoke


Thermodynamic, rather than electrical. But here we go:

In 1872, the Physicist and Demonologist James Clerk Maxwell proposed that a demon might be usefully employed to provide convenient heating (say, to make a nice hot cup of coffee) by sorting the molecules in a volume of gas. The hot molecules would go into one container, and the cold ones into another. At the time, Maxwell’s colleagues did not believe that a demon could be persuaded to perform such a task, and Maxwell himself never managed it.

Curiously, this sorting of hot molecules into one container, and cold ones into another, is exactly what goes on inside your home refrigerator. You might want to consider this, when you wonder what really turns the light on when you open the door, and whether it was really you who ate the last of the potato salad.


Thermodynamics - Part 2

Fifth Law of Thermodynamics:

A Thermos flask will keep hot things hot.

It will also keep cold things cold.

But how does it know?


Nooooo!!! I will never be able to sleep again. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


No need to lose sleep. Just make friends with the demons. They have a hard life, making everything around you function. Thank them for their efforts - they’ll love you for it.


Since we are all being so sensible: :upside_down_face:
Does anybody here have knowledge or qualifications on repairing older dial-up, transdimensional, wormhole-generators?
My portal has broken down & it’s much too old to be covered by warrantee.
There was no smoke (magic or otherwise) & yes; I did try turning it off, then back on again. Seems to be a charging interface issue.
I suspect that a sentinel I spotted with a ‘portal deletion’ directive was responsible…or demons.


Mad, I’m sorry. As I said at the start, this is just an introductory tutorial for first-stage technicians.

The stuff you’re talking about is much higher level. You probably need to talk to God - or whoever his Boss is.

However, if you insured your portal against failure with our in-house insurance scheme, you can be assured that we will not pay you out under any circumstances. Do you think we’re stupid?


Well, I did as you suggested:…
I bypassed the lower tiers of those that govern the universe (Trump, Disney & McDonalds) & went straight for the top but of course got transfered elsewhere… to a Wallmart call centre. They said this happens all the time, before forwarding me on to the Giant Flying Spaghetti Monster helpline… which of course, was no help at all.
I then attempted Portals-Are-Us but they claimed all their technition’s were working on a large contract in an alternate reality. They suggested if I would like to jump sideways in time over to iteration 285743688554225578 & wait until 2024, I could apply for a trade-in portal, provided the one I have is still in good condition. When I asked how I was supposed to get my damaged portal over there & how was I supposed to power it up with no interface & use it to get there, the opperator just giggled and told me to ‘stop being silly’ and terminated my call.
Understandably, I’m getting frustrated.

I did attempt a home repair, hot-wiring effort but given I briefly had one of my feet where my ear used to be, my knowledge of transdimensional-matter-reconstruction is obviously lacking.

And now to top it off, a police officer is giving me a ticket for ‘lack of due care and attention’ because in my distracted state, I drove my exotic tall wing through the drive-through & ultimately got stuck.
Just having one of those weeks I guess.


inter-dimensional time police?


Also remember to put plants with good aura, that will straighten electrons and prevent some bad electromagnetic energy outbursts.
A good size Echinocactus (several of them) should be the ideal option.
Though I have found that Sac Venom also works well.