NMS Lore & More (SPOILERS!) - version 1.38

Manufacturing Facilities #4 - NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH

Had to split due to character limit. This part contains the full NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH

Manufacturing Facilities #4 - NMS_UPDATE3_ENGLISH
ID Value (text)
TRA_FAC_DESC_29 The factory recycles bundles of clothing and other materials harvested throughout the galaxy, spitting out new items for Gek exosuits.

Amidst the detritus of the production line, the body of a Korvax scientist appears to drift, their lights disabled, their limbs completely motionless.

The factory’s systems allow outbound communication. Numerous options are available.
TRA_FAC_OPT_A_29 Report to Vy’keen
TRA_FAC_OPT_B_29 Report to Gek
TRA_FAC_OPT_C_29 Report to Korvax
TRA_FAC_RES_A_29 I report what I have seen to the Vy’keen. The warriors are outraged, claiming that the Gek have returned to their genocidal ways.
They promise to dispatch warships at once.
TRA_FAC_RES_B_29 I report what I have seen to the Gek. They claim that this is a terrible mistake, and that the perpetrators will of course be punished.
They send through a generous reward for my altruism and my silence.
TRA_FAC_RES_C_29 I report what I have seen to the Korvax. They tell me that the carapace in question is empty, its soul returned to their Convergence.
They will dispatch a ship to bring the body home, claiming that it is of sentimental value to its previous owner. They thank me.
TRA_FAC_DESC_30 The factory produces components for starships, fabricating them with the resources available on this world.

This installation creates parts for Gek trade vessels. They are designed to hold the maximum possible cargo whilst protecting against Sentinel and pirate attacks.

The terminal shows a video feed of the factory’s depths. A group of Gek appear to be removing key components from each ship.
TRA_FAC_OPT_A_30 Alert Gek Trade Federation
TRA_FAC_OPT_B_30 Demand bribe from Gek
TRA_FAC_OPT_C_30 Ask what they are doing
TRA_FAC_RES_A_30 I alert the Gek Trade Federation to potential criminal activity, broadcasting this feed to their central computers.
A representative rewards me for my trouble.
TRA_FAC_RES_B_30 I demand a bribe from the Gek in exchange for concealing their criminal activities. Reluctantly, they agree.
TRA_FAC_RES_C_30 I ask what the Gek are doing down there. They turn immediately to the source of the audio, firing at it and disabling my video feed. By the time the system repairs itself, they are gone.
DNT_TRA_FAC_LANG_31 The glass - it - we were wrong… we were -
TRA_FAC_DESC_31 As I approach the terminal, it is clear that something terrible has happened in this place. The facility produces items known as ‘Gek Charms’, supposedly granting luck to their bearers.

The video feed shows strands of Nanite Clusters overrunning the facility’s depth. Bulbous green masses extending from a great deal of the machinery, teeth sprouting from within. A voice cries out in an unknown tongue.
TRA_FAC_OPT_A_31 Take Nanite Clusters
TRA_FAC_OPT_B_31 Report Production Failure
TRA_FAC_OPT_C_31 Take Gek Charms
TRA_FAC_RES_A_31 I take the Nanite Clusters, and the mass immediately collapses. It wishes to go with me, I am sure of it…
TRA_FAC_RES_B_31 I report a production failure. Gek authorities tell me to remain here and await quarantine.
But I think I should leave. I take some Nanites with me as I go. They want to escape…
TRA_FAC_RES_C_31 I take some Gek Charms. I feel luckier already. The probability of the entire universe is turned in favour of my survival.
TRA_FAC_LANG_32 … 010385: 112% … 300484: 89% … 070816: 165% …
TRA_FAC_DESC_32 The terminal displays the logs of numerous financial transactions and trade deals conducted from this facility over the last few months.

Readouts show layouts of multiple Vy’keen and Korvax factories. The Gek overseers of this installation were attempting to discover how these other species conceal their buildings from Sentinel attacks.

No-one remains. The last life sign here was terminated three days ago.
TRA_FAC_OPT_A_32 Report to Gek
TRA_FAC_OPT_B_32 Report to Vy’keen
TRA_FAC_OPT_C_32 Report to Korvax
TRA_FAC_RES_A_32 I report the situation to the Gek. The Trade Federation thanks me for the report, dispatching multiple ships to ensure the facility’s destruction.
TRA_FAC_RES_B_32 I report the situation to the Vy’keen. Their High Command is outraged at the attempted theft of their technology, promising to commit acts of retribution against the Gek.
TRA_FAC_RES_C_32 I report the situation to the Korvax. Their Convergence is troubled by the deaths of so many Gek, claiming that they will mourn them. They have nothing else to say.
TRA_FAC_DESC_33 The installation crackles with blue sparks, electricity arcing from panel to panel across the machines.

The terminal shows the time and date appearing to flip back and forth, advancing into the future and retreating into the past. Sensors indicate something called a white hole has been activated within the factory’s heart.

The terminal presents numerous options.
TRA_FAC_OPT_A_33 Alert FutureGek
TRA_FAC_OPT_B_33 Activate Chronal Trigger
TRA_FAC_RES_A_33 Nothing happens for a few moments… or perhaps it is hours. Perhaps an entire year passes.

The temporal event ceases, and I am left with a gift, rewarded by these ‘FutureGek’ for my assistance.
TRA_FAC_RES_B_33 Nothing happens for a few moments… or perhaps it is hours. Perhaps an entire year passes.

The temporal event ceases, and I am left with blueprints for new technology, apparently created by a future version of my own self. I do not know what this Chronal Trigger has brought into being.
TRA_FAC_RES_C_33 Nothing happens for a few moments… or perhaps it is hours. Perhaps an entire year passes.

The temporal event ceases, and I am left with a gift, rewarded by the crimson light of an unseen being.
DNT_TRA_FAC_LANG_34 The Senate has fallen. Already the purge begins… truth is denied. The Gek protocol ends…
TRA_FAC_DESC_34 The factory appears to produce literature. Not machines, not files, but paper, covered in a handwritten font full of exclamatory punctuation.
TRA_FAC_OPT_A_34 Shut down production
TRA_FAC_OPT_B_34 Report to Gek authorities
TRA_FAC_OPT_C_34 Steal technology
TRA_FAC_RES_A_34 I shut down production. The printing press ceases operation, perhaps for the final time. How many others exist like this, I wonder?

Amidst the detritus of the factory, I find some discarded technology. Perhaps it will be of use.
TRA_FAC_RES_B_34 I report the factory’s existence to the Gek authorities. They claim that the installation has nothing to do with me, paying me dearly for my silence.
TRA_FAC_RES_C_34 I attempt to steal technology, but the factory’s automated defense systems blast a bolt of energy at my suit instead. Whatever is here, it is not worth the trouble.
TRA_FAC_DESC_35 The factory produces everyday implements for the Gek. Eating utensils for their meals, spray to keep their skin from drying out in alien atmospheres, pheromone bottles, and so forth.

The facility is abandoned, but there is no obvious reason for an alarm to be going off. Everything seems fine.
TRA_FAC_OPT_A_35 Search for technology
TRA_FAC_OPT_B_35 Report to Gek authorities
TRA_FAC_OPT_C_35 Shut down production
TRA_FAC_RES_A_35 I search for technology within the factory’s computers and find a large number of nanite clusters.

As I go, I hear it, a voice in the darkness. I investigate, but there is nothing there…
TRA_FAC_RES_B_35 I report the abandoned factory to the Gek authorities, but they seem puzzled: there is no such installation listed as being present on that world.

As I go, I hear it, a voice in the darkness. I investigate, but there is nothing there…
TRA_FAC_RES_C_35 I shut down production, managing to harvest from extra Nanite Clusters as I do.

As I go, I hear it, a voice in the darkness. I investigate, but there is nothing there…
EXP_FAC_DESC_29 As I approach the terminal, I sense an immense sadness and grief. I hear the echoes of a thousand souls, entities whose life was stolen from them long ago.

On the display, I see the production line of this factory - a vast array of cubes infused with the memories of an entire species. They appear to be caught within an endless cycle of trauma, unable to do anything but repeat their tragedy.

The terminal identifies these items as Convergence Cubes.
EXP_FAC_OPT_A_29 Upload memories
EXP_FAC_OPT_B_29 Cease production
EXP_FAC_OPT_C_29 Attempt to take a cube
EXP_FAC_RES_A_29 I attempt to upload my own memories. The Convergence immediately senses the presence of a foreign mind.

It cries out, thanking me for my openness and compassion. I am rewarded.
EXP_FAC_RES_B_29 I cease production. The cubes lie still, forever caught in their cycle of pain. I take one.
EXP_FAC_RES_C_29 I attempt to extract a cube from the production line. I succeed, but I cannot help feeling like I have committed some terrible crime.
DNT_EXP_FAC_LANG_30 Warped flesh with metal, saw the truth - the truth - the -
EXP_FAC_DESC_30 The terminal shows numerous schematics relating to the technology of Sentinel drones and walkers.

The creators of this facility appear to have been particularly interested in something called a Vortex Cube. They were attempting to replicate its design.

Sensors in the bowels of the factory show strange signs. Something still shakes down there in the darkness, something neither alive nor truly dead…
EXP_FAC_OPT_A_30 Purge depths
EXP_FAC_OPT_B_30 Take Vortex Cube
EXP_FAC_OPT_C_30 Scan for Sentinels
EXP_FAC_RES_A_30 I use the factory’s purge protocol to release a gas into the factory’s depths, apparently causing the hidden creature to lie motionless.

I take what technology I can find and leave. No good can come of remaining here.
EXP_FAC_RES_B_30 I take a Vortex Cube and leave. No good can come of remaining here.
EXP_FAC_RES_C_30 I initiate a scan for Sentinels. The result is incorrect… it must be. According to this scan, they are all around me, watching me even as I stand here.

I take what technology I can find and leave. No good can come of remaining here.
DNT_EXP_FAC_LANG_31 Where is entity?! Transfer failure / non-existence / terminate! Transfer, transfer!
EXP_FAC_DESC_31 The factory appears to produce replacement parts for the exosuits of the alien Korvax, spitting out face mask after face mask, arms, datapads, even feet.

As I witness the production line on the terminal, one of the disembodied masks begins to scream.

The terminal awaits input, a timer informing me that a ship will be on its way quite soon.
EXP_FAC_OPT_A_31 Reassure the mask
EXP_FAC_OPT_B_31 Report system malfunction
EXP_FAC_OPT_C_31 Cease production
EXP_FAC_RES_A_31 I reassure the mask, telling it that a ship is on its way. I show the mask its surroundings, transmitting audiovisual data on the entire complex.
The mask appears to calm a little, but still it shakes with a deep and abiding terror. It awaits rescue.
EXP_FAC_RES_B_31 I report a system malfunction, causing the mask to immediately grow still, purged of its individuality.
EXP_FAC_RES_C_31 I initiate a shut-down of all production, causing the conveyor belt to cease movement. But soon, something else happens.
The various other limbs on the production line begin to shift, moving towards the mask as if to assemble themselves into a bipedal figure.
But they just flail past one another, some of them falling to the floor, others beginning to spark energy. They merely possess the illusion of life, nothing more.
EXP_FAC_DESC_32 The terminal shows a variety of motionless lifeforms standing in colossal rows in the darkness beneath the factory.

They look like Gek and Vy’keen, unblinking, apparently unaware of where they are.
EXP_FAC_OPT_A_32 Initialise system
EXP_FAC_OPT_B_32 Report to Gek
EXP_FAC_OPT_C_32 Report to Vy’keen
EXP_FAC_RES_A_32 I initialise the system, causing the lifeforms below to wake up. They lurch forward, their heads slowly turning towards the camera. They reward me for my assistance in their awakening.
EXP_FAC_RES_B_32 I report the factory’s existence to the Gek authorities. They respond with anger and fear, claiming that this complex and others like it produce ‘SynthetiGek’, artificial versions of the Gek for espionage and infiltration. They reward me for my assistance.
EXP_FAC_RES_C_32 I report the factory’s existence to the Vy’keen authorities. They respond with confusion, promising to send starships to uncover the factory’s purpose.
DNT_EXP_FAC_LANG_33 Echoes fade. Origin remains. Start of time, Korvax will persist… Even in face of end. Even before abyss.
EXP_FAC_DESC_33 The factory is unlike the other Korvax facilities I have seen. It does not appear to produce machines or files, but strange reams of a plastic substance, covered in precise sequences of dots.

It looks like writing, but what use would the Korvax have for such primitive communication?
EXP_FAC_OPT_A_33 Shut down production
EXP_FAC_OPT_B_33 Report to Korvax authorities
EXP_FAC_OPT_C_33 Steal technology
EXP_FAC_RES_A_33 The dots on the plastic rolls appear to move as I look at them. No good will come of this place. I shut down production.

Amidst the detritus of the factory, I find some discarded technology. Perhaps it will be of use.
EXP_FAC_RES_B_33 I report the factory’s existence to the Korvax authorities. They claim that the installation was not for me to see, paying me dearly for my silence.
EXP_FAC_RES_C_33 I attempt to steal technology, but the factory’s automated defense systems blast a bolt of energy at my suit instead. Whatever is here, it is not worth the trouble.
DNT_EXP_FAC_LANG_34 Trapped in system… please, help me…
EXP_FAC_DESC_34 The factory stands vacant, producing nothing. The production lines have long since ceased, and though the alarm sounds, it is unclear why.

A voice calls out, sad, alone.
EXP_FAC_OPT_A_34 Start production
EXP_FAC_OPT_B_34 Wipe system
EXP_FAC_OPT_C_34 Alert Korvax authorities
EXP_FAC_RES_A_34 I start the production line once more, restarting the assembly of what appears to be Korvax body parts.
After a short time, enough parts have been assembled for a lifeform to rise and thank me profusely for its rescue. I am rewarded for my efforts.
EXP_FAC_RES_B_34 I wipe the system. The error is fixed.
EXP_FAC_RES_C_34 I alert the Korvax authorities to their faulty factory. They dispatch a science team to examine the anomaly, thanking me for my trouble.
EXP_FAC_DESC_35 The factory produces components for starships, fabricating them using the resources available on this world.

This installation creates parts for Korvax exploration vessels. They are asymmetrical, prioritising verticality and function far more than the worldview of any organic organism would allow.

When I examine the terminal more closely I see a transfer in progress. Data leaps from ship to ship, altering blueprints as it goes.
EXP_FAC_OPT_A_35 Disable process
EXP_FAC_OPT_B_35 Attempt download
EXP_FAC_OPT_C_35 Wait and watch
EXP_FAC_RES_A_35 I disable the process. The factory abruptly grinds to a halt for a few moments before the process begins anew.
The machine fires a bolt of energy at me when I try to interact again. The console communicates in broken speech, telling me that these ships are not tools to be turned on and off.
The console tells me that Korvax ships are living bodies, just like Korvax bipeds… all contain the souls of the scientist race.
EXP_FAC_RES_B_35 I attempt to download the data. As I do, a sound emerges from the console, from the walls, from every component in this entire installation…
It is the sound of screaming. The data is mine. I receive nanite clusters to form as I desire.
EXP_FAC_RES_C_35 I wait and watch the console.
After a few minutes, the process is complete. I see it then, clear upon the screen: each Korvax starcraft is alive.
Each of their ships has a soul, no different from the bipedal bodies in which they normally stand. I have witnessed the birth of new entities.
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_29 Help… us. Harvested… get out…
WAR_FAC_DESC_29 The terminal reveals that this installation produces enzymes and fluids required for Vy’keen tattoos. It is unclear how the pigment is generated. There is no record of any inbound supplies of ink or fluid. Various aliens have arrived, but there is neither evidence of their presense nor their departure.

Then I hear it. Through the hum of the factory, a strange beating in the walls, whispers from unknown voices… The terminal awaits input.
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_29 Request battle tattoo
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_29 Disable power
WAR_FAC_OPT_C_29 Steal technology
WAR_FAC_RES_A_29 The machine attempts to brand me with tattoo fluid, but it does not appear to have been intended for my unique physiology.
I leave, burned and damaged.
WAR_FAC_RES_B_29 I disable the power. The screen shows multiple life signs within the facility, a hundred or more souls that soon begin to flatline.
It feels like mercy. The production line ceases, half-converted blood spilling out from various tubes.
WAR_FAC_RES_C_29 I move through their computers looking for data to harvest. I discover a blueprint for an unknown technology.
As I extract it, something begins to smash against one of the inner walls. I should leave.
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_30 Universe real. We are real. All who oppose this truth shall be struck down, grah! So speaks Hirk Sentinelbane, Abyss Keeper and Lord of Final Monolith…
WAR_FAC_DESC_30 Though the surroundings seem familiar, the video feed shows a Vy’keen assembly line unlike any other I have seen. Reams of paper are pouring from chattering presses, etched with the bloody runes of the Vy’keen.
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_30 Shut down production
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_30 Report to Vy’keen authorities
WAR_FAC_OPT_C_30 Steal technology
WAR_FAC_RES_A_30 I shut down production. There cannot be many Vy’keen printing presses in the galaxy, and now there is one fewer.

Amidst the detritus of the factory, I find some discarded technology. Perhaps it will be of use.
WAR_FAC_RES_B_30 I report the factory’s existence to the Vy’keen authorities. They claim I have committed blasphemy, threatening to hunt me down. They issue an electric shock through the terminal.
WAR_FAC_RES_C_30 I attempt to steal technology, but the factory’s automated defense systems blast a bolt of energy at my suit instead. Whatever is here, it is not worth the trouble.
WAR_FAC_DESC_31 The screen displays the dead heart of a warrior. Thousands like it are available in the archives of this place, starved of power for a long time.

The log shows that the hearts mutinied. They would no longer allow their battle enzyme to be used for the good of High Command. They wanted the death that had been promised.

This system has been set up to deceive the authorities. Vy’keen High Command believes this installation to still be active, full of harvested bodies compliantly producing enzymes.
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_31 Alert authorities
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_31 Reactivate system
WAR_FAC_OPT_C_31 Steal technology
WAR_FAC_RES_A_31 I alert the authorities. The Vy’keen are glad of my assistance, claiming they will now commit appropriate acts of retribution and justice for these crimes.
WAR_FAC_RES_B_31 I reactivate the system, but nothing happens. Death is death.
WAR_FAC_RES_C_31 I try to steal technology from the terminal. I gain nanite clusters.
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_32 Grah! Sentinel trophy rises - should have killed it - run - no honour in -
WAR_FAC_DESC_32 The terminal shows numerous attempted Sentinel incursions.

Each time the Sentinels sent drones, they attempted to scan the building for entry points rather than engage in a display of brute force. For a while, they just hovered by a specific point on the outside wall.

That was months ago. This location now shows a breach, venting the factory’s life support systems. The final audio log of the factory’s overseer plays.
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_32 Alert authorities
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_32 Scan for Sentinels
WAR_FAC_OPT_C_32 Attempt repair
WAR_FAC_RES_A_32 I alert the Vy’keen authorities to the loss of their factory. A Sentinel hunt is dispatched to this world. I am rewarded for my trouble.
WAR_FAC_RES_B_32 I scan for Sentinels but find nothing. Whatever was here is long gone.
WAR_FAC_RES_C_32 I attempt to repair the breach in life support, but the system rebels and I end up receiving damage instead. I should leave. There is nothing for me here.
WAR_FAC_DESC_33 As I approach the terminal, the air grows thick with an unknown gas.

My breathing becomes rapid, my chest appearing to swell with an unknown energy. The terminal identifies the substance as Grahgrah. I feel as if I could scream…
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_33 Scream
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_33 Fight against the impulse
WAR_FAC_OPT_C_33 Smash the terminal
WAR_FAC_RES_A_33 I scream, not a cry of fear but a shout of battle. Gas levels begin to decrease but, nevertheless, those who created this factory observed my response.
Amused, they reward me using the terminal.
WAR_FAC_RES_B_33 I fight against the impulse to scream, holding my breath and attempting to accelerate my suit’s hazard protection.

As I struggle, the gas levels decrease. The terminal registers a disappointment from those who created this factory.
WAR_FAC_RES_C_33 I smash the terminal, causing the concentration of gas to rise and rise.

Eventually, the scream emerges uncontrollably, tearing my vocal chords as it does. The gas begins to dissipate, and all I am left with is pain and battlelust.
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_34 Interloper! Vent energy! Increase production at once!
WAR_FAC_DESC_34 The factory produces components for starships, fabricating them from the resources available on this world.
This installation creates parts for Vy’keen fighters. Whilst Vy’keen buildings are heavily fortified to withstand bombardment, their starcraft prioritise the speed and flexibility required for their hunts.
A video feed on the terminal shows a warning, a warrior shaking their hands wildly at a camera deep within the factory’s heart.
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_34 Increase production speed
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_34 Decrease production speed
WAR_FAC_OPT_C_34 Wave your hands back
WAR_FAC_RES_A_34 I increase the production speed.
A message informs me that heat levels are now back within normal limits, the extra energy dissipating within the factory’s depths.
The warrior rewards me with a gift, thanking me for saving their life.
WAR_FAC_RES_B_34 I decrease the production speed.
The warrior begins to panic, screaming as their whole body is burned by the rising heat of the overactive factory.
The video cuts off, and the factory’s processes slowly grind to a halt.
WAR_FAC_RES_C_34 I wave my hands back at the warrior.
The warrior begins to panic, screaming as their body is burned by the rising heat of the overactive factory.
The video cuts off, the smell of smoke starting to drift through the air. I should depart.
WAR_FAC_DESC_35 The factory produces bladed weapons, free from any energy-based component at all.

The manifest suggests they are destined for ceremonial usage within the Vy’keen fleet, a reminder that the greatest death arrives when you stare your opponent in the eyes, free from technology, face to face in final combat…

Something has gone wrong. Production is blocked by foreign material.
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_35 Disable production line
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_35 Purge biological matter
WAR_FAC_OPT_C_35 Take technology
WAR_FAC_RES_A_35 I initiate a shutdown of the production line, allowing a creature to wriggle free from its machinery. The automated factory system offers me a reward.
WAR_FAC_RES_B_35 I initiate purge of biological matter in the factory below. The terminal confirms the death of an unknown creature. The automated factory system offers me a reward.
WAR_FAC_RES_C_35 Ignoring the production line, I focus on the technology behind the system. I harvest several nanite clusters from the machine.
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_36 Do not drink the water… warriors lost… Grah! This was preventable, this -
WAR_FAC_DESC_36 The factory appears to have ceased production long ago, its systems derelict and unused.

Yet the sigil of the Vy’keen still occupies these terminals, blinking away, awaiting input. An audio log plays on loop.
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_36 Attempt factory reset
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_36 Alert Vy’keen authorities
WAR_FAC_OPT_C_36 Take technology
WAR_FAC_RES_A_36 I attempt to reset the factory’s systems. Nanite Clusters come pooling forth from the factory’s innards. I take some with me.
WAR_FAC_RES_B_36 I alert the Vy’keen authorities to the loss of their factory. An inquisitorial team is dispatched to this world and I am rewarded for my trouble.
WAR_FAC_RES_C_36 I attempt to extract blueprints from the factory’s systems, succeeding in gaining a new technology.