Odd looking rocks.
Looks like the texture doesn’t load at the right LOD.
Met this little guy again.
He’s very depressed since the BEYOND update because he can’t get his doors to work and when he moved bases, he lost his inventory.
Also met this guy again too.
Nice new detail.
(On PS4, clicking quickly to camera view leaves your M-tool still visible in shot)
Strangely, mine is still showing.
I found the Galactic Bobbsey Twin Travellers!
Did he ask for a handout? It’s a scam!
I am experimental. Should roll out to all soon.
My bad. I misunderstood you. <3
I clarified it,
The Sunrise
Larger when low on the horizon and getting smaller as it rises, which is as it should be. Also distortion caused by the rings around the planet. Also, as it should be. Very nice small details.
Ah, but isn’t that the physics we only know about in our galaxy? I’ve seen Barbarella (well with one eye open lol). I’ve seen 2001 too and there is a lot of weird stuff out there in the great Beyond lol Just ask Ant Man…
But I know what you mean
It is one way we can make sense of the world, I guess, and those little details I am really enjoying too. Like the little fans whirring behind a tiny grill, behind the seat, behind the cockpit of one of the starships. Mad! But fun to find.
Even the creatures have some nice little animations now at last, that make all the difference believing they ‘live’ and inhabit their worlds.
Here’s the sun on my planet at the moment.
Now you stay out there beastie!
The Sleeping Caves
I had committed a rookie mistake.
I was following the Purge. Following the path to the Galactic Core, I made the next jump. I had the Cadmium Drive installed in my starship, but not repaired. It should have never allowed a jump to a red system. So, I just made the jump. With no extra fuel. With no Chromatic Metal. With no anything that I really needed.
I landed in a system with no Space Station.
Shocked at what had just happened, I informed my Captain and called for my Freighter. The fools came. With no fuel. With no Chromatic Metal. With no anything we really needed.
My Freighter was still unfinished. We were in trouble. I let the Captain know who I was going to hold responsible for this.
I turned to the Navigator and I told him to find us a way out of this mess. I didn’t care if he had to climb outside and harness a Space Whale. We were going home!
Running through my mind was all of my training. Years of field experience came flooding into my thoughts. Suddenly, I remembered, Cadmium refines into Chromatic Metal. And I was in a red system. Cadmium would be over every hill.
Then I remembered. My refiner had gone missing. Something about a wager between my Farmer and the Weapon’s Tech. The next morning, I found my refiner was gone and a stack of Nip Nip Buds lay in its place.
Just then, my Navigator alerted me to a distress beacon and I raced to the location hoping for something I could salvage, only to find it had already taken. Perhaps by some other stranded Traveller.
The situation was not improving.
Ferrite. If only I could find some. Surely I could construct a new refiner from the bits and pieces I had on hand.
By now, all the coming and going had alerted the local Sentinels. I had not noticed them before. But now, they were searching, quite likely for me.
I turned to find a place to hide. What I saw was foreboding to say the least.
A storm had moved in and the searing heat and the threat of being spotted by Sentinels, pushed me in.
I had never seen such darkness. So dark, it was as if all the stars in the heavens could fall into it and never be seen again.
I had heard the stories. All Travellers have. Stories about Travellers seeking refuge in places like this. Travellers who fell asleep and never woke up. Travellers who ran with all their might, escaping with their life but not their sanity.
As I moved deeper into the caverns, I found a labyrinth of passageways.
I could hear something. Faintly. Like a whisper on the wind. Was it the sound of crying? The sound of tears from the lost echoes of Travellers who…
I had to get out! I couldn’t stay! I would take my chances with the Sentinels.
When I reached the outside, darkness had fallen. I was thankful for the open sky.
With determined purpose, I searched and found the needed Ferrite and soon after, the Cadmium.
You would think my circumstances were starting to improve, but this planet would not allow it.
I was now being hunted by a local predator.
Not wanting to be digested as an evening snack and fearing an appearance of the Sentinels should I defend myself, I took advantage of the tall grass and waited for the beast to pass by.
Finally able to gather the needed supplies, I quickly refined them. Not for one moment could I let my guard down.
With everything I needed aboard, I raced back to my Freighter.
Once aboard, I ran with every ounce of strength left in me. I ran to the Bridge, barking orders at my crew. Get those supplies unloaded! Get this Freighter fueled! Navigator, take us home!
Had I escaped the fate of so many who had come before me? Had I passed some kind of Universal test? Or was I just lucky?
Perhaps, one day, I will find out.
Then again, perhaps I will never know.
The ending, is just a new beginning - Sheral Myst
I do!
They can do anything
I just wouldn’t expect them to solve all the bugs before the world ends. But boy oh boy I would be very happy to wait!
EDIT: on second thoughts the bug reports might take a long time to reach them from my galaxy…