NMS Lore & More (SPOILERS!) - version 1.38

Crashed Ships #1 - NMS_LOC1_ENGLISH

Had to split due to character limit. This part contains the full NMS_LOC1_ENGLISH

Crashed Ships #1 - NMS_LOC1_ENGLISH
ID Value (text)
ALL_REQUEST_CRASHED SHIP Distress signal coordinates
BUY_DECLINE_DESC_ABAND_SHIP Leave the starship alone
Korvax Options
Options All
ALL_1_CRASH_OPT_1 Search the crashed ship for functioning technology
ALL_1_CRASH_OPT_2 Search the crashed ship for any cargo it was transporting
ALL_1_CRASH_RIGHT_1 You salvage a new technology from the wreckage!
ALL_1_CRASH_RIGHT_2 The vessel was transporting valuable goods!
ALL_1_CRASH_WRONG_1 Nothing is found. Perhaps I am not the first to find the stricken ship.
Reward All
ALL_CRASH_REWARD_1 I find a new multi-tool in the crashed starship.
ALL_CRASH_REWARD_2 I retrieve a new technology from the crash site.
ALL_CRASH_REWARD_3 I retrieve a new product formula from the wreckage.
ALL_CRASH_REWARD_4 I discover valuable trade goods inside the cargo hold of the crashed starship.
TRA_CRA_DESC_1 I clamber into the cargo ship and find its black box. As soon as I touch it a holographic image of a panicked reptilian trader appears.

Perhaps it’s a message for their superior, perhaps a loved one. It’s impossible to tell, as the playback is hauntingly silent. In its final moments the Trader seems to point at some freshly installed ship tech, before dropping to its knees in despair.
TRA_CRA_OPT_A_1 Inspect recently installed ship tech
TRA_CRA_OPT_B_1 Search for cargo
TRA_CRA_OPT_C_1 Strengthen black box signal
TRA_CRA_RES_A_1 I discover the poorly installed tech that caused the crash.

I scan its blueprint, and can now construct it myself…
TRA_CRA_RES_B_1 The ship’s hold is a treasure trove of broken ship tech… with one item intact.

I scan a blueprint, and can now construct it myself.
TRA_CRA_RES_C_1 I boost the distress signal and log the crash site with local authorities.
TRA_CRA_DESC_2 The interior of the downed craft is a patchwork of technologies, possibly scavenged from multiple ships. The portly corpse of a dead beaked lifeform sprawls on the control panel. Clearly the deceased had a penchant for the finer things in life.

The cargo hold is secured by some kind of home made security system. Like the rest of the ship, it’s a mishmash of technologies. Deactivating it could be tricky.
TRA_CRA_OPT_A_2 Attempt to open cargo hold
TRA_CRA_OPT_B_2 Search the pilot
TRA_CRA_RES_A_2 Bypassing three layers of security I open the cargo hold only to be knocked down by a shockwave of energy.

Scanning the enclosure I see the pain is worth it.
TRA_CRA_RES_B_2 A decomposed grub-like crustacean and an exosuit tech proves my reward after the exertions of heaving the bloated corpse off the controls.
TRA_CRA_DESC_3 It’s hard to tell just how long ago this craft crashed here. The pilot’s reptilian body is fully decomposed and the technology looks dated.

The pilot’s skeletal hand is clutching something. I go to investigate but a noise from the cargo hold distracts me.
TRA_CRA_OPT_A_3 Investigate object in pilot’s hand
TRA_CRA_OPT_B_3 Investigate noise
TRA_CRA_RES_A_3 I find a holo-locket that projects the image of a lifeform that was perhaps the pilot’s mate.

This, however, wasn’t the only information that was stored…
TRA_CRA_RES_B_3 I am startled by a local beast somehow feasting on a device being transported in the hold.

It smashes into me as it bolts. I gather the cargo the creature has failed to devour…
TRA_CRA_DESC_4 Under a large ceiling pipe lies the decayed pilot’s body, and beneath it I notice the sharp glint of metal.

The control panel still hums with life, but upon closer inspection the thrusters prove inoperable. The lifeform could have been trapped alone on this planet for years.
TRA_CRA_OPT_A_4 Check body
TRA_CRA_OPT_B_4 Search data banks for tech
TRA_CRA_OPT_C_4 Search ship for cargo
TRA_CRA_RES_A_4 As I pull the body away a secret cargo compartment slides open to reveal a new multi-tool tech.
TRA_CRA_RES_B_4 Everything has been deleted, aside from a promising tech blueprint…
TRA_CRA_RES_C_4 The pilot was clearly a fan of hidden booby trapped compartments.

My search, however, is worthwhile.
TRA_CRA_DESC_5 Clearly downed by an attack from a superior vessel, the ship’s interior is a charred mess of burnt metal and debris. It feels like it could fall apart at any moment.

The craft shudders as I head into the cockpit where its black box projects footage of the ship’s purpose and final moments: a diplomatic vessel attacked by a vigilante warrior race. Wars have been started by less. This craft is likely sorely missed by its people…
TRA_CRA_OPT_A_5 Boost homing beacon signal
TRA_CRA_OPT_B_5 Search ship
TRA_CRA_RES_A_5 The homing beacon signal intensifies. I receive a reward instantly.

Hopefully the pilot’s people will find it and give the trader a fitting burial.
TRA_CRA_RES_B_5 I scavenge the ship, but it grows unstable.

As it shakes I make my escape, but not empty-handed.
TRA_CRA_DESC_6 Two bodies lie slumped on the control panel. Their expensive red robes would suggest they carry riches, but the altar in the cargo hold indicates they were devotees to a religion of some sort.

Whatever religion it was, it doesn’t look pleasant. The altar is bloodied, sits in a dank cloud of incense and seems to hark back to a brutal and ancient time.
TRA_CRA_OPT_A_6 Search bodies
TRA_CRA_OPT_B_6 Examine altar
TRA_CRA_RES_A_6 The holy traders carry valuable technology.

I gain an exosuit technology blueprint.
TRA_CRA_RES_B_6 The altar poisons me, yet contains an ancient knowledge.
TRA_CRA_DESC_7 A small skeleton lies dead by an advanced-looking exosuit, as if it was struggling to put it on during its death throes.

The ship read-out displays a crash date from the recent past. How could this lifeform have decomposed so quickly? I hear a terrifying buzzing noise approach from behind me, if I run now I could take some loot from the cargo hold with me…
TRA_CRA_OPT_A_7 Investigate exosuit
TRA_CRA_OPT_B_7 Take cargo and run
TRA_CRA_RES_A_7 A swarm of flesh-eating insects attack.

I manage to extract an exosuit tech blueprint, but receive injuries.
TRA_CRA_RES_B_7 I take the cargo and run.

Flesh-eating insects follow, but die in the planet’s atmosphere.
TRA_CRA_DESC_8 As I climb through the hatch and climb towards the cockpit, I notice two warrior bodies in the cargo hold. They are small specimens of their kind, with wrists and ankles chained to one another.

TRA_CRA_OPT_A_8 Search cockpit for tech
TRA_CRA_OPT_B_8 Send out alert
TRA_CRA_RES_A_8 I ignore the bodies and scan a ship tech blueprint.
TRA_CRA_RES_B_8 I broadcast a warning about local slavers.

I receive a token of thanks from a planetary overseer.
TRA_CRA_DESC_9 I track down the black box. It springs to life, projecting the image of an aging reptile frantically recording a message as the ship’s systems malfunction around it.

Judging from the reptile’s tone, it sounds important that their message reach its intended. It clearly never did. The ship seems free of useful technology, but has a full cargo hold.
TRA_CRA_OPT_A_9 Boost black box signal
TRA_CRA_OPT_B_9 Search ship
TRA_CRA_RES_A_9 The message sends. Its recipient is aware of my help.

It send me a reward, with thanks.
TRA_CRA_RES_B_9 I retrieve trading goods from the ship.
TRA_CRA_DESC_10 Fire has ravaged the ship’s interior. Wads of burned units lie scattered throughout the hold. The pilot lies here, close to death, pleadingly weakly for help.

There is little I can do to help them, save kind words.
TRA_CRA_OPT_A_10 Comfort dying trader
TRA_CRA_OPT_B_10 Search the ship
TRA_CRA_RES_A_10 The grateful trader thrusts a tech blueprint into my hands.

It dies peacefully, comforted by my presence.
TRA_CRA_RES_B_10 The trader curses me with its last breaths.

I take its cargo and leave.
EXP_CRA_DESC_1 The hi-tech ship’s emergency systems activate as I climb on-board, and a hologram appears before me - the lights in the mask it wears seem wide and dim.

The pilot calmly reports news of its imminent demise. The noise of explosions and tearing metal can be heard. The hologram disappears, leaving an array of glittering technologies and devices behind it. Some of them still look operational…
EXP_CRA_OPT_A_1 Search for functioning technology
EXP_CRA_OPT_B_1 Search for transported goods
EXP_CRA_OPT_C_1 Strengthen the ship’s discovery beacon
EXP_CRA_RES_A_1 The research ship carries fascinating technological advances.

I scan a blueprint, and can now construct one of these advances myself…
EXP_CRA_RES_B_1 The research ship’s cargo hold contains advanced technology.

I scan a blueprint, and can now construct some of it myself…
EXP_CRA_RES_C_1 I manage to boost the signal of the craft’s black box.

A lost ship is rediscovered.
EXP_CRA_DESC_2 The cockpit is pristine, devoid of damage save for that caused by the deceased pilot’s impact against the control panel. Its data banks, however, look as if they could be brought back online.

Lights intermittently flash around me. Some systems clearly remain operative, one of which appears to be a sophisticated security sensor and camera array.
EXP_CRA_OPT_A_2 Access the ship’s databanks
EXP_CRA_OPT_B_2 Loot ship for functioning technology
EXP_CRA_RES_A_2 Only one data bank is accessible.

Thankfully, it’s a useful one.
EXP_CRA_RES_B_2 I discover a useful tech. However, the ship has recorded my looting.

Unable to erase the footage, I leave.
EXP_CRA_DESC_3 The pilot lies dead beside a short circuiting control panel that sparks intermittently. Beside the dead robotic navigator hovers a Sentinel that nudges the deceased lifeform, almost as if to wake it.

As I approach the floating machine fires a warning shot in my direction.
EXP_CRA_OPT_A_3 Destroy sentinel and search cockpit
EXP_CRA_OPT_B_3 Enter peacefully and search cockpit
EXP_CRA_OPT_C_3 Search remainder of ship
EXP_CRA_RES_A_3 The sentinel offers little resistance.

The ship’s databanks are easily hacked…
EXP_CRA_RES_B_3 The sentinel opens fire, forcing me to defend myself.

The ship’s databanks prove adequate compensation for my wounds.
EXP_CRA_RES_C_3 The remainder of the ship proves bereft of threats.

I help myself to what I find.
EXP_CRA_DESC_4 Judging by the destruction within, this ship must have crash landed with particular ferocity. Cargo thrown from its containers is strewn everywhere.

It’s hard to distinguish between what are remnants of the pilot’s metallic shell and which pieces of debris are from the ship itself. The black box has survived intact, but it makes a strange fizzing noise as I approach.
EXP_CRA_OPT_A_4 Search wreckage
EXP_CRA_OPT_B_4 Boost black box signal
EXP_CRA_RES_A_4 I’m surprised by the sheer amount of valuable goods I find.
EXP_CRA_RES_B_4 The box sparks, burning my arm.

I make the ship easily discoverable by its electronic race, and am rewarded.
EXP_CRA_DESC_5 Everything on the hi-tech research ship appears to be operational, apart from the engines. There’s no sign of the pilot, however.

I wonder whether they’re still alive somewhere within the crash site.
EXP_CRA_OPT_A_5 Access the ship’s computer
EXP_CRA_OPT_B_5 Search the crash site
EXP_CRA_RES_A_5 Between the endless logs of flora and fauna I strike technological gold.
EXP_CRA_RES_B_5 I meet a dying electronic lifeform.

It is grateful for my company, and shares its secrets before it disconnects.
EXP_CRA_DESC_6 I’m alerted by banging and a strange electrical buzzing from the cockpit. The scorch marks on the walls of the hold suggest a firefight took place here.

The noise of robotic activity from the cockpit suggests the firefight isn’t yet over…
EXP_CRA_OPT_A_6 Search cargo hold
EXP_CRA_OPT_B_6 Search cockpit
EXP_CRA_RES_A_6 The hold hisses open. Exotic techs were being transported.

I retrieve a ship technology blueprint.
EXP_CRA_RES_B_6 A scorched sentinel attacks.

I retrieve products from the pilot’s corpse.
EXP_CRA_DESC_7 As I climb past the sealed cargo hold, the craft’s holographic black box springs to life. The vessel was struck by a meteor and crash landed here. Nearby lies the dead electronic pilot, its multi-tool at its feet and its protective casing cracked. Its death pose suggests it was trying to contact its people before the impact.

An operational camera watches on from above, and signals could be boosted. I could perhaps explain the lifeform’s disappearance.
EXP_CRA_OPT_A_7 Boost black box distress signal
EXP_CRA_OPT_B_7 Search dead pilot
EXP_CRA_RES_A_7 I log the ship with grateful authorities.

The cargo hold unlocks, revealing a ship tech cargo.
EXP_CRA_RES_B_7 The pilot’s equipment helps me construct a multi-tool tech blueprint.

The camera focuses in on me. I’m being watched.
EXP_CRA_DESC_8 I clamber through the ship’s hatch, and see the holographic black box playing on an eternal loop. For some reason the electronic pilot was shot down by its own kind.

Investigating the hold reveals rows of metallic shell casings hung from the walls. Empty electronic bodies, waiting to be filled with life. The pilot had clearly gone rogue with a precious cargo, and the crash site never discovered.
EXP_CRA_OPT_A_8 Increase homing beacon power.
EXP_CRA_OPT_B_8 Loot empty electronic lifeform shells
EXP_CRA_RES_A_8 An overjoyed message comes through.

I am thanked with a new technology blueprint.
EXP_CRA_RES_B_8 The loot yield from the bodies is excellent.

Yet I somehow feel judged…
EXP_CRA_DESC_9 Two robotic pilots lie crumpled against the ship’s controls, which appear to have been sabotaged. Suddenly the ship’s main doors hiss open.

A malfunctioning robot enters, seemingly speaking the language of a warrior species. It ignores me, choosing instead to posture dramatically to itself in the doorway. It carries a multi-tool that appears superior to my own.
EXP_CRA_OPT_A_9 Talk to robot
EXP_CRA_OPT_B_9 Search cockpit and leave quietly
EXP_CRA_RES_A_9 The robot presents me with its multi-tool.

I am clearly seen as an ally.
EXP_CRA_RES_B_9 I steal a ship technology blueprint.

The robot clearly doesn’t view me as a threat.
EXP_CRA_DESC_10 The disconnected electronic pilot was clearly some kind of scientist. It lies clutching the black box protectively in its metal arms. The hold is filled with experiments, each one seeming to focus on the manufacture of items and industrial chemicals that would likely be valuable to this race of electronic lifeforms.

Despite the crash much of the ship’s equipment is still operational and could be scanned for a working technology blueprint.
EXP_CRA_OPT_A_10 Extract black box data
EXP_CRA_OPT_B_10 Search equipment
EXP_CRA_RES_A_10 The black box reveals the secrets of the scientist’s latest project…
EXP_CRA_RES_B_10 I scan a piece of operational ship technology.
WAR_CRA_DESC_1 The cockpit is adorned with the trophies of dead creatures, perched on every available surface. At the controls sits a tendrilled hunter, its body and face lacerated. The dank smell of blood assails my nostrils as I fight back the nausea.

The black box reveals the pilot was attacked by something whilst in flight, but it’s unclear what. I could strengthen the warning beacon in the cockpit, but it would leave me vulnerable to attack…
WAR_CRA_OPT_A_1 Search ship for signs of life
WAR_CRA_OPT_B_1 Send out a warning signal
WAR_CRA_OPT_C_1 Search cockpit then leave
WAR_CRA_RES_A_1 I discover a ship technology blueprint.

The creature that caused this carnage is, thankfully, long-gone.
WAR_CRA_RES_B_1 An unknown benefactor sends a reward for my actions.

I can now construct a tech that once powered this stranded craft…
WAR_CRA_RES_C_1 The components are hard to extract, leaving me with deep cuts on my fingers.

As I leave the ship I hear movement in the shadows.
WAR_CRA_DESC_2 The opulently furnished interior suggests the dead pilot once belonged to one of its race’s more affluent families. The cause of its mid-flight demise is unclear, but the ship is likely to be carrying a decent cargo.

The body lies draped over a large box covered in dangerous-looking alien markings. A strange black mist surrounds the scene.
WAR_CRA_OPT_A_2 Search for loot
WAR_CRA_OPT_B_2 Open the box
WAR_CRA_RES_A_2 The ship, as expected, is full of valuable commodities.
WAR_CRA_RES_B_2 As I open the box a dark energy channels through me like poison.

The tech I find within the container has come at a cost.
WAR_CRA_DESC_3 As I enter the vessel I’m greeted by a pile of military multi-tools, clearly thrown from a rack that once housed them. They fizz and spark, and look unsafe.

The broken body of a tendrilled behemoth lies awkwardly nearby. The craft must have crashed with such ferocity that little else is intact inside the ship.
WAR_CRA_OPT_A_3 Try out a multi-tool
WAR_CRA_OPT_B_3 Deconstruct multi-tools to salvage tech
WAR_CRA_RES_A_3 The loaded power cylinder explodes, burning my flesh.

The multi-tool itself remains operational.
WAR_CRA_RES_B_3 I disassemble some multi-tools and salvage some tech from within.
WAR_CRA_DESC_4 I’m greeted by the stench of rotting flesh as I enter the derelict vessel’s spartan interior. A huge beast, dressed in what appears to be military uniform, lies where it died - mere feet from the escape hatch.

Behind it is a partially smashed rack of military multi-tools, secured by a sparking alien locking mechanism. The cockpit door hangs slightly ajar, and I can see operational equipment inside.
WAR_CRA_OPT_A_4 Enter cockpit
WAR_CRA_OPT_B_4 Attempt to take multi-tool
WAR_CRA_RES_A_4 A pilot lies slumped across the control panel. I wrench a ship tech from beneath it.

The stench of decay forces me to leave.
WAR_CRA_RES_B_4 Electricity shoots through me as the damaged alien device sputters in protest.

What I find within somewhat compensates for my pain.
WAR_CRA_DESC_5 A high-tech cage filled with the mangled bodies of animals lie in the cargo hold - thrown like thrown dice. The creatures appear to be long dead yet their fur moves unnaturally as though still alive.

Within the cockpit a warrior-like pilot lies sprawled on the controls, a boltcaster in its hand. The ship’s data banks appear to be operational.
WAR_CRA_OPT_A_5 Investigate data banks
WAR_CRA_OPT_B_5 Approach seemingly dead creatures
WAR_CRA_OPT_C_5 Take multi-tool
WAR_CRA_RES_A_5 I access the ship’s manifesto. The creatures were infected with a dangerous parasite.

I take information on an interesting new tech before hurriedly departing…
WAR_CRA_RES_B_5 A dozen bloated razor-toothed maggots leap at me from the nearest corpse, revealing the ship tech they’re stacked upon.

I grab it then stagger from the ship bleeding profusely.
WAR_CRA_RES_C_5 I take the multi-tool, pausing only to open fire on the razor-toothed maggots that emerge and attack…
WAR_CRA_DESC_6 The stricken craft’s black box beams a holographic video of this old and ramshackle ship’s final voyage. It’s a bucket of bolts, and I’m surprised something this lo-fi could even break through this planet’s atmosphere.

It seems pirates found it sitting idle on the landing platform of this planet’s orbital space station, perhaps hopeful of valuable cargo. Pursuit was given. There were no survivors.
WAR_CRA_OPT_A_6 Search for advanced technology
WAR_CRA_OPT_B_6 Search the cargo hold
WAR_CRA_OPT_C_6 Increase black box frequencies
WAR_CRA_RES_A_6 The craft is a fairly basic model, with very few upgrades.

However, the plans for an intriguing technology can be found in its databanks.
WAR_CRA_RES_B_6 I open up the ship, and find a valuable cargo within.
WAR_CRA_RES_C_6 There’s enough power to boost the ship’s emergency transmission signal.

The network picks it up.
WAR_CRA_DESC_7 This was a pirate ship. Trophies fashioned from the bones of alien species adorn every available surface. Two pilots lie slumped behind the exit hatch, each plunging a dagger into the other’s throat. There was a prize on-board and it was worth dying, and killing, for…

My unease grows as I hear scratching emanating from the cargo hold. Where, surely, the loot will be found.
WAR_CRA_OPT_A_7 Send out warning signal
WAR_CRA_OPT_B_7 Search cargo hold
WAR_CRA_RES_A_7 I report my desperate findings.

The network picks up my signal, and sends a reward.
WAR_CRA_RES_B_7 A wild-eyed pirate lunges at me as the door opens.

It flees, leaving behind its ill-gotten gains.
WAR_CRA_DESC_8 Two warrior corpses lie across the control panel, clearly flung there by the impact of the crash. I’m no expert, but they seem to be of different genders. Perhaps they were a mating couple. Perhaps they were co-pilots.

Whatever their story, it has now ended.
WAR_CRA_OPT_A_8 Search bodies
WAR_CRA_OPT_B_8 Search cockpit
WAR_CRA_RES_A_8 The larger body carries a holo-locket of its mate.

It also contains some valuable knowledge…
WAR_CRA_RES_B_8 I wrench the bodies from the cockpit.

Beneath them lies an undamaged technology that I can scan.
WAR_CRA_DESC_9 The black box projects the footage of the craft’s final moments; engine failure leading to a crash landing, but gives no clue as to the whereabouts of the pilot. I notice the insignia of pirates. I should be wary.

The ship’s control panel appears to still be operational.
WAR_CRA_OPT_A_9 Search ship for pilot
WAR_CRA_OPT_B_9 Investigate control panel
WAR_CRA_RES_A_9 An ambush! I fend off an assailant, who drops a damaged multi-tool.

I manage to retrieve a technology blueprint.
WAR_CRA_RES_B_9 I retrieve a vital ship technology blueprint from the terminal.

A crashing from the hold convinces me to leave.
WAR_CRA_DESC_10 The stench of rotting flesh hangs in the air. The skeleton of a colossal warrior kneels beside a puddle of dried blood. Below it lies an unsheathed laser-sword.

The hold brims with hi-tech equipment, some of it still intact after the crash. Judging by the nature of the hardware I’m guessing the warrior was on some kind of clandestine mission they never completed.
WAR_CRA_OPT_A_10 Search ship
WAR_CRA_OPT_B_10 Investigate laser-sword
WAR_CRA_RES_A_10 The ship’s military technology systems proves a treasure trove.

I retrieve a blueprint.
WAR_CRA_RES_B_10 A scan of the laser-sword reveals an unknown technology.

Its blueprint can be retrofitted for use in my multi-tool.
WAR_CRA_DESC_11 The cargo hold is a sentinel graveyard: dozens of charred drones of various shapes and sizes lie stacked in a giant heap. They have been systematically disconnected and taken apart. Their inner-workings are exposed and preserved.

A deep growl emanates from the cockpit.
WAR_CRA_OPT_A_11 Extract components from dead sentinels
WAR_CRA_OPT_B_11 Investigate sound in cockpit
WAR_CRA_RES_A_11 I gain a new multi-tool technology blueprint from the sentinels.
WAR_CRA_RES_B_11 A creature feasts on the pilot’s body.

It wounds me, but I retrieve an exosuit tech blueprint from the corpse.
WAR_CRA_DESC_12 The ship’s interior is pitch black. I fumble through the darkness until I reach two doors. One leads to a glittering cargo hold, the other is marked with the symbol of the Atlas.

Red light seeps from the cracks and around its edges. How can this be here?
WAR_CRA_OPT_A_12 Open Atlas door
WAR_CRA_OPT_B_12 Enter cargo hold
WAR_CRA_RES_A_12 I am drowned in blinding red light.

I awake restored, and with an exosuit tech blueprint.
WAR_CRA_RES_B_12 The cargo hold is well-stocked.

On my exit I see the atlas door has… disappeared