Base Building Creations

That Exo Mech fighting arena is going to turn out pretty fine!
Can’t wait to show the ‘real’ result…

Work In Progress


Two mechs go in, one mech comes out! :laughing:



Cool thought, we just need A Yoda/ Master-Blaster type backpack added to the game for Gek to sit in. :slight_smile:



I am having trouble deciding on colours for the arena floor! :woozy_face:

Let me know which colour combo you would prefer to see through the poll below.
I have included day/night images for each option.

Your vote is appreciated and will hopefully help me figure it out :wink:

Note: Right-click image to open in new tab for full resolution


I can already hear…

Robots Activate!


All too dark. Maybe something lighter to show up the eventual oil spills.


I finally found a Paradise like planet with Mild Rain. No storms. So I had to move my base.
With 2 Plaques, a waypoint and one Abandoned Building on the nearby islands, I decided to set up an observation post nearby.

Upon landing you will be greeted by our friendly staff who would love to give you a personal tour but they are simply too busy.

You will find plenty of storage for the goodies you will discover in the orange-glow waters of this planet
Teleport or walk to the nearby living quarters.

Here you will find our friendly-faced mechanic and multi-tool vendor ready to assist you with all your adventuring needs.

Upstairs you will find our Gek buddies preparing tasty dishes and maintaining the living quarters.

On the far side of the base you will find transportation to the nearby points of interests as well as a teleporter to the Nipping Lounge.

In the lounge, you may sample the locally grown Nip Nip and enjoy the underwater scenery.

We hope to see you soon!


Thanks everyone for the feedback using the poll. Both the brightest and the darkest variants were least voted for, which leaves the remaining 3 undecided, For now I have chosen to go with the yellow, as it stands out very well due to contrast, while still bright.

There is nothing available that is brighter than the default white/orange colour choice. A full white floor would certainly stand out, which may actually be possible using the divider walls for cuboid rooms.

However, my main issue is getting the area proper lit in the first place. Lights are terrible in NMS and I honestly hope HG plans on fixing them to truly give light. I have flood lights placed, but they don’t actually shine at all. Coloured lights are placed around the floor, truly shining, but with terrible reach. Candelabra Bloom has better reach and even brighter, of which I have a few hidden (scaled down) around the outer edges. It is still not enough to get anything large like the Exo Mech properly lit. We’ll just have to pretend seeing the full details of a rough fight, blood, sweat, tears, and spills :wink:

On a side note, I may actually change location, as I am currently working on it on a dead planet with low gravity. Daylight does not really appear too bright, so a change of planet may do this build well.

I feel I have almost finished up, so I’ll include some pics below:

On the red side! (lights blink and music plays)

Get ready to rrrrumble!

8 first class seats in one of the Sky boxes.

Control panel to open either gate in style, turn on arena flood lights, sound a horn, or play music.

Get your drinks at the bar below the sky box

There are over 100 more affordable seats for a good view.

Of course various vendors can be found as well…

Best Nip in town

Mystery gifts

Supporter flags

… flowers for the winner


Yes! My yellow vote counted. Bright floor just made sense.


Goodbye framerate! :laughing:


Oh yes, I bet making proper lights is not going to ‘help’ performance.

On that note, moving the base from a dead planet, to the new ‘lush’ location, did not really help much either :rofl:

I think I have finished the arena build at once again 3000 parts, pffttt. With having trouble finding flat terrain, I found these craters actually working perfectly fine. I will wrap up tomorrow with full details and hopefully a new video. Here is a quick screenshot showing a preview of the final result.


Once again your creative use of game objects astounds me. “Aye Yam Gobstopped!” <3


Hello, everyone.
Newb here to your wonderful forum.

Stumbled across this community from Googling base building tips and examples. … and I’m just blown away at some of what you all have done here. So much so I created an account so I may participate and so I could post here today.
A lot of what id displayed here is so far beyond me I can only gaze in wonder, but a lot too is (I hope) well within my capability as I learn and practice building.
Clearly there are some very imaginative and talented players here.

Keep up the great work!


A quick short video showing off the ‘Snake Oil Pit Stop’ base.



PC - Normal - Eissentam

And here is the final result of the Exo Mech fighting arena in video!

Enjoy :wink:


Welcome to the forum @Scooperman. We look forward to your creations. :grinning:

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Anyone get bored and want to pay me a visit please do so and any feedback is welcome! The photo shows what I call the Star Wars Bar (Work In Progress) . I have 2 bases and as you can see, quick access to the portal :slight_smile:.

This is site 1 of 2 of my home planet / systems and will share the coordinates to the other once I have completed more there. I haven’t played much lately, but you can always psn or message here.

Happy Travels friends!


Looks pretty cool and would love to see the progress you make.

PS: Let us know what Galaxy your base is located in.


Thank you. I believe its Euclid, but I’ll verify.