No Man’s Sky—v1.3 Screenshots & Art

nmsMIST :no_mouth:


Nice night photo. Is the tree/plant lighting from a torch to the side? It seems pretty far for torch light to illuminate them.

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Some nostalgic landscapes:

Purple Planetrise:

Searing Sunrise, hot and dry:

Antithesis, cool and damp:


Temperate, Barren:

Pearlescent: :wink:

Abstract Animal Sculptural:

Funny how the TM beam always showed in the photo mode.


Screenshot from my voyages.Hilbert Dimension







A long time ago in a galaxy far far away…

a restless traveller found these…

remnants of a reign.

New civilizations appeared and built on the ruins of the ancients…

a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.


Hello World!

At the dawn of a new phase, I am glad to get to share screenshots of my journey again.
I am currently visiting the stars around my home system.

I though I could make a try out and add some fiction on this sequence! I am not as good as many others when it comes to add lore but I sure had fun doing it, so I hope you guys enjoy it haha!

Kzzztt… // Reloading Exo Suit Technology kzt. … Please Wait… kzzt// Processing Rotation to Subject kztt…
//Main reactor kzztt -ON//

//Approaching Planet// Waiting For next Command//

Desolated planet, another one… just as I expected. .
// Survival Systems Reloaded, kztt zz… Identity scanned - Welcome Back, CSD Arpoja. kzzt
// Resquesting Next Command. //

  • Land us.

//Processing to Next Command kzzt…//
//Calibrating Path // Calculating Distance to subject “Jochazinsuu” kzzt - Complete / 1.331Ks //Calculating time 00:01:06 // kzzt… kzt… // Encrasing propulsion power // Engaging Full power - LAUNCH // kzztt…

  • TRV01, add 100 Zn units to your shield. The scanner detected something, tell me what it is, please.

//kzztt… Viable landing Plateform detected… kkztt…// Holding Landing Procedure // Waiting for Confirmation//

  • Don’t land on it TRV01 please. Let’s keep ourselves discreet for now.

// Processing next Command// Transfering Propulsion power to Cruise speed… kztt… // Moving away from Viable plateform Waiting for next Command// kkzzt…

  • TRV01, Tell me if those are a threat, please, I have never seen so much of them, if they decide to suddenly attack me, there will be nothing I can do.

//Scanning Life form // Negative - Peacefull Subject// Threatening Level - 6% // Transfering information to your database // Opening Cockpit -Ejection process.// Kzzt…

Suddenly the fog went thicker as my feet touched the Ground… my Exo suit sensors revealed a high dose of radiation that I could already feel under my Exo Skin.
I saw this depraved Planet, and above the sky, hundreds of them flying around me…

I remotly recharged the TRV01 Thrusters, just in case anything goes wrong.

As I laborously walk away from TRV01, to the Drop pod… the wind increases and the gusts of wind smash my Exo gives me a red Warning. It comes From my Ship.

//Radioactive Storm kzzrrApproa kzz …ching// Danger increased to Lvl3 kzzzt…//
As I run faster I suddenly see a cave that could protect me while the storm is raging…

Kzzzt… // Alarm… KZzzt… storm increasing… kkzzzzzzzz…

I ran into it as I was pretty scared that suddenly some Predator would see me and hunt me inside the cave… ( a Chtulu’s brother at this precise moment would have been the end for me, I knew it…)

The communication with TRV01 was no longer working. All I could hear is a regular parasitic sound that leads to nothing… I try to stay calm and sneak into the deepest cavity of the cave. I quickly turned around and aimed my multi tool to the dark parts of the cave, waiting for something to appear…
As I sat, back to the wall, I counted until 3 in my head and quickly loaded it again, as I had only 3 bullets left…

I sat there the whole night waiting for the sun to come embrace the cave, giving me a safe path to the exit.

Before doing so, I attended a beautiful scenery… just like a reward for spending the night safe and sound…

I quickly went out as the communication with TRV01 was established again.
I called him to move to my location and I saw him landing just next to me giving off a powerful breath crashing on the ground.

Without Waiting I jumped inside the cockpit…

// Kzzzt… Survival Systems Reloaded, kssssstt… Identity scanned - Welcome Back, CSD Arpoja.

Cheers fellow travellers!!


I think theres something shady going on here…


Welcome to Jochazinsuu !


The very well known “Red star with 3 planets and 3 moons in Gek system”. So many people have tried to find portal in this kind of systems at the begining :smiley:Maybe one day we’d have the answer to why this map.

Or not… :yum:


As far as i know it’s always in a Gek system we can find this hologram. The hologram is always the same, many theories are existing. If i remember well, on the ground at portals (and some monoliths), we can see 3 circles, 1 is alone, 1 has a smaller one close and the 3rd has 2. probably this “3 planets 3 moons system”.

You can see it to the right of this pic:

1 moon on the 1st, none on 2nd and 2 on the last.



nice planets

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Trying To Survive.


Hey that’s a good one!

Are those 2 planets with a moon for each of them?

Yes! they look nice