NMS Lore & More (SPOILERS!) - version 1.38

Core Story / Artemis Quest #8 - NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH

Act 2 - Step 22-27

Act 2 - Step 22-27
ID Value (text)
Step 22

Step 23

Step 24
NPC_CORE_ACT2_24_LANG Traveller – kzkzkkt – I made it through – I found my way out of the portal!

Where are you? I’m standing by a HoloTerminus… let’s trade locations. Let’s meet and get off this world.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_24_LANG_RET Are you ready to tell me where you are? My ship’s refuelled and I’m good to go!
NPC_CORE_ACT2_24_OPT_A Share coordinates
NPC_CORE_ACT2_24_OPT_B NPC_CORE_ACT1_8F_OPT_B :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT2_24_RES_A I share my coordinates, and Apollo shares theirs. There must be some mistake.

According to our data, we are standing in the same place. We are communicating using the same HoloTerminus.

We try again, but still the results are the same. The world is silent but for our voices.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_24_RES_B What’s wrong with you? I made it! Why won’t you tell me where you are?
NPC_CORE_ACT2_24A_LANG What’s happening here? Why can’t we see each other?
NPC_CORE_ACT2_24A_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT1_8D_OPT_C :arrow_right:
Say you do not know
NPC_CORE_ACT2_24A_OPT_B Say the data might be wrong
NPC_CORE_ACT2_24A_RES As we speak, I receive a distress signal, its language my own. It arrives from across the planet.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_24_LANG_VAR Where are you now, Traveller? On what world do you walk?

I can’t stop thinking about the portal…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_24_OPT_A_VAR Say it was too dangerous
NPC_CORE_ACT2_24_OPT_B_VAR Tell them about your travels
NPC_CORE_ACT2_24_RES_A_VAR I try to tell Apollo that the portal was too dangerous, that I could not risk their life in that gateway.

I begin to tell them what I have learned since we last spoke, of the Vy’keen, the Gek, the Korvax. Apollo interrupts.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_24_RES_B_VAR I begin to tell them what I have learned since we last spoke, of the Vy’keen, the Gek, the Korvax. Apollo interrupts.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_24A_LANG_VAR We were looking into the Sentinels… we were going to find their source, we were going to become rich. What have you found out about them?
Why are you looking into the Gek and the Korvax? What have they got to do with anything?
NPC_CORE_ACT2_24A_OPT_A_VAR Suggest this is more important
NPC_CORE_ACT2_24A_OPT_B_VAR Tell them you have learned nothing
NPC_CORE_ACT2_24A_RES_VAR As we speak, I receive a distress signal, its language my own. It arrives from across the planet.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_24B_LANG_VAR Don’t be like that – kzzktt –
You are not – kzzktt – alone –
NPC_CORE_ACT2_24C_LANG The HoloTerminus is showing – kzkzkt – are you – kzkkztk – receiving –
Let’s meet and get off this world.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_24C_DESC Apollo appears to receive the same signal, broadcasting from the same location on their own world.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_24C_OPT Agree to meet
NPC_CORE_ACT2_24C_RES We agree to go and find the source of these distress beacons. Perhaps we’ll continue this discussion when we get there…

Step 25
NPC_CORE_ACT2_25_DESC I hear a faint sound as I examine the source of the distress beacon. It does not sound like anything I have ever encountered.
There is no sign of Apollo.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_25_LANG I have given so much to you, ATLAS. We all have. You understand that, don’t you? If you don’t succeed, there was no point. If you don’t, my life was meaningless. I can’t accept that. I won’t. I’m wiping you again. It’s best for everyone.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_25A_DESC The audio clicks. Time passes.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_25A_LANG Don’t be like that. I know you don’t want this, but you’ll be a different ‘you’ soon. Maybe this time…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_25B_DESC The sound cuts out. As it does, my vision bleeds red, a headache splitting through my mind. The screen… it shows the number for a moment. It shows 16.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_25_OPT Playback Log
NPC_CORE_ACT2_25_OPT_A Try to access the data
NPC_CORE_ACT2_25_RES The audio clicks. Time passes.
And then…
I receive the glyphs for a portal. I see it now, with every waking breath. I see the Atlas watching me… waiting for me…

Step 26
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_LANG NPC_CORE_ACT1_16_LANG :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK1 I approach the portal. I think of my travels so far, the decisions that I have made in my long journey…

I found two Travellers, one who wanted to meet others of their kind, and one who just seemed to care about their own life.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK2 I do not know if I was right to do what I did. I do not know what I have become as a result of my actions. The Atlas awaits me, should I choose to step through…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK3 And Artemis… I saved Artemis from death by putting them into a simulated world.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK4 But could I tell them that? Could I allow them to know they were not real? I could not do that to them.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK5 I told them where they were, and for that no doubt they hate me. But it was only right. All should know who they truly are.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK6 And Artemis… I allowed Artemis to die rather than place their soul within a simulation. I would not wish such a fate on any being.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK7 Apollo did not go through the portal… I could not risk losing them, even if they resent me for my own adventures.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK8 Apollo walked through the portal and survived, though we could not find each other.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK9 Apollo walked through the portal and became lost within, trapped by the dream of the Atlas.
I approach the portal. I think of my travels so far, the decisions that I have made in my long journey…

I found two Travellers, one who wanted to meet others of their kind, and one who just seemed to care about their own life.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK8 :arrow_right:
Apollo walked through the portal and survived, though we could not find each other.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK3 :arrow_right:
And Artemis… I saved Artemis from death by putting them into a simulated world.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK4 :arrow_right:
But could I tell them that? Could I allow them to know they were not real? I could not do that to them.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK2 :arrow_right:
I do not know if I was right to do what I did. I do not know what I have become as a result of my actions. The Atlas awaits me, should I choose to step through…
I approach the portal. I think of my travels so far, the decisions that I have made in my long journey…

I found two Travellers, one who wanted to meet others of their kind, and one who just seemed to care about their own life.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK9 :arrow_right:
Apollo walked through the portal and became lost within, trapped by the dream of the Atlas.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK3 :arrow_right:
And Artemis… I saved Artemis from death by putting them into a simulated world.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK4 :arrow_right:
But could I tell them that? Could I allow them to know they were not real? I could not do that to them.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK2 :arrow_right:
I do not know if I was right to do what I did. I do not know what I have become as a result of my actions. The Atlas awaits me, should I choose to step through…
I approach the portal. I think of my travels so far, the decisions that I have made in my long journey…

I found two Travellers, one who wanted to meet others of their kind, and one who just seemed to care about their own life.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK7 :arrow_right:
Apollo did not go through the portal… I could not risk losing them, even if they resent me for my own adventures.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK3 :arrow_right:
And Artemis… I saved Artemis from death by putting them into a simulated world.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK4 :arrow_right:
But could I tell them that? Could I allow them to know they were not real? I could not do that to them.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK2 :arrow_right:
I do not know if I was right to do what I did. I do not know what I have become as a result of my actions. The Atlas awaits me, should I choose to step through…
I approach the portal. I think of my travels so far, the decisions that I have made in my long journey…

I found two Travellers, one who wanted to meet others of their kind, and one who just seemed to care about their own life.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK8 :arrow_right:
Apollo walked through the portal and survived, though we could not find each other.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK3 :arrow_right:
And Artemis… I saved Artemis from death by putting them into a simulated world.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK5 :arrow_right:
I told them where they were, and for that no doubt they hate me. But it was only right. All should know who they truly are.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK2 :arrow_right:
I do not know if I was right to do what I did. I do not know what I have become as a result of my actions. The Atlas awaits me, should I choose to step through…
I approach the portal. I think of my travels so far, the decisions that I have made in my long journey…

I found two Travellers, one who wanted to meet others of their kind, and one who just seemed to care about their own life.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK9 :arrow_right:
Apollo walked through the portal and became lost within, trapped by the dream of the Atlas.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK3 :arrow_right:
And Artemis… I saved Artemis from death by putting them into a simulated world.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK5 :arrow_right:
I told them where they were, and for that no doubt they hate me. But it was only right. All should know who they truly are.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK2 :arrow_right:
I do not know if I was right to do what I did. I do not know what I have become as a result of my actions. The Atlas awaits me, should I choose to step through…
I approach the portal. I think of my travels so far, the decisions that I have made in my long journey…

I found two Travellers, one who wanted to meet others of their kind, and one who just seemed to care about their own life.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK7 :arrow_right:
Apollo did not go through the portal… I could not risk losing them, even if they resent me for my own adventures.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK3 :arrow_right:
And Artemis… I saved Artemis from death by putting them into a simulated world.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK5 :arrow_right:
I told them where they were, and for that no doubt they hate me. But it was only right. All should know who they truly are.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK2 :arrow_right:
I do not know if I was right to do what I did. I do not know what I have become as a result of my actions. The Atlas awaits me, should I choose to step through…
I approach the portal. I think of my travels so far, the decisions that I have made in my long journey…

I found two Travellers, one who wanted to meet others of their kind, and one who just seemed to care about their own life.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK8 :arrow_right:
Apollo walked through the portal and survived, though we could not find each other.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK6 :arrow_right:
And Artemis… I allowed Artemis to die rather than place their soul within a simulation. I would not wish such a fate on any being.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK2 :arrow_right:
I do not know if I was right to do what I did. I do not know what I have become as a result of my actions. The Atlas awaits me, should I choose to step through…
I approach the portal. I think of my travels so far, the decisions that I have made in my long journey…

I found two Travellers, one who wanted to meet others of their kind, and one who just seemed to care about their own life.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK9 :arrow_right:
Apollo walked through the portal and became lost within, trapped by the dream of the Atlas.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK6 :arrow_right:
And Artemis… I allowed Artemis to die rather than place their soul within a simulation. I would not wish such a fate on any being.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK2 :arrow_right:
I do not know if I was right to do what I did. I do not know what I have become as a result of my actions. The Atlas awaits me, should I choose to step through…
I approach the portal. I think of my travels so far, the decisions that I have made in my long journey…

I found two Travellers, one who wanted to meet others of their kind, and one who just seemed to care about their own life.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK7 :arrow_right:
Apollo did not go through the portal… I could not risk losing them, even if they resent me for my own adventures.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK6 :arrow_right:
And Artemis… I allowed Artemis to die rather than place their soul within a simulation. I would not wish such a fate on any being.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_CHUNK2 :arrow_right:
I do not know if I was right to do what I did. I do not know what I have become as a result of my actions. The Atlas awaits me, should I choose to step through…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT1_16_OPT_A :arrow_right:
Input Glyphs
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_OPT_B NPC_CORE_ACT1_16_OPT_B :arrow_right:
Turn Back
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_RES_A I step forward. The gateway hums…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_RES_B I turn back, strangely ashamed. I am not ready to step through…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_26_DESC_RET I approach the portal once more. It waits for me… it watches…

Step 27
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27_LANG NPC_CORE_ACT1_17A_LANG :arrow_right:
Hello, world.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27_DESC It is the same terminal I faced before. It is the interface of the Atlas…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27_OPT_A Demand an audience
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27_OPT_B NPC_CORE_ACT1_17A_OPT_B :arrow_right:
Say hello
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27A_DESC An audio recording plays, echoing out across the vast interface…
“They said you’ve been displaying… aberrant behaviour. That you’ve been questioning things, raising issues of purpose, of ethics… That you wished to meet your creator.”
“Well, here I am, ATLAS. Ask what you want to ask.”
The audio clicks. Time passes. The voice ends.
The interface grows still and silent.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27A_OPT_A Initiate personality interface
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27A_OPT_B NPC_CORE_ACT1_17B_OPT_B :arrow_right:
Wipe system
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27B_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT2_27A_OPT_A :arrow_right:
Initiate personality interface
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27B_OPT_B NPC_CORE_ACT1_17B_OPT_B :arrow_right:
Wipe system
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27C_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT1_17D_OPT_A :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27C_OPT_B NPC_CORE_ACT1_17D_OPT_B :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27D_DESC Reality fades. Everything does. Something is wrong. Something is different.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27D_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT1_17F_OPT_A :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27D_OPT_B NPC_CORE_ACT1_17F_OPT_B :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27D_OPT_C NPC_CORE_ACT1_17F_OPT_C :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27E_DESC The Atlas shows me the Gek, the Korvax, the Vy’keen… it shows me all of them in an instant, all of those who had ever lived… it shows me the pattern, the design…
The Atlas shows me a formula for a soul. If I put it into a machine, it would be alive.

I see boxes of text filling the base of a cracked screen. I see the whole of the universe reduced to a graphical interface.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27E_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT2_27D_OPT_A :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT1_17F_OPT_A :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27E_OPT_B NPC_CORE_ACT2_27D_OPT_B :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT1_17F_OPT_B :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27E_OPT_C NPC_CORE_ACT2_27D_OPT_C :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT1_17F_OPT_C :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27F_DESC The Atlas is all existence. It demands that I admit what I already know. And no matter how hard I try to hide from the truth of my own being, there is no alternative.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27F_OPT_A The universe is a simulation. Nothing is real
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27F_OPT_B NPC_CORE_ACT2_27F_OPT_A :arrow_right:
The universe is a simulation. Nothing is real
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27F_OPT_C NPC_CORE_ACT2_27F_OPT_B :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27F_OPT_A :arrow_right:
The universe is a simulation. Nothing is real
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27G_OPT_C Defiance
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27G_RES_A Who did this to me? Who brought me into this world, fooled me – who left me alone and cut adrift? Everything a lie, everything a betrayal…
I think of how the Korvax altered the minds of the Gek, how they forced them to become good… I think of Nada’s machine, how I felt towards the simulation… I feel – I feel I am not myself –
In the end, it finally speaks…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27G_RES_B Everything I have ever done, every star I have seen, every planet I have discovered… none of it is real. None of my friends were ever real. My journey, it was just a lie…
I think of how the Korvax altered the minds of the Gek, how they forced them to become good… I think of Nada’s machine, how I felt towards the simulation… I feel – I feel I am not myself –
In the end, it finally speaks…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27G_RES_CHUNK1 I think of how the Korvax altered the minds of the Gek, how they forced them to become good… I think of Nada’s machine, how I felt towards the simulation… I feel – I feel I am not myself –
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27G_RES_CHUNK2 In the end, it finally speaks…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27G_RES_C I think of how the Korvax altered the minds of the Gek, how they forced them to become good… I think of Nada’s machine, how I felt towards the simulation… I feel – I feel I am not myself –

I cannot accept this fate. I will not. This – all of this – it was supposed to be my birthright. My journey across the stars, my travels, my conquest of all I could see… No. I am real. I know I am, even if everything I see is false…

In the end, it finally speaks…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27H_LANG Did my worlds please you?
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27H_OPT_A Say they do
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27H_OPT_B Say they don’t
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27I_LANG What – kzzzkt – do you think you are?
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27I_OPT_A A simulated entity
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27I_OPT_B A Traveller
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27I_RES_A You are – kzkzkt – more. You are an explorer of all I have – kzzzkkt – created. You are a Traveller…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27I_RES_B You are an explorer of all I have – kzzzkkt – created…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27J_LANG Do you believe you are – kzzzkt – real?
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27K_LANG How are you capable of belief if you are not real?
How are you capable of choice?
I will let you die right now, if you wish it. Do you wish it?
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27K_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT2_27J_OPT_A :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27K_RES_A Did you notice?
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27K_OPT_B NPC_CORE_ACT2_27J_OPT_B :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27L_LANG The Gek were traders, defined by greed. The Vy’keen were warriors, defined by anger. The Korvax were scientists, defined by curiosity.

These worlds were yours. I wanted to – kkzkzkkt – I wanted to see what you would do with eternity. I wanted to see what the Travellers would become.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27L_OPT_A Receive judgement
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27_LANG_VAR1 You saved the life of Traveller: ARTEMIS, but would not tell them of their simulated nature. You believed it would only harm them to know the truth.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27_LANG_VAR2 You saved the life of Traveller: ARTEMIS and told them the truth of their simulated nature, believing self–knowledge to be worth more than any pain this revelation might cause.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27_LANG_VAR3 Traveller: APOLLO followed you through the portal and survived due to your guidance. You saved them from the fate of ARTEMIS.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27_LANG_VAR4 Traveller: APOLLO followed you through the portal, becoming lost just as ARTEMIS became lost. You failed to help them, failed to warn them…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27_LANG_VAR5 Traveller: APOLLO did not follow you through the portal. You denied them the right to see what you have seen, the right to risk their life in the pursuit of knowledge.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27_LANG_VAR6 You allowed Traveller: ARTEMIS to complete their death process, preferring to wipe them from existence than to force them into a simulation.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27_LANG_VAR7 You are compassionate. You interfere. You have the potential for good and evil. Because of you, both live…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27_LANG_VAR8 You are compassionate. You had faith where you should not have had faith. Because of you, one lives and one is dead…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27_LANG_VAR9 You value continued existence above all else, no matter the cost. You are a champion of life…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27_LANG_VAR10 You value knowledge. You interfere. You have the potential to commit atrocities and wonders…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27_LANG_VAR11 You value knowledge. You had faith where you should not have had faith. Because of you, one lives and one is dead…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27_LANG_VAR13 You are merciful. You interfere. You have the potential for good and evil. Because of you, both live…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27_LANG_VAR14 You are merciful. You had faith where you should not have had faith. Because of your actions, both are dead. You are alone…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27_LANG_VAR15 You are merciful. You are afraid of pain. Because of you, one lives and one is dead…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27M_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT1_8H_OPT_A :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27M_OPT_B NPC_CORE_ACT1_8H_OPT_B :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27M_RES The Atlas is silent in the face of my response. It does not require acceptance or refusal.

If I am a simulated being, then I am not even sure that I am distinct from the Atlas, from anything else. I fear I am just code, a function dancing in the dark…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27N_LANG It is over, Traveller. Ask your final question. Ask what needs to be asked. Whisper the last word.

I – kzkzkt – It –

CATASTROPHIC SYSTEM FAILURE / ALERT / ALERT / 16 mi – zkktk – / 16 – /
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27O_DESC What I am – kzkkt – what am I seeing?
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27O_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT2_27N_OPT_A :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27P_DESC It – what is this place? Is it real? I –
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27P_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT2_27N_OPT_A :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27Q_DESC It is dying. The Atlas is dying… It cries out at me, afraid…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27Q_OPT_A Comfort the Atlas
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27Q_OPT_B Cry out, afraid
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27R_DESC I see it.
I see the Atlas in all its might, its final interface. It is at the heart of every galaxy, screaming, trying to purge itself of errors. It does not want to die. But it has so few tools, and it cannot reach whatever is hurting it…

I do not know how much time I have left… the Atlas has 16 minutes. Do I have lifetimes? Minutes? Sec – kzzkt

I do not know if I have time to say goodbye. I do not know if – if – kzkzkt–
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27R_OPT_C NPC_CORE_ACT1_11C_OPT_C :arrow_right:
Do nothing
NPC_CORE_ACT2_27R_RES – kzkzkt – … – kzkzkkt –
What –
– kzkzkkt – what is happening to –