All Waking Titan websites are now offline, except for CSD and Myriad

I think that is the case too. Looking back over the game’s evolution, it has changed so much that it really isn’t the same game I met on day one.
I don’t mind if WT is finished.
I feel I’ve well & truly got my money’s worth from my investment into Hello Games & NMS & all that came with it.
This little community is one of those most treasured things & without WT this forum would not exist.


The image you posted is the result of a ‘cached’ version of Myriad-70, not the actual ‘live’ website. The domain is still registered, but can no longer handle requests (error 503). Such an error is very generic though and doesn’t tell us much. Either the website backend has been taken down, or not been maintained to remain functional.


Note that both ‘atlas-65’ and ‘myriad-70’ have been created/registered and updated at exactly the same date/time. They will both expire at the same time too, as you noted. Could have been part of a ‘package’ deal? Not sure what is planned with the ‘atlas-65’ domain, as it is currently being used to redirect this forum (Discourse hosting package).


You are viewing a ‘cached’ version for ‘atlas-65’ here as well.


We might finally get our Atlas Passes! Don’t give up :slight_smile:

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But, but, but, but, (horror) there is still this to solve :slight_smile:

and not forgetting the little Haiku Puzzle too :slight_smile:


Quick comments about the Atlas Pass. They all have been sent, believe me, we worked a lot of weekend to get them out. :slight_smile:

Since they were sent in bulk mailing (that’s a completely different pricing and management from a normal mail) the delivery rate is not what a normal mailing will be. When a block of ID is missing it’s likely that a full region got locked out of our mailing, or in some case a full country did not get the pass. Stuff we don’t have much control on, especially sending mail in so many countries around the world.

For the crafting kit, we had much more control (small batch, registered mail and tracking ID) so all of them got delivered.


Thank you for informing us Anashel! Can you also tell us about the metal Atlas passes that were mentioned as prizes for WT Season 2? I never heard about anyone receiving those.


They are not metal, they are really cool suede like finish passes. The metal one on reddit was created by a fans. I know a bunch were sent but we got zero feedbacks so far. We could resend a batch, we have about 25 left over.


:sunglasses: I received my regular Atlas lv4 Pass and reported it. Still hanging right above my desk. My question would be is there any actual use for the Passes in the future or is it just a memento?
I will treasure mine always. :grinning:


If you’re looking for someone to send a pass to, I didn’t get one first time round…


I guess you have to send them to Youtubers cough like me cough to get the word out.


I would happily send @Anashel some feedback. :heart_eyes:


Can you send one to Cobra TV? He was a big part of the ARG and is a huge fan of NMS :slight_smile:


I’ll put my hand up for a pass. :slightly_smiling_face:
Was greatly disappointed when I missed out during the ARG. One of the few times in my life where I fanatically checked my mail.


I’ll be honest. I want one of the suede ones. But I got the cardstock v4 pass already so i’d rather that the nicer atlas passes go to those who had to wait so long and never got anything. I feel like they deserve it more.


Damn it I guess I must have missed out :sob:

Good times with the ARG though, and I did my bit taking a photo of the office bell.


I don’t think you missed anything. @Anashel took fright and ran away when the subject of remaining passes was raised.

Hello Games aren’t paying any more, and international post costs a lot. Without a sponsor to send the bill to, I think it’s unlikely you’ll see any further action from Alice & Smith.


Well, that kind of sucks. I know that the passes are just for fun, but at the same time. Kind of cool.


I know. But it’s still a sore point for many people who’ve supported both NMS and the ARG from the start. It could have been done better, more fairly. They could have distributed the passes amongst the people who actually supported the game, rather than amongst those who just signed up for the freebies, and then took no part in the ARG.