NMS Lore & More (SPOILERS!) - version 1.38

Core Story / Artemis Quest #3 - NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH

Act 1 - Step 1-7

Act 1 - Step 1-7
ID Value (text)
UI_CORE_ACT1_ARTEMIS_TITLE Alone Amidst the Stars
UI_CORE_ACT1_ARTEMIS_SUB Artemis, the Explorer
UI_CORE_ACT1_APOLLO_TITLE Ghosts in the Machine
UI_CORE_ACT1_APOLLO_SUB Apollo, the Adventurer
UI_CORE_ACT1_PORTAL_SUB Activate a Portal
UI_CORE_ACT1_ATLAS_OSD 16 // 16 // 16 // ATLAS PROTOCOL INITIATED // 16 // 16 // 16
UI_CORE_ACT1_ATLAS_SCAN 16 // 16 // 16

Step 1
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP1_OBJ Travel to the stranger’s coordinates
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP1_OBJ_TIP Locate the coordinates sent to you by looking for the mission icon on your HUD.
The compass at the top of your ship’s cockpit will help you track the signal.
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP1_MSG Tune your starship communicator to the mystery signal
Access the communicator with <IMG>QUICK_MENU<>
You are not – kzzktt – alone –
Please, identify yourself. I’m – kzzkttk –
NPC_CORE_ACT1_1_OPT_A Identify yourself
NPC_CORE_ACT1_1_OPT_B Remain silent
NPC_CORE_ACT1_1A_LANG You left me – kkzzktt – Why did you – kzzttkk –
NPC_CORE_ACT1_1A_OPT_A Tell them you don’t understand
NPC_CORE_ACT1_1A_OPT_B Tell them you are sorry
NPC_CORE_ACT1_1B_LANG Of course you’d say that, of course you’d – kkkttkzzz – just like the others – kzzttkk –
NPC_CORE_ACT1_1B_OPT_A Ask who you are speaking to
NPC_CORE_ACT1_1B_OPT_B Ask about the ‘others’
NPC_CORE_ACT1_1C_LANG I know you can – kzzktt – hear me. Speak. I beg of you.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_1C_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT1_1_OPT_A :arrow_right:
Identify yourself
NPC_CORE_ACT1_1C_OPT_B Continue to remain silent
NPC_CORE_ACT1_1D_LANG Art imitates – zzktt – life. All I wanted was an answer. It did not need to be this way.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_1D_OPT_A End transmission
NPC_CORE_ACT1_1E_LANG Don’t lie to me. You – kkkttkzzz – Even the others did not – zzttkk –
NPC_CORE_ACT1_1E_RES There is no reply. The communicator falls silent, though the channel remains open.

Step 2
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP2_DESC I have received a strange communication from an unknown source. A voice spoke to me, though it almost seemed as if they were speaking to someone else. They were cut off as strangely as they began, and I received a set of coordinates.
Travel to the stranger’s coordinates
Locate the coordinates sent to you by looking for the mission icon on your HUD.
The compass at the top of your ship’s cockpit will help you track the signal.
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP2_MSG Travel to the stranger’s coordinates
Press OPTIONS<> to access the Mission Log
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP2_MARKER Stranger’s Coordinates?
NPC_CORE_ACT1_2_LANG – zzktt – … – zzkttk –
NPC_CORE_ACT1_2_DESC There are no signs of life. There is only the static of a broken communicator.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_2_OPT_A Extract records
NPC_CORE_ACT1_2_RES_A Whatever message was once here has been scrambled beyond recovery. All I extract is the pilot’s name, ‘Artemis’.

There is little more to be found here. Whoever Artemis is, they are long gone.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_2_RES_B I leave the communicator be. There is no sense disturbing the dead.

Step 3
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP3_DESC I received a set of mysterious coordinates from an unknown source. I followed the signal, and found the wreckage of an abandoned starship. There was little be gained from the wreck, but the distress beacon contained the hailing frequency labelled ‘ARTEMIS’. There is nothing for it but to continue exploring.
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP3_OBJ1 Search for clues about Artemis
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP3_OBJ1_TIP Answers may be found in the stars…
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP3_MSG1 Search for clues about Artemis on this and other worlds
Press <IMG>OPTIONS<> to access the Guide
NPC_CORE_ACT1_3_LANG … … … – zzktt – … where – zzkttk –

Is there anyone – kzzkt – out there? It’s outside, it – zzzkkt – something’s wrong with –
NPC_CORE_ACT1_3_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT1_1_OPT_A :arrow_right:
Identify yourself
NPC_CORE_ACT1_3_OPT_B Ask what is wrong
NPC_CORE_ACT1_3_RES_A I tell the stranger that I can hear them. There is a moment’s pause. The only sound I hear is the background hiss of cosmic radiation.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_3_RES_B I ask the stranger what is wrong. There is a moment’s pause. The only sound I hear is the background hiss of cosmic radiation.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_3A_LANG You – you found me… There’s so little light. I thought I’d never hear another soul again, I really did.

How did you find my voice?
NPC_CORE_ACT1_3A_OPT_A Say you found a crashed ship
NPC_CORE_ACT1_3A_RES_A I tell the stranger about the abandoned starship wreck, and how I found their communicator ID in the distress beacon.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_3B_LANG It’s outside, but I think I’m – kzzzkt – safe…

There are sixteen of them, they look just like – kzkzkzt –
NPC_CORE_ACT1_3B_OPT_A Ask where they are
NPC_CORE_ACT1_3B_OPT_B Ask about the ‘sixteen’
NPC_CORE_ACT1_3B_RES Fear and confusion dance within the eyes of the stranger. After a few moments of silence, they turn to me, imploring –
NPC_CORE_ACT1_3C_LANG You don’t know who you are, do you? You – kzzkt –

It lied to me. It lied to all of –
NPC_CORE_ACT1_3C_DESC The sound cuts out, but their face lingers on, silent, before it too fades into nothingness.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_3C_OPT_A End Communication
NPC_CORE_ACT1_3C_RES_A Artemis needs my help. I need to find a way to boost the signal.

Step 4
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP4_DESC After returning to my ship, a stranger identifying themselves as Artemis contacted me. Static and interference rendered communication difficult, but it is clear that Artemis needs my help. I must find some way to boost the signal before it is too late.
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP4_OBJ1 Locate a long distance transmitter
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP4_OBJ1_TIP To re-establish contact with Artemis, first locate a long-distance transmitter.
Holographic communication towers can be found on many planets. Such a device might be powerful enough to establish a stable connection.
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP4_MSG1A Locate a long distance transmitter
Scan (<IMG>SCAN<>) for potential sites
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP4_OSD1A Power the transmitter to boost the signal
NPC_CORE_ACT1_4_HOLOHUB_DESC The tower hosts a powerful transmitter, designed to facilitate holographic communication across long distances.

The extra power should allow me to reestablish the connection to Artemis.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_4_HOLOHUB_OPT_A Tune to Artemis’ frequency
NPC_CORE_ACT1_4_HOLOHUB_RES_A I try to locate Artemis’ frequency, uploading the data from our previous communication.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_4_LANG Who’s – kzzkkt – who’s there? You – it’s you again, isn’t it?

You really are real, aren’t you? You aren’t a dream?
NPC_CORE_ACT1_4_OPT_A Ask what they mean
NPC_CORE_ACT1_4_OPT_B Say you are real
NPC_CORE_ACT1_4A_LANG I’m sorry, it’s hard to think here. Something’s wrong with the – kzzzkkt –

It’s easy to fabricate a better reality when you have to. I thought you might be a dream. I’m sorry, I haven’t heard another voice in so long, not since I cut the speaker from my exosuit. It said such terrible things…
NPC_CORE_ACT1_4A_OPT_A Ask who they are
NPC_CORE_ACT1_4A_OPT_B Ask what they are
NPC_CORE_ACT1_4A_RES The stranger smiles through the static.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_4B_LANG I’m just like you. You are a Traveller of worlds, aren’t you?
NPC_CORE_ACT1_4B_OPT_A Ask what a Traveller is
NPC_CORE_ACT1_4B_OPT_B Ask how they know this
NPC_CORE_ACT1_4B_RES They do not respond with speech. They transmit a vision, a red star and a fragile world. I do not understand the shapes within, the whispers…

I see lifeforms scattered to the far reaches of the galaxies. I see this stranger’s first breath, yearning for the stars. I see myself, slumbering in the crimson void, waiting for a dream of worlds.

And through the darkness, I hear it said…
NPC_CORE_ACT1_4C_LANG Anomaly detected. Designation: TRAVELLER
NPC_CORE_ACT1_4D_LANG What I showed you just now… it was already inside of you. We are all born with this memory, even if we don’t know how we lost it.

We are the Travellers. We are the fourth race, discoverers of worlds. How long did it take you to realise you were different? From the moment you woke, you must have sensed something. So did I.

Before I became stranded here, I was on a journey to find others of our kind, to finally meet. It cannot be a coincidence that you found this signal… Tell me, do you still have the data log from that crashed ship?
NPC_CORE_ACT1_4D_OPT_A Upload data
NPC_CORE_ACT1_4D_RES_A I upload my exosuit’s records, including the strange transmission I received and the data I found at the crashed vessel.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_4D_RES_B Where are – kzzzttt – have you gone? It’s – kzzzzkkt – signal – ktzzzzzkt –
NPC_CORE_ACT1_4D_RET_LANG Please, I have to see that data. Don’t toy with me, not with something like this…
NPC_CORE_ACT1_4E_LANG Much of my equipment is damaged. I am alone, on foot, stranded on a sunless world. I don’t even know how your signal is reaching me. But this ship you found… it belonged to me, once. Perhaps there is hope after all.

We need to work out where we both are. If you build <TECHNOLOGY>signal boosters<> across this system, we should be able to triangulate your position. I’ll finally get out of this hellhole and you’ll get all the answers you seek. Sound like a deal?
NPC_CORE_ACT1_4E_OPT_A Agree with the plan
NPC_CORE_ACT1_4E_RES_A Thank you, Traveller. You’re going to save my life. You’re going to find me.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_4E_RES_B I know this is strange. But it’ll all make sense soon. Trust me… you’re going to save my life. You’re going to find me.

Step 5
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP5_DESC I made contact with Artemis, discovering that they are stranded on a sunless world. They asked me to triangulate my position so that we might figure out a path towards meeting.
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP5_OBJ1A Triangulate Your Position: Place First Beacon
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP5_OBJ1B Triangulate Your Position: Place Second Beacon
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP5_OBJ1C Triangulate Your Position: Place Third Beacon
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP5_OBJ1_TIP Visit several planets and build <TECHNOLOGY>Signal Boosters<> in order to triangulate your position for Artemis.
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP5_MSG1A Build a Signal Booster
Access the Build Menu with <IMG>BUILD_MENU<>
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP5_MSG1A2 Use the <TECHNOLOGY>Signal Booster<> to triangulate your position
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP5_MSG1B Suitable <TECHNOLOGY>triangulation position<> located
Make your way to the triangulation site
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP5_MARKER1B Suitable Site Located
NPC_CORE_ACT1_5_LANG When I first reached out to the heavens, I had no idea what to expect. The beauty, the mystery, the adventure, the danger. And here we are, aren’t we?

Go to a HoloTerminus, upload your data. Let’s find each other. If you’re as close as I think you are, we’re about to make history.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_5_OPT_A NPC_CORE_ACT1_3C_OPT_A :arrow_right:
End Communication
NPC_CORE_ACT1_5A_LANG Have you triangulated your position? Let me know when you’re ready to receive some data.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_5A_LANG_RET Have you – kzzkt – have you triangulated your position? I need to – kzzzkt – you some data.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_5A_RES_A Artemis transmits a packet of data, a star chart showing the skies around their location.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_5A_RES_B There is – kzzzzkt – no time. Do not delay!
NPC_CORE_ACT1_5B_LANG I only have the equipment I came in here with, and it’s done me no good so far. I don’t know where I am. I don’t even know how long I’ve been here…

So, we’ll need to go take an old–fashioned approach. We can use the sky to figure out where I am. If you visit a space station, there will plenty of locals able to match our star patterns.

I’ll patch my translator through so that you can understand what they’re saying. You’ll need to calibrate it first, but that should only take a few words.
Oh! I have something else for you… you might find this useful.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_5B_DESC Artemis sends one last transmission, a blueprint for <TECHNOLOGY>Suspension Fluid<>.
End Communication
NPC_CORE_ACT1_5B_RES_A Good luck. Or maybe - see you soon!

Step 6
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP6_DESC Excited at the prospect of meeting, Artemis has gathered records of the stars visible from their world. They wish for me to bring this chart to a space station and determine a route between our location.
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP6_OBJ1 Calibrate the translator by learning words in the local language.
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP6_OBJ1_TIP Words can be learned by speaking to alien lifeforms, or by investigating their ruins and other sacred places.
Find alien lifeforms aboard space stations or in various planetary buildings.
Explore to locate ruins and other ancient monuments.
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP6_MSG1 Calibrate Artemis’ translator
Learn words: %CURRENT%/%AMOUNT%
Press <IMG>OPTIONS<> to see more about learning words
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP6_OSD1 Calibrate Artemis’ translator
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP6_OBJ2 Visit the lifeform and locate yourself on the starchart
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP6_OBJ2_TIP Lifeforms in this system should be able to analyse Artemis’ chart and pinpoint your location.
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP6_MSG2 Discover your location
Visit lifeforms and ask about your position
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP6_OBJ3 Increase your standing with the alien lifeforms
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP6_OBJ3_TIP Before the alien lifeform will speak with you, you must reach a sufficiently impressive level of standing with their community.
Access the Guide (<IMG>OPTIONS<>) to learn more about how to raise standing.
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP6_MSG3 Raise your standing with the %RACE%
Increase standing by: %CURRENT%/%AMOUNT%
Access the Guide (<IMG>OPTIONS<>) to learn about Standing
TRA_CORE_ACT1_6_LOWRANK_LANG Oh, friend. Gek trade protocol forbids transactions with beings of unknown credit history.
TRA_CORE_ACT1_6_LOWRANK_DESC Through the garble of Artemis’ translator, it is clear that I am yet to make an impact among the Gek. I need to improve my <SPECIAL>reputation rank<>.
TRA_CORE_ACT1_6_DESC As I approach the lifeform, their beak begins to click, a strange gas issuing forth. It is unclear if Artemis’ translator is working.
TRA_CORE_ACT1_6_OPT_A Ask for information
TRA_CORE_ACT1_6_OPT_B Resist the gas
TRA_CORE_ACT1_6_RES_A The lifeform shakes their head, disappointed in me.
TRA_CORE_ACT1_6A_LANG Friend! I require units for information. Please understand…
TRA_CORE_ACT1_6A_OPT_A Ask why they need units
Resist the gas
TRA_CORE_ACT1_6A_RES_A The lifeform becomes agitated and upset, the gas growing foul.
TRA_CORE_ACT1_6B_LANG A greeting without units I could forgive. But a demand for information? Do you think TradeGek knowledge is freely earned? You insult us all.
TRA_CORE_ACT1_6B_OPT_A Continue to resist the gas
TRA_CORE_ACT1_6B_RES_A I attempt to bargain with the lifeform, appealing to the potential for future trade in order to gain free information.

They seem impressed with me, their beak twisting into something resembling a smile.
TRA_CORE_ACT1_6C_LANG Of course. Trade Federation pleased to establish new customer. Friend, please pass me the data for examination.
Give star chart
I ask the lifeform to decode the star chart and provide a route to Artemis’ location.
TRA_CORE_ACT1_6D_DESC I try to resist smelling their gas, but the odour permeates my exosuit vents, even my life support system. I am filled with an overwhelming desire to purchase things.
TRA_CORE_ACT1_6D_OPT_A Resist offering units
TRA_CORE_ACT1_6D_OPT_B Offer units for information
TRA_CORE_ACT1_6D_RES_A The lifeform begins to hold their breath, their entire complexion changing…
TRA_CORE_ACT1_6D_RES_B I offer units to the Gek, repeating my request for information. The Gek smiles, the gas receding. They appear to have found the entire exchange amusing.

In exchange for this amusement, they offer to decode the star chart for free.
TRA_CORE_ACT1_6E_LANG Strange behaviour for first greeting, friend! Trade Federation pleased to establish new customer. Friend, please pass me the data for examination…
Give star chart
I ask the lifeform to decode the star chart and provide a route to Artemis’ location.
TRA_CORE_ACT1_6F_LANG Your data appears to be fabricated, friend, or possibly corrupted. No such location exists.
Ask if they could have made a mistake
TRA_CORE_ACT1_6F_OPT_B Thank and leave
TRA_CORE_ACT1_6F_RES_A The Gek is offended by the suggestion that they made a mistake. They say they will give me a low rating on the Trade Federation database for my impertinence.

I apologise and leave.
TRA_CORE_ACT1_6F_RES_B It is a pleasure to do business with you, friend!
EXP_CORE_ACT1_6_LOWRANK_LANG Eheu! Insignificance does not register with the Convergence. Of interest, but not of worth.
EXP_CORE_ACT1_6_LOWRANK_DESC Through the garble of Artemis’ translator, it is clear that I am yet to make an impact among the Korvax. I need to improve my <SPECIAL>reputation rank<>.
EXP_CORE_ACT1_6_DESC As I approach the lifeform, the lights in its shell casing begin to brighten and constrict, chattering noises issuing forth. They hold out a scanner. It is unclear if Artemis’ translator is working.
EXP_CORE_ACT1_6_OPT_A WAR_CORE_ACT1_6_OPT_A :arrow_right:
Ask for information about this star system
EXP_CORE_ACT1_6_OPT_B Scan the Korvax
EXP_CORE_ACT1_6_RES_A The lifeform’s chattering ends. They stare at me with disappointment.
EXP_CORE_ACT1_6A_LANG Information exchange possible. We only require a small sample of your organic components and a full technology scan.
EXP_CORE_ACT1_6A_OPT_B Try and do your own scan of the Korvax
EXP_CORE_ACT1_6A_RES_A The lifeform becomes agitated and upset, the lights on their mask starting to dilate and flicker.
The lifeform’s chattering ends. They stare at me with disappointment.
EXP_CORE_ACT1_6B_OPT_A EXP_CORE_ACT1_6_OPT_B :arrow_right:
Scan the Korvax
EXP_CORE_ACT1_6B_OPT_B Say you are a Traveller
EXP_CORE_ACT1_6B_RES_A I tell the lifeform I am a Traveller. The Korvax is overwhelmed at the suggestion. They stare at what little data they have already been able to gather.
EXP_CORE_ACT1_6C_LANG This – this data is invaluable to Korvax Convergence! Thank you, Traveller, I will of course assist you!
Give star chart
I ask the lifeform to decode the star chart and provide a route to Artemis’ location.
EXP_CORE_ACT1_6D_DESC The lifeform’s shell casing begins to dilate and flicker. They attempt to scan my scanner, but it is clear that my tool interferes with its own.
EXP_CORE_ACT1_6D_OPT_B Allow the lifeform to scan you
EXP_CORE_ACT1_6D_RES_A The lifeform grows increasingly irritated.
EXP_CORE_ACT1_6D_RES_B I allow the lifeform to scan me. They create a three–dimensional cross section of body, exosuit, skin, organs all included, refining the model through occasional projections. Eventually, it is complete.
This – this data is invaluable to Korvax Convergence! Thank you, Traveller, I will of course assist you!
Give star chart
I ask the lifeform to decode the star chart and provide a route to Artemis’ location.
EXP_CORE_ACT1_6F_LANG Location does not exist, Traveller. Eheu! Nothing is more tragic than a corrupted piece of code.
Ask if they could have made a mistake
EXP_CORE_ACT1_6F_OPT_B Thank the Korvax and leave.
EXP_CORE_ACT1_6F_RES_A The Korvax seems momentarily confused, as if the concept that they could have made a mistake has never even been considered.
They claim their systems are infallible, superior to the judgement of any organic lifeform. I apologise and leave.
EXP_CORE_ACT1_6F_RES_B Good luck in your journey. Please, feel welcome to return and deliver a blood sample at any time.
WAR_CORE_ACT1_6_LOWRANK_LANG Grah! Interloper! Such little honour! Vy’keen are unimpressed.
WAR_CORE_ACT1_6_LOWRANK_DESC Through the garble of Artemis’ translator, it is clear that I am yet to make an impact among the Vy’keen. I need to improve my <SPECIAL>reputation rank<>.
WAR_CORE_ACT1_6_DESC As I approach the lifeform, they spit onto their own palm and bow to me. They issue only a single noise, ‘Grah!’ It is unclear if Artemis’s translator is working…
WAR_CORE_ACT1_6_OPT_A Ask for information about this star system
WAR_CORE_ACT1_6_OPT_B Spit and bow to the lifeform
WAR_CORE_ACT1_6_RES_A The lifeform’s body begins to shake, their teeth now bared to me.
WAR_CORE_ACT1_6A_LANG Grah! Death! Death!
WAR_CORE_ACT1_6A_OPT_A Suggest the lifeform should calm down
WAR_CORE_ACT1_6A_OPT_B WAR_CORE_ACT1_6_OPT_B :arrow_right:
Spit and bow to the lifeform
WAR_CORE_ACT1_6A_RES_A The lifeform barks, snarling, spittle flying from the thing they call a mouth.
WAR_CORE_ACT1_6B_LANG Interloper should calm down instead! Grah! Interloper should learn manners! Death! Death!
WAR_CORE_ACT1_6B_OPT_A WAR_CORE_ACT1_6_OPT_B :arrow_right:
Spit and bow to the lifeform
WAR_CORE_ACT1_6B_OPT_B Headbutt the lifeform
WAR_CORE_ACT1_6B_RES_B I headbutt the lifeform. They do not move, they do not register any pain. They just stare at me for a while. Eventually, they laugh.
WAR_CORE_ACT1_6C_LANG Grhahah! Amusing! Ask your question, pathetic interloper! I shall answer.
WAR_CORE_ACT1_6C_OPT_A Give star chart
WAR_CORE_ACT1_6C_RES_A I ask the lifeform to decode Artemis’s star chart and provide a route to their location.
WAR_CORE_ACT1_6D_DESC I spit and bow, emulating the lifeform’s strange motions. They scream, withdraw a dagger from a holster at their side, and slice open their own palm.

They laugh at me, offering their dagger.
Suggest the lifeform should calm down
WAR_CORE_ACT1_6D_OPT_B Copy the lifeform
WAR_CORE_ACT1_6D_RES_A The lifeform barks, snarling, spittle flying out from the thing they call a mouth
WAR_CORE_ACT1_6D_RES_B Grimacing, I run the dagger along my own palm, a little blood emerging through my exosuit. The hole quickly seals itself. The lifeform appears to find my behaviour hilarious.
WAR_CORE_ACT1_6E_LANG Grhahaha! Interloper actually did it! Thinks it is Vy’keen. Thinks it is warrior. What do you want, pathetic interloper?
WAR_CORE_ACT1_6E_OPT_A Give the lifeform Artemis’s star chart
WAR_CORE_ACT1_6E_RES_A I ask the lifeform to decode the star chart and provide a route to Artemis’ location.
WAR_CORE_ACT1_6F_LANG What is this nonsense? This location does not exist, or the Vy’keen would know!
WAR_CORE_ACT1_6F_OPT_A Ask if they could have made a mistake
WAR_CORE_ACT1_6F_OPT_B Thank and leave.
WAR_CORE_ACT1_6F_RES_A The Vy’keen does not respond well to the insinuation that they may have made a mistake in analysing the star chart data, shouting ‘death, death!’

I apologise and leave.
WAR_CORE_ACT1_6F_RES_B Grah! Do not thank. Leave!

Step 7
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP7_DESC When I showed Artemis’ starchart to the local species, they claimed that there was no such arrangement of stars in existence. Something appears to be very wrong… I must return to Artemis and tell them the bad news.
UI_CORE_ACT1_STEP7_MARKER Make contact with Artemis
NPC_CORE_ACT1_7_LANG There you are! – kzkzkt –

I’ve found high ground, I think. When you arrive, I’ll fire my multi–tool into the air to mark my location.

What’s wrong? Why aren’t you saying anything?
NPC_CORE_ACT1_7_OPT_A Tell Artemis what happened
NPC_CORE_ACT1_7_RES I tell Artemis the locals could not decipher their star chart. The alien even went so far as to claim those stars did not exist.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_7A_LANG That’s impossible. I can’t have travelled that far from charted space. You found my ship…
NPC_CORE_ACT1_7A_OPT_A Suggest the locals are wrong
NPC_CORE_ACT1_7A_OPT_B Ask how Artemis got there
NPC_CORE_ACT1_7A_RES As I speak, the line begins to crackle with interference. Artemis looks up at the stars in panic.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_7B_LANG The stars – kzkzkt – they’ve altered since I made that chart – blinked out in – kzzkt –

How is this possible? What’s happening to me? I need to get out of here. I need to – kzzkt –
NPC_CORE_ACT1_7B_DESC It is quiet at first. But it is there, unmistakable, growing steadily louder with each passing moment. A sound beneath their words, a sound as if glass could scream…
NPC_CORE_ACT1_7B_OPT_A Ask what is happening
NPC_CORE_ACT1_7B_OPT_B Comfort Artemis
NPC_CORE_ACT1_7B_OPT_C NPC_CORE_ACT1_1_OPT_B :arrow_right:
Remain silent
NPC_CORE_ACT1_7B_RES_A They’re coming for me… I can see them, smell them…
NPC_CORE_ACT1_7B_RES_B I try to comfort Artemis, but my words feel strangely hollow. I can do nothing.
Artemis speaks to me again.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_7B_RES_C I remain silent, watching as Artemis arms their multi–tool.
The attack does not come, and they speak to me again.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_7C_LANG I discovered the glyphs for a portal, Traveller, a gateway between worlds. I thought it would lead me to another of our kind. But now… I don’t even know if the voice was real.

The pathway collapsed while I was still inside. I found this place in the darkness. I thought perhaps it was a planet. I – kzzkt – I was so wrong, I –

I can see their faces, I – kzzkt – there are seeds of glass within their –
NPC_CORE_ACT1_7C_OPT_A Ask for the glyphs
NPC_CORE_ACT1_7C_OPT_B NPC_CORE_ACT1_1_OPT_B :arrow_right:
Remain silent
NPC_CORE_ACT1_7C_RES_A They’re gone, my data fragmented in the – kzkzt –
NPC_CORE_ACT1_7C_RES_B Where have you gone? What’s wrong with you? Please, I – kzzkt –
NPC_CORE_ACT1_7D_LANG I just wanted to discover worlds. I wanted to find other Travellers. I didn’t – kzzkt – to be alone anymore…

Sixteen – kktkttkzkt – worn your face, it – kzkt – please, not yet… I’m not – kkttkktzzt –
NPC_CORE_ACT1_7D_DESC The signal cuts off. As it crackles into oblivion, I hear a name through the static: “Apollo”.
NPC_CORE_ACT1_7D_RES_A A frequency for ‘APOLLO’ has been added to my HoloTerminus contacts.