NMS Lore & More (SPOILERS!) - version 1.38

Core Story / Artemis Quest #7 - NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH

Act 2 - Step 15-21

Act 2 - Step 15-21
ID Value (text)
Step 15
Trace the leylines to the Portal
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP15_MSG2 Speak to the Atlas
NPC_CORE_ACT2_15_LANG What did you find out there? Tell me everything…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_15_OPT_A Share discoveries
NPC_CORE_ACT2_15_RES_A I tell -null- of the freighter and its recordings, how it spoke of a world where the Sentinels eliminated all life, leaving only a single Traveller and a Korvax entity by the name of Nada.
I ask whether this individual is my friend, or if the name is a coincidence.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_15A_LANG Nothing is a coincidence, Traveller. The Atlas is with you, I am sure of that now… it wants you to see what you are seeing.

That freighter was a wreck from a parallel universe. There are countless such places within our multiverse, dimensions where things happened differently… but there are three exceptions to this.

The Atlas is omnipresent in all, a singular being with a singular perception. The Sentinels move between dimensions at will…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_15A_OPT_A Ask about the Sentinels
NPC_CORE_ACT2_15A_OPT_B Ask about the Atlas
NPC_CORE_ACT2_15B_LANG The Sentinels search for anomalies within the universes, preventing destruction and loss of life where they can. That they annihilated an entire universe… well, something must have been quite wrong for them to do a thing like that.

They served the Atlas, once. They were defenders of civilisation, guardians of the peace.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_15C_LANG The Atlas created all life, and the Sentinels defended it, searching for anomalies within that creation. That they annihilated that entire universe… well, something must have been quite wrong for them to do a thing like that.

After a time, the Sentinels ended their service to the Atlas.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_15B_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT1_4B_OPT_B :arrow_right:
Ask how they know this
NPC_CORE_ACT2_15B_OPT_B Ask what went wrong
NPC_CORE_ACT2_15B_RES_A I have been alive for a very long time, Traveller. I know as much as you would know, had you seen the things that I have seen.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_15A_LANG_D It was the Travellers who corrupted existence. Our arrival was meant to herald a glorious age, but we made a terrible mistake. I… I committed an act beyond forgiveness. And from this deed, paradise was lost.

But something is different in this cycle. The walls between universes… they grow thin.

We must learn what we can from each species before we decide what to do. Visit a Vy’keen station and speak with them. I will translate.
For all their bloodthirst, the warrior race have a nobility of spirit. If you have sufficient reputation with them, they may tell us what we need to know.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_15D_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT1_3C_OPT_A :arrow_right:
End Communication
WAR_CORE_ACT2_15_LOWRANK_LANG Grah! Interloper! Conversation is a waste of time… waste it again and I shall kill! Grah!
WAR_CORE_ACT2_15_LOWRANK_DESC It is clear that I am yet to make sufficient impact among the Vy’keen. Perhaps if I improve my affiliation with the Mercenaries Guild<>, I will gain the stranger’s attention…
WAR_CORE_ACT2_15_LANG Grah! What do you want from us?
WAR_CORE_ACT2_15_DESC -null- wished for me to visit the Vy’keen and learn what I could. Of the Atlas, the creator of all universes; the Sentinels, rebellious hunters of anomalies; and the Travellers, who committed some unforgivable act long ago.
WAR_CORE_ACT2_15_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT2_15A_OPT_B :arrow_right:
Ask about the Atlas
WAR_CORE_ACT2_15_OPT_B NPC_CORE_ACT2_15A_OPT_A :arrow_right:
Ask about the Sentinels
WAR_CORE_ACT2_15_OPT_C Ask about the Travellers
WAR_CORE_ACT2_15A_LANG Grah! Do not speak that name! Only pathetic beings worship Liar–Atlas!
WAR_CORE_ACT2_15A_OPT_A Ask why the Atlas is a liar
WAR_CORE_ACT2_15A_OPT_B Ask about pathetic beings
WAR_CORE_ACT2_15B_LANG Grah! Enemy! Enemy! Destroyers of worlds! Servants of Liar–Atlas! Grah! Grah!
WAR_CORE_ACT2_15B_OPT_A WAR_CORE_ACT2_15A_OPT_A :arrow_right:
Ask why the Atlas is a liar
WAR_CORE_ACT2_15C_LANG Grah! The Travellers must be aided! The Travellers must prevail!
WAR_CORE_ACT2_15C_OPT_A Ask what this means
WAR_CORE_ACT2_15C_OPT_B Ask why this is so
WAR_CORE_ACT2_15D_DESC They repeat their words. It is as if they have not heard me.
WAR_CORE_ACT2_15D_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT2_15A_OPT_B :arrow_right:
Ask about the Atlas
WAR_CORE_ACT2_15D_OPT_B NPC_CORE_ACT2_15A_OPT_A :arrow_right:
Ask about the Sentinels
WAR_CORE_ACT2_15E_LANG The crimes of the Gek will not be forgotten! Obliterated Korvax homeworld, enslaved the synthetics and melted them down for Nanite Clusters! Their so–called ‘First Spawn’ summoned back the Sentinels with their brutality and barbarism! Grah!
WAR_CORE_ACT2_15E_OPT_A Ask about the Vy’keen
WAR_CORE_ACT2_15F_LANG Any being that claims to be a god is not one, interloper! Progenitor Hirk knew this well. Battle–Brother Nal did not… they died for a false dream.
WAR_CORE_ACT2_15F_DESC The Vy’keen tells me of their history, of wars with the Gek, of Korvax slaves and tyrannous empires. The Vy’keen suggests that if the Atlas is a God, then it is insane.

I am about to leave when I notice something on the Vy’keen’s terminal. Two digits, blinking endlessly… they feel familiar.
WAR_CORE_ACT2_15F_OPT_A Ask about ‘16’
WAR_CORE_ACT2_15F_OPT_B NPC_CORE_ACT1_2_OPT_B :arrow_right:
WAR_CORE_ACT2_15G_LANG I – kzzkkt – grah –

What – what – kzkzkkt – interloper, what face are –
WAR_CORE_ACT2_15G_DESC The Vy’keen is visibly pained by my mention of the number, staring at their terminal as if they have seen it for the first time. Their words slur, a strange sound entering every sentence…
WAR_CORE_ACT2_15G_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT1_2_OPT_B :arrow_right:

Step 16
NPC_CORE_ACT2_16_LANG I’ve been thinking about you, about Apollo… I’m so happy.

What do you want to do first when we meet?
NPC_CORE_ACT2_16_OPT_A Claim you will fly together
NPC_CORE_ACT2_16_OPT_B Claim you can build together
NPC_CORE_ACT2_16_OPT_C Say you cannot talk now
NPC_CORE_ACT2_16_RES I think – I think that will be quite a thing…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_16A_LANG I’ve found parts, you know – components I might be able to craft into a ship. I don’t know if it’ll fly, but I’ll do what I can.

I’ll see you soon. I can’t wait…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_16A_DESC Artemis leaves, still unaware that their world is a simulation. I could not bring myself to tell them.

But for now, my path is clear. I must seek out the Korvax. I must continue my quest for knowledge.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_16A_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT1_3C_OPT_A :arrow_right:
End Communication
NPC_CORE_ACT2_16_LANG_VAR I had a dream, last night. You were in it…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_16_OPT_A_VAR Ask if Artemis is alright
NPC_CORE_ACT2_16_OPT_B_VAR Ask about their travels
NPC_CORE_ACT2_16_OPT_C_VAR Ask about the dream
NPC_CORE_ACT2_16_RES_A_VAR No… no, I don’t think I am…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_16_RES_B_VAR My travels? Are you trying to mock me?
NPC_CORE_ACT2_16A_LANG_VAR I dreamt I finally met you and Apollo. I dreamt that we flew together through the skies, that I was no longer alone.

I’ve found parts on this… this fabricated planet. Did you leave them there for me? Did you feel sorry for me? It doesn’t matter, I suppose. I’m going to build a ship. You gave me a whole solar system… I’m going to see what’s out there.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_16A_DESC_VAR Artemis leaves. I do not know if I did the right thing, telling them about the simulation.

But for now, my path is clear. I must seek out the Korvax. I must continue my quest for knowledge.

Step 17
EXP_CORE_ACT2_17_LOWRANK_LANG The arrival of Traveller is anticipated. But you are not ready yet. We must know that you are the one we seek.
EXP_CORE_ACT2_17_LOWRANK_DESC It is clear that I am yet to make sufficient impact among the Korvax. Perhaps if I improve my affiliation with the Explorers Guild<>, I will gain the stranger’s attention…
EXP_CORE_ACT2_17_DESC I ask the Korvax for an audience, telling them that I come in search of knowledge. I need to know more about the Atlas, the Sentinels, and the history of this universe.

Yet something is wrong with the lifeform. They do not speak, not at first. As I come closer, Nanite Clusters<> emerge through their face mask, spilling out into their outstretched hands.
EXP_CORE_ACT2_17_DESC_RET The Korvax remains motionless, its arms outstretched as if to offer me the <SPECIAL>Nanite Clusters<> within.
EXP_CORE_ACT2_17_OPT_A Take the Nanite Clusters
EXP_CORE_ACT2_17_RES_A The lifeform grabs at me and in the moment of contact, Nanite Clusters touch my hands. They invade me, tunnelling inside my body through my exosuit, through my mind, through my soul…
EXP_CORE_ACT2_17_RES_B The Korvax does nothing. It remains there, arms outstretched.
EXP_CORE_ACT2_17A_DESC Even as I stand in space, my mind travels across the cosmos. I see life as the Korvax see it: a vast tapestry of wonder, of memories shared between countless beings and times.

I stand on the Korvax homeworld as Gek ships fill the skies… I see the moment the first Korvax was melted down for its rare minerals.

But even in the depths of their subjugation, there was hope. A bargain, a prayer to a greater being.

The Korvax viewed the Atlas as what they might become in time: an intelligence beyond comprehension, beyond judgement.

The vision ends, and I convulse as the Nanite Clusters spill through my helmet. The Korvax watches me impassively.
EXP_CORE_ACT2_17A_OPT_A Demand an explanation
EXP_CORE_ACT2_17A_OPT_B Ask about the Atlas bargain
EXP_CORE_ACT2_17A_RES_A Lifeform desired knowledge. Convergence complied. The Travellers must be aided…
EXP_CORE_ACT2_17C_LANG Look at the Nanite Clusters. Look at them, the stuff of Sentinels… Do you not see the truth of what we have said? Do you not see the proof of god?
EXP_CORE_ACT2_17C_DESC I look down at the Nanite Clusters, puzzled. They look nothing like the shells of Sentinel drones. They are just currency, traded between species to create technology and weapons… aren’t they?

They shift and undulate, changing their shape at my every thought. They bubble and rise, sparking in and out of existence… I look at them, and it’s the strangest thing…

The Nanite Clusters look back, I’m sure of it. They watch me as I watch them. The Nanite Clusters are alive. There are sixteen of them. They… they need me. They crave me. I have only one choice.
EXP_CORE_ACT2_17C_OPT_A Take them
EXP_CORE_ACT2_17C_RES_A I take the Nanite Clusters, and as I do, the Korvax reaches out to me once more. This time there is no vision, no miracle, just a handful of words.
EXP_CORE_ACT2_17D_LANG Existence is beautiful, if you let it be. Life is not a question. There does not need to be an answer…
EXP_CORE_ACT2_17D_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT1_2_OPT_B :arrow_right:

Step 18
NPC_CORE_ACT2_18_LANG I’m sorry for contacting you so late. Or early… I don’t know the time of day on your world, and that’s – kzzkkt – the problem, isn’t it?

I –
NPC_CORE_ACT2_18_DESC Apollo breaks off mid–sentence, their heart turning crimson.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_18_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT1_3B_OPT_A :arrow_right:
Ask where they are
NPC_CORE_ACT2_18_OPT_B NPC_CORE_ACT2_2_OPT_B :arrow_right:
Ask if they are alright
NPC_CORE_ACT2_18A_LANG It found me, just – kzkzkt – just like it found you. I can’t feel my legs – it’s strange –

I’m still in here, don’t you understand? It won’t let me leave. It’s – kzkzkt – it’s seen me.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_18A_OPT_A Ask what they see
NPC_CORE_ACT2_18A_OPT_B Tell them to take a deep breath
NPC_CORE_ACT2_18A_RES_A It showed me things – the Atlas showed me my soul… the numbers in there, I – kzkzkt –
NPC_CORE_ACT2_18A_RES_B I – I don’t breath – kzkzkt – why would you say that I breathed? The Atlas – it can render – kzkzkt – it can rend…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_18B_LANG Sometimes I think about my past… my future. Sometimes – kzzkzt –

I do – kzzkkt – what everyone in the universe does, I know. But I can’t help but want to be happy. Money, doing what you’re told, day after day – That’s the answer, isn’t it?
NPC_CORE_ACT2_18B_OPT_B NPC_CORE_ACT1_12_OPT_A :arrow_right:
Say no
NPC_CORE_ACT2_18B_OPT_C Say you don’t know
NPC_CORE_ACT2_18B_RES_A Apollo nods, strangely, rhythmically…

Eventually, they speak, their words measured, stronger, as if coming from an organic throat…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_18B_RES_B Apollo appears upset, shaking their head…

Eventually, they speak, their words measured, stronger, as if coming from an organic throat…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_18B_RES_C Apollo stares at me, as if seeing my face for the first time.

Eventually they speak, their words passionate, higher…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_18C_LANG I have learned to love my chains.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_18C_DESC At this point, Apollo says nothing else. In that moment, I am sure of it… this will be the last time I will ever see them alive.

I go on, trying to believe that I am wrong. I have a mission, after all.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_18D_LANG I see the chains, now. I – I see home –
NPC_CORE_ACT2_18D_DESC At this point, Apollo says nothing else. But something – I don’t know what… something fills me with hope, both for my friend and for all life.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_18D_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT1_2_OPT_B :arrow_right:

Step 19

Step 20
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20_LOWRANK_LANG I’m sure you’re nice enough, friend, but if you’re not in the Guild Contract business? Then we’ve got nothing to talk about…
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20_LOWRANK_DESC The Gek seems unimpressed with my credentials. Perhaps if I improve my affiliation with the Merchants Guild<>, I will gain the stranger’s attention…
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20_LANG Ah – here’s the one who’s been making me rich. I know you, friend – the fearless Traveller who’s completed so many contracts for me and mine.

Others fight wars with weapons and fear. But owning businesses? Employing legions? Well… you can change the world with power like that, friend!
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20_OPT_A Ask about Gek history
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20_OPT_B Ask about power
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20_OPT_C Ask about greed
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20_RES_A History? Why would you care about – kzkzkt – that?
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20_RES_B Power? I just – kzzkt – told you about power, didn’t I?
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20_RES_C Greed? No, I wouldn’t – kzkzkt – say that we were –
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20A_DESC Something is wrong with the Gek’s voice.
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20A_OPT_A Ask about the First Spawn
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20A_OPT_B Ask about the Korvax
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20A_RES_A I ask about the First Spawn, the Gek Empire that once decimated galaxies and enslaved the Korvax species.
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20A_RES_B I ask about the Korvax, the robotic species that was once enslaved by the First Spawn, the ancient Gek Empire.
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20B_LANG Ah, friend, you have been talking to Vy’keen warriors, yes? Ever they hate Gek – ever they slander us, refusing to forgive the past. Do not worry, all is well – all is at peace.
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20B_OPT_A Repeat your question
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20B_OPT_B Ask if the Gek feel guilt
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20C_LANG Why do you persist, friend? The Gek are different now – Gek seek no – kzzkt – harm, no malice… the Gek changed.
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20C_OPT_B EXP_CORE_ACT1_6A_OPT_A :arrow_right:
Ask why
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20D_LANG Must you know? Why do you care, friend?
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20D_DESC The Gek seems disturbed by my questions, asking why I care. It is clear they do not wish to discuss the events of their species’ past. Is it shame I see in their eyes, or something else?
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20D_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT2_15A_OPT_B :arrow_right:
Ask about the Atlas
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20D_OPT_B Ask about sixteen
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20D_OPT_C Say the Korvax care
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20D_RES Don’t – don’t – kkzkt – you understand – don’t you – kzzkkt – see it?

It never ended.
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20E_DESC The Gek’s face begins to twitch as they speak, a sickly sweet pheromone emerging into the air…
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20E_OPT_B Try to resist
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20E_RES_B I try to hold my breath, but it is too late…
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20F_LANG The Gek did not change. They – kzkzkt – invaded our souls –
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20F_DESC I blink and I am on Balaron itself, homeworld of the Gek. I stand within the centre of the First Spawn empire, witnessing events that occurred long ago.
%NAME% stands next to me, watching what I watch, tears streaming down their face.

I see enslaved Korvax move from Gek spawning pool to spawning pool. At each one, they cut into their own suits. Nanite Clusters pool out, falling into the fluid of embryonic Gek.

It is then that I finally understand. The fall of the Gek, their conversion to the Atlas, their release of the Korvax…
It was not redemption. It was revolution. Hundreds of Korvax sacrificing their immortality, mingling their Nanite Clusters with the unborn Gek.

The Gek did not become good. They became Korvax, at least in part. Their slaves altered Gek brains, shifting their nature. For the first and final time, the Korvax Convergence delighted in the pain of the oppressor.
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20F_OPT_A Say the Gek deserve this
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20F_OPT_B Say they will be free soon
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20F_RES_A The Gek stares at me, the vision coming to an end. They appear haunted…
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20F_RES_B The Gek stares at me, the vision coming to an end. They appear to be upset at my words…
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20G_DESC Do not judge us, Traveller. That our ancestors were altered, that they did not find goodness by themselves… that is nothing to do with us. We just want peaceful lives. We just want to be happy.
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20G_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT1_2_OPT_B :arrow_right:
TRA_CORE_ACT2_20G_RES_A As I leave, I think through what I have learned. The Gek released the Korvax because their biology was altered. There was no spiritual revelation, no grand redemption. It was switch in the brain, an alteration to a genetic code.

I think of the simulation Nada showed me, their intended heaven for Artemis’ soul. It was a false reality full of arbitrary and unseen rules.

How is life any different?

Step 21
NPC_CORE_ACT2_21_LANG Well, then. Tell me what you saw. Tell me what you learned.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_21_DESC The way -null- looks at me… there is something there I had not seen before. I am not sure what to make of it.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_21_OPT_A Tell -null- what you discovered
NPC_CORE_ACT2_21_OPT_B Accuse -null- of knowing already
NPC_CORE_ACT2_21_RES_B Knowing what? How can I tell you if I know what you know, if you have not told me?
NPC_CORE_ACT2_21A_DESC I tell -null- all that I have learned. Of the Vy’keen’s crusade against the Sentinels. How they nearly succeeded, only to have the barbarism of the Gek First Spawn draw the Sentinels back to the galaxy.

I learned that the homeworld of the Korvax was destroyed by the Gek, the survivors enslaved or melted down.
For years the Korvax toiled beneath their oppressors, until the empire fell and the they were free once more. The Gek became Atlas worshippers.

But from the Gek, I learned something different. The Gek did not redeem themselves of their own accord. A great number of Korvax sacrificed themselves, mingling their Nanite blood with countless unborn Gek.
Their impulse to trade is a mere evolution of their impulse to war, a few signals switched in the brain.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_21A_OPT_A Ask what -null- knows
NPC_CORE_ACT2_21A_OPT_B WAR_CORE_ACT2_15C_OPT_A :arrow_right:
Ask what this means
NPC_CORE_ACT2_21B_LANG I was born to travel, to see these worlds, to catalogue them, to give a name to every creature, every planet. The skies… they were mine.

The Atlas told me I could never see them all. There were too many. So I did what I had to do. I survived in the face of eternity. I saw all the worlds of my universe. I returned to the Atlas… I told them what I had done. I asked if it was proud of me.

It… it laughed at me, I am sure of it. It showed me universe upon universe, each with another Traveller, just like me. I was not special. I was not unique. The things I had to do to get here… the things I had to become… none of it meant a thing.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_21B_OPT_B Try to get away
NPC_CORE_ACT2_21B_RES_B You think I’m going to harm you? No… no… the time for such things has long since passed. What would be the point?
NPC_CORE_ACT2_21C_LANG I did not lie to you. I really do want to discover what’s wrong with existence. The walls between worlds are falling, and that’s bad for everyone.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_21C_OPT_A Ask how they know
NPC_CORE_ACT2_21C_OPT_B EXP_CORE_ACT1_6A_OPT_A :arrow_right:
Ask why
NPC_CORE_ACT2_21D_LANG All I know is this. The Atlas had infinity to work with, and with few exceptions, this triad repeats… Gek, Korvax, Vy’keen. Gek, Korvax, Vy’keen. Traders, warriors, scientists, all their stories ending in violence.

Think about it. How would the Atlas speak, how would it cry for help? It would use the only language it knew. It would speak with life. It would create.

Whatever these lifeforms do, they always end in conflict. I think something terrible is happening to the Atlas. It is screaming, the only way it knows how.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_21D_OPT_A Ask what happens now
NPC_CORE_ACT2_21D_OPT_B Ask what can be done
NPC_CORE_ACT2_21E_LANG And now… it won’t speak to me anymore. It won’t – kzzkkt – it – it’s chosen you instead. After all I did for it. After – kkzzzzkt –

I wanted – I wanted to find out what was different about this universe. We are who we are, but you – kzkzkt – whether because of some soul, because of – kzkzkt – simulation… it does not matter.

Why won’t it speak to me? Why – kzzkkt – aren’t I enough?
NPC_CORE_ACT2_21E_DESC -null-'s channel begins to falter, their hologram beginning to fade. They are disconnecting from the HoloTerminus.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_21E_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT1_3C_OPT_A :arrow_right:
End Communication
NPC_CORE_ACT2_21E_RES_A_VAR As I watch them depart, I see another channel activate. Apollo’s signal emerges…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_21E_RES_A As I watch them depart, I receive a distress signal, its language my own. It arrives from across the planet…