Atlas Codex - Ready to index your discoveries and document your journey

Hello, Interlopers!!

Before things get crazy with the Beyond launch I wanted to drop in and invite everyone to stop by Atlas Codex. For those of you unfamiliar with the site it’s a community created especially for No Man’s Sky with a bunch of features:

  • Upload & share your discoveries with rich information
  • Find specific types of discoveries with advanced search & filtering
  • Join and share discoveries to established hubs
  • Keep a journal of your journey through the universe
  • View other players profiles

Once Beyond drops (or even before) it would be amazing to see some of you folk stop by to share your discoveries.

I’ve also spent the last couple of months working on V2 of the site, which will add MANY community requested features, it’s going to be a huge update which I hope to launch soon after Beyond releases. I’ll post more news about V2 soon, in the meantime if you have any questions, feedback or just want to geek out over NMS feel free to drop me a message here or on Discord :rocket:



@AtlasCodex: I added the prefix ‘BEYOND’ to the topic title for easy discoverability :wink:


Amazing, thank you!! :smile: