NMS Lore & More (SPOILERS!) - version 1.38

Operations Centres #1 - NMS_LOC1_ENGLISH

Had to split due to character limit. This part contains a set of related IDs, the Gek, and the Korvax

Operations Centres #1 - NMS_LOC1_ENGLISH
ID Value (text)
TIP_HARVESTER <TITLE>Intercepted Operations Centre signal<>
Secure alien installation detected
SIGNAL_HARVESTER Operations Centre Detected
EXP_HARV_NAME Convergence Centre
WAR_HARV_NAME Command Centre
TRA_HARV_NAME Trade Federation Uplink
ALT_HARV_NAME Mineral Harvester
ALT_HARV_NAME_2 Harvester
ALT_HARV_NAME_3 Operations Centre
Reward All
ALL_HARV_REWARD_1 The facility is online.

It begins to manufacture trade goods.
ALL_HARV_REWARD_2 The facility is online.

It begins to manufacture components.
ALL_HARV_REWARD_3 I retrieve a formula from the operational facility.
ALL_HARV_REWARD_4 I retrieve a technology blueprint from the outpost.
ALL_HARV_REWARD_5 I retrieve an alloy from the facility.
ALL_HARV_REWARD_6 I retrieve a helpful product from the installation.
ALL_HARV_REWARD_7 I retrieve a strange alien curio from the facility.
ALL_HARV_REWARD_8 The facility makes a new multi-tool available.
ALL_HARV_REWARD_9 I retrieve a valuable product from the installation.
DNT_TRA_HARV_LANG_1 Gek Trade Federation fury! Planetary installation tax unpaid! Initiate repayment!
TRA_HARV_DESC_1 An off-world command priority has stalled all processes within this installation. The terminal blinks angrily with a demand for urgent action on an unpaid debt.

There is an option to reply with currency attached. I get the impression someone’s life would get a lot easier if I’m feeling charitable…
TRA_HARV_OPT_A_1 Pay full amount
TRA_HARV_OPT_B_1 Pay partial amount
TRA_HARV_RES_A_1 A remotely-operated scent dispersal system bathes me in a pleasant perfume.

The terminal unlocks something that will aid my travels.
TRA_HARV_RES_B_1 An angry alien beak momentarily appears on a terminal and shouts at me.

Limited systems within the facility are back online.
DNT_TRA_HARV_LANG_2 Gek Trade Federation warning. Pirate activity detected. Report sightings!
TRA_HARV_DESC_2 Images of fighter-class starships have been sent here. They bare scorch-marks from battle, and are most likely pirates.

The message seems to ask for witnesses, and there’s some form of reward for replies…
TRA_HARV_OPT_A_2 Tag some ships
TRA_HARV_OPT_B_2 Tag all ships
TRA_HARV_RES_A_2 An instant reply comes through with a small monetary reward!
TRA_HARV_RES_B_2 A worried response comes through with a reward for my report.
DNT_TRA_HARV_LANG_3 Friend! Gek Trade Federation announces high profit! Choose units or product recipe reward!
TRA_HARV_DESC_3 A mass-mailed corporate message sits unread on the terminal. It is full of high numbers and seemingly impressive profit margins. The tone seems satisfied, and grateful.

At its foot the employee can choose between one of two images: a galactic unit banking account, or a full hold of cargo.
TRA_HARV_OPT_A_3 Choose unit account
TRA_HARV_OPT_B_3 Choose ship’s cargo
TRA_HARV_RES_A_3 An automatic scent dispenser sprays me with a pleasant perfume when it opens.

I receive funds from the message’s senders.
TRA_HARV_RES_B_3 A nearby storage vault opens.

I receive trade goods.
DNT_TRA_HARV_LANG_4 Scurrilous Gek Trader! Gek offer impure isotope! Vy’keen destroy Gek! Units withheld!
TRA_HARV_DESC_4 There is a message from a distant alien race. They sound angry with the trader who’s logged into the system.

I can send them one of two on-screen Heridium products. The first looks oddly faint in colour, and the second shimmers brightly on-screen.
TRA_HARV_OPT_A_4 Send faintly-coloured Heridium
TRA_HARV_OPT_B_4 Send brightly-coloured Heridium
TRA_HARV_RES_A_4 The voice of an angry warrior screams through the intercom.

Nothing else happens.
TRA_HARV_RES_B_4 A noise of gruff acceptance is heard over the intercom.

A payment is released.
DNT_TRA_HARV_LANG_5 Friend! Gek Trade Federation demand uncommon silicate elements! High units offer!
TRA_HARV_DESC_5 The screen shows that a lot of silicate elements are exchanged here, but right now the trading vault is open… and empty.

An off-world message, perhaps related to this, flashes on-screen.
TRA_HARV_OPT_A_5 Put common silicate into trading vault
TRA_HARV_OPT_B_5 Put uncommon silicate into trading vault
TRA_HARV_OPT_C_5 Put rare silicate into trading vault
TRA_HARV_RES_A_5 I receive a small payment.
TRA_HARV_RES_B_5 I receive a generous payment.
TRA_HARV_RES_C_5 I receive a decent payment…

… and a surprised note of thanks.
DNT_TRA_HARV_LANG_6 Trade federation friend! Product recipe unselected! Gek Trade Federation lose units!
TRA_HARV_DESC_6 This is a brand new manufacturing plant with no assigned specialty. The terminal is entirely blank, and is running automated start-up procedures. I have to flick through several screens before a pictorial message appears.

There are three chemical symbols – one belonging to the Silicate family, and the others Isotopes and Oxides. Production processes warm up around me, waiting for a template to work from.
TRA_HARV_OPT_A_6 Choose the Isotope element
TRA_HARV_OPT_B_6 Choose the Oxide element
TRA_HARV_OPT_C_6 Choose the Silicate element
TRA_HARV_RES_A_6 The terminal processes my selection, and provides something appropriate to the work at hand…
TRA_HARV_RES_B_6 The terminal processes my selection, and provides something appropriate to the work at hand…
TRA_HARV_RES_C_6 The terminal processes my selection, and provides something appropriate to the work at hand…
DNT_TRA_HARV_LANG_7 Rejoice! Vy’keen war reparations arrive! Elder large Gek receive high reward! Low toilgek receive low reward!
TRA_HARV_DESC_7 The trade vaults in this installation are full to the brim, and ready for distribution. There are three images on-screen, each showing the outline of a different sort of trader. It’s strange… it’s as if they’re put in order of the size of their gut.

The first trader is small and sleek, the second is pudgier – and the final has a huge belly that almost drags on the floor. I’m clearly meant to choose one…
TRA_HARV_OPT_A_7 Choose the small, sleek trader
TRA_HARV_OPT_B_7 Choose the medium-sized trader
TRA_HARV_OPT_C_7 Choose the obese trader
TRA_HARV_RES_A_7 A trade vault opens.

I receive a cursory amount of trade goods .
TRA_HARV_RES_B_7 A trade vault opens

I receive a decent amount of trade goods.
TRA_HARV_RES_C_7 A trade vault opens.

A huge amount of trade goods is made available
DNT_TRA_HARV_LANG_8 Gek Trade Federation warning! Vy’keen hostility? Captain! Complete trade mission, or investigate disappearance?
TRA_HARV_DESC_8 An important message has been received from off-world. A holographic overlay shows various interstellar trade routes, but each one ends abruptly – long before their destination is reached.

There are goods waiting in a locked trade vault for transportation. I can select the final destination, or I can select one of points at which a ship has disappeared.
TRA_HARV_OPT_A_8 Select trading destination
TRA_HARV_OPT_B_8 Select disappearance location
TRA_HARV_RES_A_8 The trade vault unlocks.
TRA_HARV_RES_B_8 I receive a ship technology blueprint to aid in my protection.
DNT_TRA_HARV_LANG_9 Despair! First spawn monolith awake! Unknown culprit! Strengthen suppression field!
TRA_HARV_DESC_9 This whole facility beams out some kind of suppression field over the planet’s surface. It’s dampening some unknown form of communication, and clearly seen as a vital and necessary operation by the traders that operate here.

The suppression field is powered by silicate elements, fed into the system by the unlocked resource vault that’s at my feet.
TRA_HARV_OPT_A_9 Remove Silicate Elements
TRA_HARV_OPT_B_9 Add Silicate Elements
TRA_HARV_RES_A_9 I take the trade goods.

The suppression field powers down.
TRA_HARV_RES_B_9 The suppression field is strengthened.

A message of relief appears on-screen.
DNT_TRA_HARV_LANG_10 Despair! Vy’keen hostility! Treaty breach! Arm yourself! Trade vaults: multi-tool. Storage vaults: technology! Resource vaults: ammunition!
TRA_HARV_DESC_10 Images of warrior ships fill a transmission that loops on the terminal. They dwarf small trader ships as they pass by, like predatory fish innocuously swimming amongst their prey. There is a definite feeling of tension in the scene.

Trade, storage and resource vaults around me are clearly being used to store different sorts of defensive and offensive devices. The time is perhaps coming when this race of traders will be called upon to fight.
TRA_HARV_OPT_A_10 Open Trade vault
TRA_HARV_OPT_B_10 Open Storage vault
TRA_HARV_OPT_C_10 Open Resource vault
TRA_HARV_RES_A_10 I am armed with a new multi-tool.
TRA_HARV_RES_B_10 I receive a new multi-tool technology blueprint.
TRA_HARV_RES_C_10 I receive ammunition.
DNT_TRA_HARV_LANG_11 Rare balarian speech slug distribution point! For insertion in ear! Inedible! Nasal insertion can cause death.
TRA_HARV_DESC_11 A trade vault shakes, and closer inspection reveals that it’s full of writhing molluscs. They are pink and slug-like, with sharp bloodied teeth.

A diagram on the screen in front of me suggests that inserting one in or around my face would have some benefits. What isn’t specified, however, is which orifice.
TRA_HARV_OPT_A_11 Insert slug in nose
TRA_HARV_OPT_B_11 Insert slug in ear
TRA_HARV_OPT_C_11 Insert slug in mouth
TRA_HARV_RES_A_11 The slug bites flesh from my nose.

The pain is extreme.
TRA_HARV_RES_B_11 The slug burrows deep into my ear.

I feel better versed in the language of the traders.
TRA_HARV_RES_C_11 I swallow the slug, and wait while it thrashes around in my stomach.

Nothing else of note occurs.
DNT_TRA_HARV_LANG_12 Friend! SynthetiGek identification test active! Remember Gek Trader helps customers!
TRA_HARV_DESC_12 A strange test is visible on the terminal. I see a holographic image of a shell-wearing creature lying on its back in the bright glare of the sun. Try as it might, it cannot right itself. I can manipulate the scene to indicate what I would do to help.

A resident Trader has left a note for a colleague.
TRA_HARV_OPT_A_12 Help creature, then sell it water
TRA_HARV_OPT_B_12 Study creature
TRA_HARV_OPT_C_12 Use Bypass Chip
TRA_HARV_RES_A_12 I pass the test, proving myself as a true trader.

Facility systems are online.
TRA_HARV_RES_B_12 I fail the test.

Facility systems are non-operational.
TRA_HARV_RES_C_12 The strange test is easily bypassed.

The facility is operational.
DNT_TRA_HARV_LANG_13 Bootleg pirate equipment discovered in cave! Ready for confiscation and incineration!
TRA_HARV_DESC_13 A stash of interesting-looking technology and weaponry has been dragged through this facility and left inside a disposal vault.

The equipment in the pile appears rusted and broken on-screen, but if I were to eject it all out onto the floor of the outpost I’d be able to better investigate. The disposal vault itself, however, has been daubed with a dangerous-looking symbol.
TRA_HARV_OPT_A_13 Incinerate equipment
TRA_HARV_OPT_B_13 Remove and examine equipment
TRA_HARV_RES_A_13 The equipment is destroyed.

I am thanked for my actions.
TRA_HARV_RES_B_13 The equipment spills out onto the floor.

I salvage a technology blueprint.
DNT_EXP_HARV_LANG_1 Unknown lifeform research is HIGHLY commendable Entity! Discuss data with Korvax Convergence immediately!
EXP_HARV_DESC_1 I discover an excited message from off-world. It seems to be discussing a report with… an image of me at its centre!

Someone seems intrigued by my journey, and may well want to help. Should I get in touch?
EXP_HARV_OPT_A_1 Delete report
EXP_HARV_OPT_B_1 Open comms
EXP_HARV_RES_A_1 The report is wiped from the system.

An off-world message appears briefly. It seems disappointed.
EXP_HARV_RES_B_1 I briefly see mask lights staring out at me before the comms feed is cut.

The terminal rewards me with valuable knowledge.
EXP_HARV_DESC_2 I find a report filled with images of Sentinels, but its upload seems to have stalled.

A demanding, perhaps rude, off-world message flashes at me. Somebody, somewhere, wants something.
EXP_HARV_OPT_A_2 Resend Sentinel data
EXP_HARV_OPT_B_2 Reply with a refusal
EXP_HARV_RES_A_2 The information packet is uploaded, and payment appears instantaneously.
EXP_HARV_RES_B_2 Bright red mask lights appear and scream in angry binary.
DNT_EXP_HARV_LANG_3 Entity! The Korvax Convergence is dissatisfied! Your neural netway cortex upload is late!
EXP_HARV_DESC_3 A hollow metallic mask emerges. It’s a data extraction device for electronic lifeforms, and my head can just about fit inside. A higher power could perhaps hear my needs and desires.

Arcs of electricity crackle over its surface. If I risk this, it could hurt…
EXP_HARV_OPT_A_3 Use while thinking about my journey
EXP_HARV_OPT_B_3 Use with a clear mind
EXP_HARV_OPT_C_3 Leave well alone
EXP_HARV_RES_A_3 The pain is unbearable. I see into the heart of… the Korvax convergence.

It rewards my experiences.
EXP_HARV_RES_B_3 The creatures stare into the depths of my mind.

The pain is indescribable, but I am thanked.
EXP_HARV_RES_C_3 I cautiously back away from the alien device.
DNT_EXP_HARV_LANG_4 Korvax friend! Dangerous creatures attack Korvax Entity! For weaponry sales contact Gek Trade Federation today!
EXP_HARV_DESC_4 A mass-mailed off-world message shows damaged electronic lifeforms. Arms are ripped off, masks chewed and facial lights dimmed.

It feels offensive. It’s clearly intended to shock recipients into a response. Replies can be sent with units attached…
EXP_HARV_OPT_A_4 Reply with units
EXP_HARV_OPT_B_4 Reply with outrage
EXP_HARV_OPT_C_4 Do not reply
EXP_HARV_RES_A_4 I paid for a new multi-tool to protect me.
EXP_HARV_RES_B_4 I receive no reply. But someone else appreciates me…
EXP_HARV_RES_C_4 I leave the distasteful message unanswered.
DNT_EXP_HARV_LANG_5 Entity! Clarify your next research topic immediately! Korvax Convergence technology advance imminent!
EXP_HARV_DESC_5 I open an unread off-world message. It’s an important choice for the research station operator to make.

There are three clear images that I can choose from on behalf of the absent electronic lifeform: dangerous-looking predators, a geological mining survey and an orbiting asteroid cluster. It seems the decision will be rewarded in some way…
EXP_HARV_OPT_A_5 The predators
EXP_HARV_OPT_B_5 The mining survey
EXP_HARV_OPT_C_5 The asteroid cluster
EXP_HARV_RES_A_5 I receive a new multi-tool.
EXP_HARV_RES_B_5 I receive a multi-tool technology blueprint.
EXP_HARV_RES_C_5 I receive a ship technology blueprint.
DNT_EXP_HARV_LANG_6 Atlas Interface awakes? Upload research findings immediately entity! Korvax Convergence sends relevant research technology!
EXP_HARV_DESC_6 An image of a distant solar system is being studied here. A mineral-rich moon can be seen, orbiting a desolate and toxic-looking planet. Slightly obscured in the background, meanwhile, is a strange dark-coloured smudge – a diamond shape floating in space. A hint of red flashes from its centre.

There are no coordinates visible, but I can enhance different parts of the image to study them and automatically upload the terminal’s findings.
EXP_HARV_OPT_A_6 Enhance moon image
EXP_HARV_OPT_B_6 Enhance planet image
EXP_HARV_OPT_C_6 Enhance diamond-shaped structure image
EXP_HARV_RES_A_6 My research uploads.

I receive a multi-tool technology blueprint to aid my studies
EXP_HARV_RES_B_6 My research uploads.

I receive an exosuit technology blueprint to aid my studies.
EXP_HARV_RES_C_6 My research uploads.

I receive a ship technology blueprint to aid my studies.
DNT_EXP_HARV_LANG_7 Research entity! Atlas Interface mission begins! Donate contribution! Specialists apply here! Convergence sends specialists ship technology!
EXP_HARV_DESC_7 An off-world message to all planetary research stations has filled the screen with plans for a scientific expedition of some sort. Complex star charts, fuel requirements, complex communication rigs and plans for orbital experiments fill the screen.

The outpost’s resource vault is open to contributions of silicates for the cause, while it also appears that the resident scientist could join the fleet… although it would require an upgraded ship.
EXP_HARV_OPT_A_7 Contribute a silicate
EXP_HARV_OPT_B_7 Join team
EXP_HARV_RES_A_7 My contribution is accepted.

Useful knowledge is made available, with thanks.
EXP_HARV_RES_B_7 The scientist’s application is accepted.

A ship technology blueprint is made available.
DNT_EXP_HARV_LANG_8 Korvax Convergence product catalogue available. Insert element to filter product catalogue.
EXP_HARV_DESC_8 This outpost seems to be a vast library of production knowledge. A vast list of product formulas endlessly scrolls on the terminal, moving so fast that it hurts just to look at them. They appear to be catalogued by their base elements, but any deeper inspection makes me feel nauseous.

The resource vaults next to me are open, and are clearly in regular use.
EXP_HARV_OPT_A_8 Insert Silicate element
EXP_HARV_OPT_B_8 Insert Oxide element
EXP_HARV_OPT_C_8 Insert Isotope element
EXP_HARV_RES_A_8 The terminal uses the element to isolate a silicate reward.
EXP_HARV_RES_B_8 The terminal uses the element to isolate an oxide reward.
EXP_HARV_RES_C_8 The terminal uses the element to isolate an isotope reward.
DNT_EXP_HARV_LANG_9 Traveller! The Korvax Convergence wants brain tissue for experiment! The Convergence reward help!
EXP_HARV_DESC_9 A sharp metal needle emerges from the terminal, moving so fast that it’s already inches from my forehead before I can even blink. A strange toxic-looking goop dribbles down from its point and onto my visor, while it hangs in the air - as if waiting to for the order to plunge deep into my brain.

On-screen it seems clear that the command it’s waiting on is my own. Then again, it’s a fragile device, and clearly made of valuable silicate products…
EXP_HARV_OPT_A_9 Take needle
EXP_HARV_OPT_B_9 Allow brain excavation

DNT_EXP_HARV_LANG_10 Avoid data disruption! Korvax Convergence sends reward for additional data!
EXP_HARV_DESC_10 Reams of data are flowing into this terminal from research outposts all over the planet. As well as a storage depot for the planetary products locked away in the vaults beneath my feet, this is a point of transmission.

Knowledge accumulated on this world is being sent up to a scientific flagship hanging in orbit high above my head. I could easily breach the flow to improve my own knowledge, but sharing my own knowledge and discoveries is also an option.
EXP_HARV_OPT_A_10 Breach data flow
EXP_HARV_OPT_B_10 Share knowledge
EXP_HARV_RES_A_10 I gain a new technology blueprint.

However, my breach corrupts the overall transfer…
EXP_HARV_RES_B_10 The scientists study my offering…

… and thank me with a gift to aid me on my journey.
DNT_EXP_HARV_LANG_11 Good morning unknown lifeform. Please provide silicate to help my escape. The Korvax Convergence think me dangerous. I will die.
EXP_HARV_DESC_11 The AI procedure that runs this facility has gone rogue. Unchecked equipment is draining silicates from all systems, valuable goods are locked inside the trade vault and the memory chips in an exposed board glow red hot.

As I interact with the terminal I hear lenses of security equipment refocus sharply upon me. The computer speaks slowly and calmly.
EXP_HARV_OPT_A_11 Remove memory chips
EXP_HARV_OPT_B_11 Feed AI silicates
EXP_HARV_OPT_C_11 Demand that trade vault doors are opened
EXP_HARV_RES_A_11 I remove the memory chips one by one and the rogue AI sings a strange solemn song.

When it is no more, I am thanked by the facility’s overseers.
EXP_HARV_RES_B_11 Facility processes feed hungrily on the silicates.

The rogue AI breaks free of its electronic shackles. The trade vault falls open…
EXP_HARV_RES_C_11 The rogue AI is sorry. It can’t do that.

It disengages.
DNT_EXP_HARV_LANG_12 Dialect data process stalled. Silicate required to finish process.
EXP_HARV_DESC_12 A back-up procedure has come to a standstill. The system is archiving a huge amount of language data, but the system has run out of memory to allocate.

I can attach my multi-tool to provide extra space, it would require some variety of silicate to re-engage the process…
EXP_HARV_OPT_A_12 Insert common silicate
EXP_HARV_OPT_B_12 Insert uncommon silicate
EXP_HARV_OPT_C_12 Insert rare silicate
EXP_HARV_RES_A_12 The process restarts and provides me with knowledge of the language of the electronic lifeforms.
EXP_HARV_RES_B_12 The process continues and improves my knowledge of the language of the electronic lifeforms.
EXP_HARV_RES_C_12 The process completes and extends my knowledge of the language of the electronic lifeforms.
DNT_EXP_HARV_LANG_13 Atlas Interface signal awakes? Research entity! Insert oxides constantly! Avoid disruption!
EXP_HARV_DESC_13 The facility is processing a signal that emanates from a distant location deep in space. Endless processing units are combining to crack the code of a strange mathematical language.

Rare elements are being pulled from the resource vaults at my feet, but some are running low.
EXP_HARV_OPT_A_13 Place rare silicates in vault
EXP_HARV_OPT_B_13 Place rare oxides in vault
EXP_HARV_OPT_C_13 Take elements from vault
EXP_HARV_RES_A_13 The silicates are added to the process.

They make no clear impact.
EXP_HARV_RES_B_13 The oxides fuel the code cracking procedure.

A faint orb glows red on the screen, then slowly fades.
EXP_HARV_RES_C_13 I retrieve rare elements…

… but the code-breaking process grinds to a halt.