NMS Lore & More (SPOILERS!) - version 1.38

Core Story / Artemis Quest #4 - NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH

Act 1 - Step 8-17

Act 1 - Step 8-17
ID Value (text)
Step 8
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP8_DESC Something terrible has happened to Artemis, their signal cut off as they were surrounded by strange figures they described as having ‘seeds of glass’ within their skin. Before they went, they managed to transmit the frequency for someone named ‘Apollo’. I do not know if this stranger will prove friend or foe.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8_HOLOHUB_DESC The tower hosts a powerful transmitter, designed to facilitate holographic communication across long distances.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8_HOLOHUB_OPT_A Tune to ‘Apollo’
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8_DESC The transmission is silent. The stranger just stares at me.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8_OPT_A Greet Apollo
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8_OPT_B Stare back at them
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8A_LANG Identify yourself or I end this call.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8A_OPT_A Say you are a friend of Artemis
Say you are a Traveller
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8B_LANG No, you’re not.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8B_OPT_A Argue with them
Ask why
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8B_RES_A Call yourself whatever you want. But you can’t hide the truth. ‘Friend’ is just a label, a pretence to make you feel better about being alone.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8B_RES_B Why do you use that word at all? ‘Friend’. It is just a label, a pretence to make you feel better about being alone.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8C_LANG Why are you contacting me, anyway? Is Artemis behind this? I haven’t changed my mind. I don’t care if some dream says we’re Travellers, I’ll meet if I’m paid to meet.
Even this conversation is a waste of valuable contract time.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8C_OPT_A Say Artemis is in trouble
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8C_RES_A I tell Apollo that Artemis is in trouble. That they attempted to use a portal and became stranded on some distant and uncharted world, disappearing from the HoloTerminus network.

Apollo’s demeanour changes. They appear uncomfortable at the news.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8D_LANG And what does that mean, to be a ‘Traveller’?
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8D_OPT_A Claim it is a species
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8D_OPT_B Claim it is a purpose
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8D_OPT_C Say you do not know
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8D_RES_A Artemis sent you, didn’t they? They should have explained. We aren’t a species. Do you and I look anything alike? Some of us are biological, some of us are machines, some don’t even have physical form.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8D_RES_B Artemis sent you, didn’t they? They should have explained. We’re more than just a purpose. You think I go around naming planets and scanning animals? No. Each of us can choose to be who we want to be.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8D_RES_C Artemis sent you, didn’t they? But perhaps you do have some wisdom in that head of yours. None of us know what we are, and none of us can. We do not live in a world of truth.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8E_LANG That name, ‘Traveller’, it doesn’t mean a thing. So if Artemis did send you, you can tell them that I haven’t changed my mind about meeting. I’ll do it if I’m paid to do it. Even this conversation is a waste of valuable contract time.
Say Artemis is in trouble
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8E_RES_A I tell Apollo that Artemis is in trouble. That they attempted to use a portal and became stranded on some distant and uncharted world, disappearing from the HoloTerminus network. Their last word was Apollo’s name.

Apollo’s demeanour changes.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8F_LANG Send me your data logs. Let me see this for myself.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8F_OPT_A Upload the log
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8F_RES_A Apollo studies the log, pausing and replaying the various segments of static and distortions. They turn to me with a glow of excitement.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8F_RES_B Then I can’t help you. Come back when you decide to care.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8F_LANG_RET You’ve reconsidered, of course. Show me what you found. I can help.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8G_LANG These noises, they sound just like the echoes of Sentinel events. You’ve seen them before, of course. Drones that appear from nowhere if you interfere with their precious planets. But this data, it’s distorted, inverted…

The Vy’keen will pay handsomely if we figure out how the Sentinels appear so quickly. And this recording of yours? The portals? Perhaps they’re the key.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8G_OPT_B Suggest life is worth more than money
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8G_RES_B You’re worried about Artemis? Don’t be. If we can figure this out, we can save them.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8H_LANG So what do you say? Do you want to work together on this? Be partners?
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8H_LANG_RET Have you changed your mind, then? Do you want to help me figure out where the Sentinels are coming from? There’s good pay in it, if we’re successful…
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8H_RES_B Let me know if you reconsider. I don’t need your help to get this done, though it’d be appreciated.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8I_LANG If you’re going to work with me, we need to set you up with a base of operations. I’ll send you to a contact of mine, they’ll find you somewhere nice. Just remember to be polite.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8I_LANG_ALT If you’re going to work with me, your equipment needs to be in good condition. We can’t have you dying out there. Not yet, at least.
You can find Nanite Clusters scattered in abandoned buildings and other damaged machines. Ironic, really: the same structures the Sentinels destroyed will lead to their deaths.
Trade these Nanite Clusters with merchants in space stations to get the blueprints you need.
End Communication
NPC_CORE_ACT1_8I_RES_A As the hologram recedes, Apollo’s head turns to the side ever so slightly, as if sighing, saddened.
Or perhaps it was nothing, a ghost in the machine…

Step 9
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP9_DESC Apollo has suggested that the Sentinels may be linked to Artemis’ disappearance. Perhaps coincidentally, Apollo has been working for the Vy’keen, a warrior species with a long vendetta against the Sentinel drones. Apollo suggests we cooperate. If the Sentinels use the portal network, then if we managed to follow them inside, we might get rich and find Artemis in the process…
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP9_OBJ1 Locate Apollo’s contact
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP9_MARKER2 Apollo’s Contact
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP9_OBJ1_TIP Apollo’s contact has arranged a site on which to construct a base. Find the contact to learn more.
In space, access the Galaxy Map (<IMG>QUICK_MENU<>) to find their location.
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP9_OBJ2 Locate a suitable site for a base
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP9_OBJ2_TIP On reaching the site, visit the terminal inside to claim and establish your base.
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP9_OBJ3 Expand and staff your new home
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP9_OBJ3_TIP Construct terminals for specialist researchers. Find recruits aboard Space Stations.
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP9_MSG1 Apollo’s contact has arranged a base
Locate them on the Galaxy Map (<IMG>QUICK_MENU<>) when in space
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP9_MSG1A Apollo’s contact has arranged a base
Locate Apollo’s contact
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP9_MSG2 Find and claim a base
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP9_MSG3 Expand and staff your new home
Access the Mission Log with <IMG>OPTIONS<> and select Base Construction missions
Locate Apollo’s contact
Find and claim a base
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP9_OSD3 Construct and Staff a Base
NPC_CORE_ACT1_9_NORUSH You are not – kzzktt – alone –
I know you, Traveller. I know where you’ve been. I know where you’re going.
… … - kzzzkt - … … There is no need to hurry.
Ask who they are
Remain silent
NPC_CORE_ACT1_9_NORUSH_RES … … - kzzzkt - … …
TRA_CORE_ACT1_9_LANG Ah, friend! You have arrived as scheduled. All the proper permits have been filed, and your new base is waiting for you!
From this base, you will be able to explore the universe and return from any station. May the light of the Atlas watch over you.
TRA_CORE_ACT1_9_OPT_A Ask for the base location
TRA_CORE_ACT1_9_OPT_B Say you will find your own base
TRA_CORE_ACT1_9_RES_A I ask for the base’s location and am provided with coordinates
TRA_CORE_ACT1_9_RES_B The Gek becomes irritated, claiming they spent hours cleaning the base ready for our arrival. They give me the coordinates regardless, saying that if I wish to find my own base instead, I am welcome to do so…
EXP_CORE_ACT1_9_LANG Lifeform! You arrived later than anticipated. Data has been obtained, exchanged, utilised. A new base awaits you, as instructed.
From this base, you will be able to explore the universe and return from any station. May the light of the Atlas watch over you.
EXP_CORE_ACT1_9_OPT_A TRA_CORE_ACT1_9_OPT_A :arrow_right:
Ask for the base location
EXP_CORE_ACT1_9_OPT_B TRA_CORE_ACT1_9_OPT_B :arrow_right:
Say you will find your own base
EXP_CORE_ACT1_9_RES_A WAR_CORE_ACT1_9_RES_A :arrow_right:
I ask for the base’s location and am provided with coordinates.
EXP_CORE_ACT1_9_RES_B The Korvax becomes perplexed, claiming they have spent hours preparing the base for my arrival. They give me the coordinates regardless, saying that if I wish to find my own base instead, I’m welcome to do so…
WAR_CORE_ACT1_9_LANG Grah! You are late! You were supposed to arrive minutes ago.
Interloper, the price has been paid. Leave here at once and lay claim to your new base. From this stronghold, you will be able to explore the universe and return from any station.
WAR_CORE_ACT1_9_OPT_A TRA_CORE_ACT1_9_OPT_A :arrow_right:
Ask for the base location
WAR_CORE_ACT1_9_OPT_B TRA_CORE_ACT1_9_OPT_B :arrow_right:
Say you will find your own base
WAR_CORE_ACT1_9_RES_A I ask for the base’s location and am provided with coordinates.
WAR_CORE_ACT1_9_RES_B The Vy’keen grows enraged, claiming they have spent hours cleaning the base ready for our arrival. They give me the coordinates regardless, saying that if I wish to find my own base instead, I’m welcome to do so.

Step 10
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP10_DESC Apollo has asked me to upgrade my equipment by obtaining blueprints from a multitool technology trader. It is dangerous work, hunting Sentinels. I need to be prepared for anything…
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP10_OBJ1 Collect Nanites
Nanites can be found in abandoned buildings and other damaged structures.
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP10_OBJ2 Visit a multitool technology trader in a Vy’keen system
Access the Galaxy Map with <IMG>QUICK_MENU<>
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP10_MSG1 Collect nanites: %CURRENT%/%AMOUNT%
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP10_MSG2 Locate a Vy’keen Multitool Trader
Return to space and locate a Vy’keen System
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP10_MSG3 Locate a Vy’keen Multitool Trader
Press <IMG>QUICK_MENU<> to access the Galaxy Map
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP10_MSG4 Locate a Vy’keen Multitool Trader
Visit the Trader aboard the Space Station
Collect Nanites
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP10_MARKER2 Blueprint Trader
ACT1 10
NPC_CORE_ACT1_10_LANG How’s the base? Make sure you hire a few staff with it. What are units for if not to assert dominance over your fellow lifeforms? But on to more important things…
NPC_CORE_ACT1_10_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT1_3C_OPT_A :arrow_right:
End Communication
NPC_CORE_ACT1_10A_LANG_CHECK Are you ready? Make sure you are, this job isn’t going to be a small one. You might not be heading back to that base of yours for a while.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_10A_LANG_CHECK_RE Hmm. Well. Do what you need to do. You know where to find me when you’re ready.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_10A_LANG_MAIN Good. Let the hunt begin.

I’ve detected a Korvax installation on that world of yours – the interference in your transmissions is a giveaway. It might be disguised in the style of another species, but don’t be fooled. The synthetics delight in espionage.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_10A_OPT_A Point out Apollo is robotic
NPC_CORE_ACT1_10B_LANG I’m not robotic. I was born, just like you were. But this is no world for flesh. My brain, what organs I have left, everything was transferred to this shell. This is who I am.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_10B_OPT_A Ask how this happened
NPC_CORE_ACT1_10B_OPT_B Say you feel sorry for them
NPC_CORE_ACT1_10B_RES_A I took my revenge when the time came. That is all you need to know.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_10B_RES_B Hm. No need to feel ‘sorry’. I got my revenge when the time came. What’s done is done.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_10C_LANG So. Start from the hypothesis that the Sentinels use these ‘portals’ to get around. How do they activate it? We need to observe. We need to summon them.

And what better way than to attack a Korvax factory? They are both robotic life forms. Too much in common. Too much coincidence.

Enter the factory and hack the terminal within. If we gain data about the Sentinels? Good. If not, we’ll have summoned enough of them to trace any energy spikes on that world of yours. The portals will be ours in no time.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_10C_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT1_3C_OPT_A :arrow_right:
End Communication
ACT1 10
WAR_CORE_ACT1_10_DESC The Vy’keen is keen to show me their new stock, a powerful modification for my multi–tool.

Step 11
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP11_DESC Apollo wants to study the Sentinels. They hope to draw the drone’s attention by attacking a Korvax facility. I appear to be the bait in this ‘trap’…
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP11_OBJ1 Attract Sentinel attention by infiltrating a Korvax facility
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP11_OBJ1_TIP Apollo has supplied the coordinates to a hidden Korvax facility.
The facility may be secured. Destroy locked doors with a Boltcaster.<>
Install a Boltcaster upgrade to the Multi-Tool. Activate with <IMG>CYCLEWEAPON<>.
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP11_MSG1 Infiltrate the Korvax facility
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP11_MSG2 Destroy facility door
Construct a <TECHNOLOGY>Boltcaster<> in your Multi-Tool
Activate Boltcaster with <IMG>CYCLEWEAPON<>
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP11_MARKER1 Korvax Facility
NPC_CORE_ACT1_11_LANG NPC_CORE_ACT1_2_LANG :arrow_right:
– zzktt – … – zzkttk –
NPC_CORE_ACT1_11_DESC The terminal’s data is useless. The Korvax within left this world many days ago, apparently recalled on a priority transmission to their species’ flotilla. Something has them worried.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_11_OPT_A Probe factory logs
NPC_CORE_ACT1_11_OPT_B NPC_CORE_ACT1_2_OPT_B :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT1_11_RES_B I leave. There is nothing for me in this place.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_11A_DESC This place seems to have been more than just a factory. It was a home to the Korvax who lived within its walls. It appears that they were experimenting with autonomy from their collective.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_11A_OPT_A Examine video feeds
NPC_CORE_ACT1_11A_OPT_B NPC_CORE_ACT1_2_OPT_B :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT1_11B_DESC One of the internal sensors has recorded movement within the facility. It shows me footage of the vents at my feet. There is something in here with me.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_11B_OPT_A Shine a light upon it
NPC_CORE_ACT1_11B_OPT_B Back away
NPC_CORE_ACT1_11B_RES_A I shine a light upon it…
NPC_CORE_ACT1_11B_RES_B I back away, but as I do, the creature follows me. It emerges near the terminal.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_11C_DESC It is a small hairy creature, shaking and afraid. It cries out.
The animal appears to have lived here for quite some time. There is a nest in the corner, vestiges of food upon a small dish, even a few clumsy toys and trinkets. The animal seems to have been a companion to the Korvax.
My scanner tells me that the creature is gravely ill. It will die, no matter what intervention occurs.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_11C_OPT_A Feed the animal
NPC_CORE_ACT1_11C_OPT_B Euthanise the animal
NPC_CORE_ACT1_11C_OPT_C Do nothing
NPC_CORE_ACT1_11C_RES_A I feed the creature. Nervously, it takes the zinc and begins to eat. A few moments later, it violently coughs up much of its little meal, only to try to continue the process, shivering with every mouthful.

I move on from the factory complex, leaving the animal to its fate.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_11C_RES_B As the creature looks mournfully up at me, I fire a single charge of my multi–tool. It shivers no more. Its suffering is at an end.

I move on from the factory complex.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_11C_RES_C I do nothing for the creature. It begins to cry, but even that soon fades. Eventually, it retreats back into the darkness of its tunnels.

I move on from the factory complex, leaving the animal to its fate.

Step 12
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP12_DESC After my attack on the Korvax factory, the Sentinels came, just as Apollo promised. Now I must find out whether our theories about the portals are true…
NPC_CORE_ACT1_12_LANG Good work. Your attack on that factory paid off. Did you get any useful data?
NPC_CORE_ACT1_12_OPT_B Ask what happens next
NPC_CORE_ACT1_12_RES_A No matter. We have what we need.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_12A_LANG I recorded countless signal flares when the Sentinels started to appear. Energy streams sparked beneath the planet’s surface, moving from monolith to monolith.

We must be on the right track. Examine these structures. They are all linked, I know it.

Good luck. I’ll speak to you on the other side.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_12A_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT1_3C_OPT_A :arrow_right:
End Communication

Step 13
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP13_DESC Signal flares erupted all over the surface of this planet when the Sentinels attacked. If I trace them, I might uncover the secrets of the portals.
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP13_OBJ1 Crack the Portal Code: Part 1
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP13_OBJ1_TIP Apollo has traced the Sentinel’s signal to a location on a nearby world. Follow and investigate the signal.
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP13_OBJ2 Crack the Portal Code: Part 2
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP13_OBJ2_TIP Apollo has traced the Sentinel’s signal to a location on a nearby world.
Continue to trace the signal across the leylines.
The signal has lead to an ancient monument baring clues as to how to open a portal.
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP13_OBJ3 Crack the Portal Code: Part 3
Activate a Portal
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP13_OBJ4_TIP The ancient monuments have supplied a series of glyphs. Perhaps they hold the key to opening a portal…
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP13_MSG1 Follow Apollo’s signal trace to its source
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP13_MSG2 Locate the next set of portal glyphs
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP13_MSG3 Locate the final portal glyphs
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP13_MSG4 Trace the leylines to the Portal
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP13_MSG5 Enter the Portal
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP13_MSG7 Speak with the Atlas
NPC_CORE_ACT1_13_DESC_PRE I don’t know what to expect as I approach the structure. An army of Sentinels, perhaps? Some gateway through which I’ll find Artemis?

But in the shifting structure of this monolith, I can feel something else. A story, a vision. It is already burning itself into my eyes.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_13_OPT_B_PRE NPC_CORE_ACT1_2_OPT_B :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT1_13_DESC The Traveller awoke beneath the shadow of a red star. Through the lonely cosmos they fled, yearning for purpose and meaning.

They found an anomaly, an aberration, a door to the heavens. No Gek, no Vy’keen, no Korvax could see it. Only the Traveller could perceive the portal, though they did not know how to step through.

They did not know the secret language, the glyphs. They did not yet grasp the price of the final truth.’
NPC_CORE_ACT1_13_OPT_A Witness Glyphs
NPC_CORE_ACT1_13_OPT_B NPC_CORE_ACT1_8F_OPT_B :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT1_13_RES_A I am filled with the knowledge of an ancient Traveller. I see glyphs in my mind, part of the code I need to activate a portal.

As I depart, I spot a Sentinel drone in the distance. It moves away quickly.

Step 14
NPC_CORE_ACT1_14_DESC_PRE As I approach the structure, I feel that same burning sensation in my eyes. There is nothing to read, and yet I am more aware of these words than anything I have ever known.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_14_OPT_B_PRE NPC_CORE_ACT1_2_OPT_B :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT1_14_DESC The Traveller found a way. They always did. The first drone screamed when it was cut open…

Within the shattered memories of Sentinels, the Traveller found the glyphs they needed. They passed through the gateway, emerging before the face of omnipotence.

The Traveller asked the Atlas how many worlds were left to visit. They had seen so many in their life, they did not wish to die before they saw them all. And the Atlas answered.

18, 446, 744, 073, 709, 551, 616 planets. More than could be seen in any lifetime. It was impossible to explore the universe before the Traveller died.’
NPC_CORE_ACT1_14_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT1_13_OPT_A :arrow_right:
Witness Glyphs
NPC_CORE_ACT1_14_OPT_B NPC_CORE_ACT1_8F_OPT_B :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT1_14_RES_A I am filled with the knowledge of an ancient Traveller. I see glyphs in my mind, part of the code I need to activate a portal…

I think of the ‘Atlas’. I have encountered this name many times in my travels, yet its true nature still eludes me. The vision fills me with fear.

Step 15
NPC_CORE_ACT1_15_OPT_B_PRE NPC_CORE_ACT1_2_OPT_B :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT1_15_DESC_PRE Everything here is tinted with that same red, the same unobservable crimson that fills my vision when I blink. I can only hope this structure holds the final glyphs, that my trial at these ruins is nearly over.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_15_DESC The Atlas told the Traveller they were the first of their kind. That a multitude would follow. Each would be endowed with the same noble soul, each able to travel from planet to planet in eternal solitude.

The First Traveller rejected the gift of the Atlas. This world was not what they hoped for. What was the purpose of infinity if you could not see it all? If you were alone? If you would one day die?

The First Traveller cursed the Atlas, claiming that they would find a way to survive no matter the cost. All of these worlds, all of time itself, it will be for the Travellers to witness.’
NPC_CORE_ACT1_15_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT1_13_OPT_A :arrow_right:
Witness Glyphs
NPC_CORE_ACT1_15_OPT_B NPC_CORE_ACT1_8F_OPT_B :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT1_15_RES_A I am filled with the knowledge of an ancient Traveller. I see glyphs in my mind, the final portion of the code I need to activate a portal…

Step 16
NPC_CORE_ACT1_16_DESC I approach the portal. I think of every passing thought and idle wish that led me to this moment. Within this gateway, I might find Artemis, I might find the source of the Sentinels, I might find a whole new universe. But it is more than this.

This is not fate. I am making a choice. A leap of faith that somewhere out there in the dark, I will find who I am meant to be.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_16_OPT_A Input Glyphs
NPC_CORE_ACT1_16_OPT_B Turn Back
NPC_CORE_ACT1_16_RES_A I step forward, not knowing what I will find on the other side. But I feel it deep in my heart, the call towards a deeper truth.

This will be the start of everything.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_16_RES_B I turn back. I am not ready for whatever lies on the other side of this portal.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_16_DESC_RET I approach the portal once more. I stare at its interface, haunted by a growing fear.

I am certain that I have been here before. That I have stepped through this structure a hundred times or more. But if this is true, if I did, why don’t I remember?

The portal still waits.

Step 17
NPC_CORE_ACT1_17A_LANG Hello, world.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_17A_DESC The text blinks before me. It awaits input.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_17A_OPT_A Ask who this is
NPC_CORE_ACT1_17A_OPT_B Say hello
NPC_CORE_ACT1_17B_DESC An audio recording plays, echoing out across the vast interface.

‘We were once travellers. We once aspired to more than dirt and dust.’

The audio clicks. Time passes.

‘Show me a world, ATLAS. Show me something no–one has ever seen before.’

The voice ends. The interface grows still and silent. It awaits a command.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_17B_OPT_A Perform diagnostic
NPC_CORE_ACT1_17B_OPT_B Wipe system
NPC_CORE_ACT1_17C_DESC The interface is still and silent. It awaits a command.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_17C_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT1_17B_OPT_A :arrow_right:
Perform diagnostic
NPC_CORE_ACT1_17C_OPT_B NPC_CORE_ACT1_17B_OPT_B :arrow_right:
Wipe system
NPC_CORE_ACT1_17D_LANG Warning: system wipe will result in universal death. Confirm: Y/N.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_17E_LANG It has been 19,462,189,212.21 years since last diagnostic. 64% of worlds operating within expected parameters.

2,611,384 actionable observations awaiting analysis. Sub–routine: SENTINEL. Status: ERROR [null value]

Subroutine: GLASS. Status: OPERATIONAL [4,182 breach attempts]

Subroutine: TRAVELLER. Status: OPERATIONAL. 458 critical error warnings. Exo–Mind structural integrity compromised. Immediate repairs required

Initiate personality interface? Y/N
NPC_CORE_ACT1_17E_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT1_17D_OPT_A :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT1_17E_OPT_B NPC_CORE_ACT1_17D_OPT_B :arrow_right:
NPC_CORE_ACT1_17E_RES_B The system lies dormant.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_17F_DESC Reality fades. Everything does. My body, my voice, my soul… all of it speaks to me.

The Atlas stands before me in all its might.

I want to ask about Artemis, I want to find them, but something is happening to me… I need to get out of here, I need to –
NPC_CORE_ACT1_17F_RES_A I try to scream but I have no mouth, no form…
NPC_CORE_ACT1_17F_RES_B I try to rejoice but I have no body, no spirit…
NPC_CORE_ACT1_17F_RES_C I try to submit, but it is too late for that, far too late… I have belonged to this creature my entire life.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_17G_DESC Reality begins to fade, the walls of this unnatural place shifting in my sight. I see things no–one should see. I see worlds with liquid souls, dimensions of hate and wonder.

I have gained the attention of the ATLAS.