NMS Lore & More (SPOILERS!) - version 1.38

Core Story / Artemis Quest #6 - NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH

Act 2 - Step 8-14

Act 2 - Step 8-14
ID Value (text)
Step 8
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP8_DESC -null- has a task for me. They feel something is happening to the galaxy, some great unravelling of the threads that keep reality bound together. I am to investigate, going around the Sentinels where they cannot.
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP8_OBJ1 Visit the Observatory
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP8_OBJ1_TIP Locate the <SPECIAL>Observatory<> marked by -null-.
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP8_OBJ2 Locate the Crashed Freighter
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP8_OBJ2_TIP The observatory had logged the location of a crashed freighter.
The Gek who ran the observatory visited the wreck and never returned…
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP8_MSGA Contact Apollo at a Holo-Terminus
Broadcast the glyph address for this planet
Use <IMG>SCAN<> to scan your surroundings
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP8_MSGB Contact Apollo at a Holo-Terminus
Broadcast the glyph address for this planet
Visit the Observatory
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP8_MSG2 Locate the log of the crashed freighter
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP8_MARKER Crashed Freighter
Anomaly Terminal
TERMINAL_CORE_ACT2_8_DESC_WAIT The machine is ancient and powerful, a relic of a world long since destroyed.
TERMINAL_CORE_ACT2_8_DESC The machine is ancient and powerful, a relic of a world long since destroyed.
As I stand before it, Nada tells me of its origin, how a thousand entities died rescuing it from the obliteration of Korvax Prime. It is a simulation of a solar system, a prayer offered to the Atlas.

Nada will not explain how a simulation would act as a prayer. But this machine, this single false solar system… it will act as a home for Artemis, should I wish it.
TERMINAL_CORE_ACT2_8_OPT_B Allow Artemis to die
TERMINAL_CORE_ACT2_8_LANGA I upload Artemis to the simulation, a spark of blue light blazing through the air before me. It fades after a moment, disappearing into the depths of the machine.
TERMINAL_CORE_ACT2_8_RESA Nada tells me that it is done. For my sake, they will permit transmissions to and from this simulation, at least while their station passes through safe systems.
They wish me luck in my journey, telling me that Artemis will need some time to grow adjusted to their new life.
TERMINAL_CORE_ACT2_8_LANGB I tell Nada of my choice. They take the <TECHNOLOGY>Mind Arc<> and begin to manipulate the device with their silicon fingers, the lights on their visor dancing as they move…

Soon, the Priest–Entity is ready. They whisper a prayer as they twist the mid–point of the Arc, releasing the Traveller soul within.
I witness a spark of blue light blaze within the air before me. It fades after a moment, and with it the last remnant of Artemis within this world.
TERMINAL_CORE_ACT2_8_RESB Nada tells me that it is done. Artemis is at peace, now. They wish me luck in my journey, telling me not to dwell on these moments. They tell me that I did the right thing.
NADA_CORE_ACT2_8_LANG_LOOP Artemis–Echo will live on. Traveller took them from corruption and restored them to a life of exploration, to see a solar system that none but Korvax have ever witnessed. You have done well, Traveller!
NADA_CORE_ACT2_8_LANG_LOOP_VAR Artemis–Echo has been disconnected, freed from a cruel life. You have done well, Traveller. Your guilt, it is a sacrifice for the one you called friend. Go on without regrets…
POLO_CORE_ACT2_8_LANG Nada told me what you need to do. Just know, friend, that we support you, no matter the choice!
POLO_CORE_ACT2_8_LANG_ALT Nada told me what you need to do. Just know, new friend, that we support you, no matter the choice!
POLO_CORE_ACT2_8_DESC The anomaly has many secrets. One of these is opened to me, a dormant machine now activated…
POLO_CORE_ACT2_8_LANG_LOOP Don’t worry, friend! We will take good care of Artemis–Simulation! The souls of your allies are safe with us!
POLO_CORE_ACT2_8_LANG_LOOP_VAR You did what you had to do, friend! Traveller–Artemis is free of pain now. Few can say the same.

Step 9
NPC_CORE_ACT2_9_LANG – kzkzkt – are you – kzkkztk – receiving –

The HoloTerminus is showing – kzkzkkt – available again, your signal was – kzkkt – thought you were gone –
NPC_CORE_ACT2_9_DESC It is a relief to hear Apollo again. It feels like we have not spoken in a long time.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_9_RES_A I try to recount the experience to Apollo as best I can. The gateway, the strange planet, a vast machine, the crimson orb.
As I talk, I realise the memories themselves are unstable, that I cannot form them in my mind. It is just a dull, aching red.
I tell Apollo that I think I saw the Atlas itself.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_9A_LANG You… you saw it? You met the Atlas? These species – the Gek, the Korvax – they worship it as a god. I never thought it was real, never thought…
Are you alright? I can’t imagine what you’ve gone through.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_9A_OPT_A Say it was terrifying
NPC_CORE_ACT2_9A_OPT_B Say it was just a machine
NPC_CORE_ACT2_9A_OPT_C Say it was not a god
NPC_CORE_ACT2_9A_RES I tell Apollo of the things the Atlas said, how it spoke of ‘Travellers’ and ‘Sentinels’ as if we were protocols, not living things.
The way it views us, the way it looked at me… I felt as if life and death were just fragile dreams, not real concepts at all.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_9B_LANG At least it didn’t harm you… and I think, I think there’s something in what you’ve just said. The Korvax pay homage to the Sentinels precisely because they believe them to be servants of this ‘Atlas’.

We should investigate further. This machine will lead us to the Sentinel nest. We’ll be rich before we know it.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_9B_OPT_B Say talk of money is absurd
NPC_CORE_ACT2_9B_OPT_C Say there are more important things
NPC_CORE_ACT2_9B_RES_A I tell Apollo I agree. Perhaps the Sentinels and the Atlas are linked. Perhaps this is the path we need to take.

But there are other factors now in play. I tell Apollo of Artemis’ grave, and my encounter with the mysterious Traveller –null–.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_9B_RES_B I suggest talk of financial reward is absurd at a time like this. The Atlas felt hostile, inexplicable in its motives and purpose… not to mention all that has happened since.
I tell Apollo of Artemis’ grave, and my encounter with the mysterious Traveller –null–. I suggest there is more going on here than an opportunity to earn units.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_9B_RES_C I suggest we have bigger things to worry about. The Atlas felt hostile, inexplicable in its motives and purpose… not to mention all that has happened since.
I tell Apollo of Artemis’ grave, and my encounter with the mysterious Traveller –null–. I suggest there is more going on here than an opportunity to earn units.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_9B_CHUNK I tell Apollo of Artemis’ grave, and my encounter with the mysterious Traveller –null–. I suggest there is more going on here than an opportunity to earn units.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_9C_LANG Artemis is dead? I… I don’t –

How? Who would – kzkzkt –… I know I made fun of them, but that was easy. They cared, they believed, and I – kzkzzkt –

What’s happened to them? Where have you buried Artemis? I want to say goodbye, if I can.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_9C_OPT_A Tell them of your choice
NPC_CORE_ACT2_9C_RES_B I lie, claiming that the procedure would not work. Artemis could not be saved, no matter what I chose to do.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_9D_DESC_CHUNK I tell Apollo that -null- gave me a way of saving Artemis, to restore them to a form of life.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_9D_DESC_VAR1 Apollo is initially excited at the prospect of going to meet Artemis. But I explain the nature of what I did. I tell them that Artemis’ soul lives on only within a simulation, unable to go beyond.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_9D_DESC_VAR2 Apollo is initially excited at the prospect of going to meet Artemis. But I explain that I could not do it. It would not have been life, just an empty existence within the simulation. I had to allow Artemis to find peace in death.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_9C_CHUNK2 It is a long time before Apollo speaks again.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_9D_LANG Will they be happy?
NPC_CORE_ACT2_9D_OPT_A Say you hope so
Say you do not know
NPC_CORE_ACT2_9D_OPT_C Ask if this was right
NPC_CORE_ACT2_9E_LANG An impossible choice. I don’t know what I would have done. We weren’t made for lives like these.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_9E_LANG_VAR You did the right thing. You tried. Whatever you might be feeling right now, know that you are a good friend
NPC_CORE_ACT2_9E_LANG_CHUNK I have to go through the portal and join you, that much is clear. We just need to figure out the right glyphs, the right address, for that world of yours.
Find a <SPECIAL>monolith<>. Search for patterns in the data. These things are machines, and we simply need to understand their code.
End Communication

Step 10
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP10_DESC -null- seeks to understand more about how the universe came to be in this strange state, how the anomalies we see became so widespread. -null- feels the Vy’keen may know more. I should investigate the Mercenaries Guild and find a helpful contact.
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP10_OBJ1 Perform missions for the Mercenaries Guild
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP10_MARKER Mercenaries Guild Representative
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP10_MSG1 Speak to the Mercenaries Guild Representative
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP10_MSG2 Complete contracts for the Mercenaries Guild: %CURRENT%/%AMOUNT%
Access the Guide (<IMG>OPTIONS<>) to learn about the Mission Board
NOONE_CORE_ACT2_10_LANG_WAIT What are you waiting for? Does Apollo not wish to walk through the gateway?

I’d advise caution, though I know you will not listen. They never do…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_10_LANG Have you found the glyphs for your world? I’m almost ready… my suit is upgraded, my stomach is full, and I’ve hired a Gek to look after my farm while I’m away.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_10_OPT_A Ask about the farm
NPC_CORE_ACT2_10_OPT_B Say you have found them
NPC_CORE_ACT2_10_RES_A Yes, I have a farm. What of it? It’s not much, mostly fruit I’ve found in my travels, but I’m hoping to expand… Anyway, this is no concern of yours. We have a portal to attend to, do we not?
NPC_CORE_ACT2_10A_DESC As I look at Apollo, I think of all that I saw within the portal, of what happened to Artemis when they walked that same path. I think of the face of the Atlas, of the way Nada warned me not to return to those tunnels.
I do not know if the portals are safe.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_10A_OPT_A Give Apollo the glyphs
NPC_CORE_ACT2_10A_OPT_B NPC_CORE_ACT1_8F_OPT_B :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT2_10A_RES_A I give Apollo the glyphs, asking them to take care, to remember what happened to Artemis. They assure me that they will, promising to see me soon.

Before I go, they advise me to find out what I can from this so–called ‘-null-’. They warn me to be careful too.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_10A_RES_B I refuse to give Apollo the glyphs, claiming that the portal network is not safe. I remind them what happened to myself and to Artemis. We need to know more before we take such a risky step.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_10B_LANG Traveller! You can’t refuse me now! You survived, did you not?
NPC_CORE_ACT2_10B_RES_B Reluctantly, Apollo agrees. They advise me to find out what I can from this so–called ‘-null-’. They warn me to be careful, promising to do some research of their own in the interim.

Step 11
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP11_DESC -null- seeks to understand more about how the universe came to be in this strange state, how the anomalies we see became so widespread.
The Vy’keen told me of the crimes of the Gek, and of their long crusade against the Sentinels. They do not worship the Atlas as the other races do, distrustful of anything with such power.
The Korvax may know more. I should investigate the Explorer’s Guild and find a helpful contact.
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP11_OBJ1 Perform missions for the Explorers Guild
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP11_MARKER Explorers Guild Representative
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP11_MSG1 Speak to the Explorers Guild Representative
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP11_MSG2 Complete contracts for the Explorers Guild: %CURRENT%/%AMOUNT%
Access the Guide (<IMG>OPTIONS<>) to learn about the Mission Board
NPC_CORE_ACT2_11_LANG Two Travellers… one who cared too much, and one who cared too little. The universe is not what you thought it would be, is it? What you felt was promised?

Don’t feel bad… every sentient being that has ever lived has felt this way at some point. I know I did, once upon a time. I was angry, confused at my own solitude. Imagine my surprise when you woke me.

Oh, I know you didn’t mean to… I know you were just playing around with portals. But whatever you did, I am here now, and I need your help.

The ATLAS… it is not what you think it is. Something is happening to the universe… something I need your help to figure out.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_11_DESC_RET Are you willing to help me discover what is happening to the universe? I need your help, Traveller…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_11_OPT_A Ask why they need your help
NPC_CORE_ACT2_11_OPT_B NPC_CORE_ACT1_8H_OPT_A :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT2_11_OPT_C NPC_CORE_ACT1_8F_OPT_B :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT2_11_RES_A The Sentinels do not just keep the peace across the universe… their motives run deeper than that, seeking out anomalies in the multiversal structure and eliminating them from existence.

Have you looked at me? What do you think a Sentinel would do if they came across my form? No, it has to be you, Traveller…
NPC_CORE_ACT2_11_RES_C Why do you play at adventure if you aren’t willing to proceed?

Return when you have changed your mind, Traveller. Return when you see sense.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_11B_LANG There is an observatory nearby. It will lead you to the location of a crashed freighter of great interest to our investigation. There… there we will find the first secret, I am sure of it.

Know that the Atlas is neither enemy nor friend to us, no more than the air or the wind might be called such names. But it is terrified… it is in pain… and we have a responsibility to help its suffering, no matter the cost.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_11B_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT1_2_OPT_B :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT2_11B_RES_A_VAR As I move to leave, I see that Artemis’ frequency has become available once more on the network. I should speak to them before I find -null-'s observatory.

Step 12
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP12_DESC -null- seeks to understand more about how the universe came to be in this strange state, how the anomalies we see became so widespread.
The Korvax told me of their past as slaves to the Gek, of the violence that drove them to the Atlas. They seek to transcend their worldly existence, to live on the same plane as the Atlas.
The Gek may know more. I should investigate the Merchants Guild and find a helpful contact.
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP12_OBJ1 Complete contracts for the Merchants Guild
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP12_MARKER Merchants Guild Representative
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP12_MSG1 Speak to the Merchants Guild Representative
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP12_MSG2 Complete contracts for the Merchants Guild: %CURRENT%/%AMOUNT%
Access the Guide (<IMG>OPTIONS<>) to learn about the Mission Board
NPC_CORE_ACT2_12_LANG I – kzzkt – I escaped, Traveller, I escaped! One moment I was running from them, the stars shifting, terrible smiles within the dark…

And the next I was here – well, wherever here is. This new world has a sun, has life! It’s beautiful, but I think anything would be beautiful after the months spent in that awful place.

I’m ready to get going now, though. We’ll do what we did before, except there will be no shifting stars to stop us this time. If you bring this star chart to a nearby station, I’m sure we’ll find each other soon!
NPC_CORE_ACT2_12_DESC Artemis is unaware of everything. They do not know that they died, that I made a choice to bind their soul within a simulated solar system. They believe that it is still possible to fulfil their dream of meeting another Traveller.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_12_OPT_A Tell Artemis the truth
NPC_CORE_ACT2_12_OPT_B Continue the deception
NPC_CORE_ACT2_12_RES_B I tell Artemis I will help, though much has happened since we last spoke.

I tell them I am performing an urgent mission for a newly discovered Traveller by the name of -null-. I will assist Artemis with their star chart when I can, but it may be some time. They should attempt to find another pathway off their world if they can.

Artemis’ response is muted, but they do not disagree. They wish me luck and terminate the communication.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_12A_DESC But how do I tell them their world is not real? Even if I saved them from death, I took their dreams away from them. They are limited to a single system, and will never meet a kindred soul.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_12A_OPT_A Be direct
NPC_CORE_ACT2_12A_OPT_B Present positives
NPC_CORE_ACT2_12A_OPT_C Say you are sorry
NPC_CORE_ACT2_12A_RES_A I tell Artemis everything, from the cave I discovered with their grave, to the final upload of their soul to a simulated solar system.

Artemis thinks I am joking at first.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_12A_RES_B I tell Artemis everything, from the cave I discovered with their grave to the final upload of Artemis’ soul to a simulated solar system.

Artemis thinks I am joking at first. But as I try to tell them the positives, that this simulation is a Korvax relic that no explorer has ever seen before, they just stare at me.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_12B_DESC I will never forget how their smile falters. After a few more questions, they tell me they need some time to think about what I have said.

Step 13
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP13_DESC The Gek revealed, perhaps unintentionally, of their horrific past, of their crimes against the other races that dominate this galaxy. Their very essence was changed by the Korvax. Does that make these Gek artificial? Can they help being anything but what they are?
I should return to -null- and tell them what I have learned.
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP13_MSG Speak to Apollo
NPC_CORE_ACT2_13_DESC The observatory appears to have functioned as a salvage station, manned by a Gek specialist. The Gek, a translator, was accused of questioning things that should not be questioned, of sowing the seeds of dissent… This posting was meant as a punishment.

But from the logs, it appears that this posting was the making of them. They found strange things in the wrecks… aberrations, data that spoke of worlds that do not exist and events that did not happen.
That Gek, Specialist Polo, went out to investigate one such craft, the life signature of a Korvax still on board. They never returned.

Is this how Nada and Polo met? Is this how my friends found each other? There is a signal on the console, a warning on repeat – sixteen short bursts of data in a loop.
NPC_CORE_ACT2_13_OPT_A Extract coordinates
NPC_CORE_ACT2_13_RES_A I extract coordinates for the distress signal. A crashed vessel awaits me on another world…

Step 14
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP14_DESC -null- knows more about this situation than they are letting on. They believe the Atlas is in trouble, that it is dying. That the life in this universe is part of its design, part of some message to a being unknown. It communicates via the stories told by the lifeforms that live in this galaxy.
There is nothing for it. I must find another portal and face the Atlas once more.
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP14_OBJ1 Find the source of the signal
UI_CORE_ACT2_STEP14_OBJ1_TIP A familiar signal is broadcasting on a distress channel…
Find the source of the signal
FREIGHTER_CORE_ACT2_14_DESC I do not know who will read this message. I do not know if anything will survive. But I must die as I lived – I will record it all, even in the face of oblivion…

The swarm came to every world. The drones acted erratically… not attacking, just watching. Time passed and the Sentinels did not seem so much of a threat anymore. They were peaceful now, we thought. We had been forgiven.

We were wrong.
FREIGHTER_CORE_ACT2_14_DESC_A They struck as one, an attack somehow coordinated across unfathomable distances.

With a fury exceeding all prior skirmishes, the Sentinels annihilated all biological life within the universe in a span of 54.2 standard minutes.

Only I remained… the Korvax stood with me in the end, to their credit. They concealed me within their flotilla as they headed towards the centre.
FREIGHTER_CORE_ACT2_14_DESC_B They are coming, now. The screams of my friends resonate in every hall, every corner. The Sentinels have found me.

I told Nada to leave. I told them what we already know, all of us, in our hearts… we are not alone. Even if I die, even if all that is left of me are these words, Nada will find me again in another universe. Ten just like me, a thousand, a million Travellers…

We are not alone, for every soul is many. Even in the face of sixteen, we must declare that we lived. We existed, no matter the horror of the end. They are at my door. I –