NMS Lore & More (SPOILERS!) - version 1.38

Manufacturing Facilities #3 - NMS_LOC1_ENGLISH

Had to split due to character limit. This part contains the Vy’keen

Manufacturing Facilities #3 - NMS_LOC1_ENGLISH
ID Value (text)
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_1 Suspicious interloper visual detection system initiated!
WAR_FAC_DESC_1 The alarm has locked the terminal. Security scanners appear and slowly turn towards me.

A message displays itself letter-by-letter on the terminal.
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_1 Cut the camera feed
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_1 Cut the alarm
WAR_FAC_OPT_C_1 Cut heat sensors
WAR_FAC_RES_A_1 The security alert does not trace me.

The facility becomes operational.
WAR_FAC_RES_B_1 The alarm continues to sound.

The facility remains offline.
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_2 Vy’keen voice security scan initializing…
WAR_FAC_DESC_2 The terminal is only intended for use by a certain species. A flap flicks open and a microphone emerges.

A distant voice shouts ‘Grah!’. I am expected to respond.
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_2 Bark ‘Grah!’
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_2 Say everything’s fine
WAR_FAC_OPT_C_2 Apologise
WAR_FAC_RES_A_2 The terminal releases some products.

My subterfuge is rewarded.
WAR_FAC_RES_B_2 I explain there was a slight weapons malfunction, but everything’s perfectly alright now.

A powerful electric current pulses through my body.
WAR_FAC_RES_C_2 I hear a gruff noise of acceptance.
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_3 Intruder detected! Respiration gas concentration high! Enemy respiration!!
WAR_FAC_DESC_3 A laser scan refracts through my visor, then another traces the air around my breathing exhaust.

My gas concentration levels don’t match the warrior standard.
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_3 Use exosuit to decrease gas concentration
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_3 Use exosuit to increase gas concentration
WAR_FAC_RES_A_3 I feel nauseous.

Nothing happens.
WAR_FAC_RES_B_3 I feel dizzy, but the system is online.
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_4 Security alert! Pathetic interloper destroyed war factory entrance door! Sentinels absent!
WAR_FAC_DESC_4 Two holographic security circuit images are on-screen. An open metal doorway, and the facility’s Sentinel detection system.

I can cut one off to reduce the alert. I need to act quickly
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_4 Cut doorway alert
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_4 Cut sentinel intrusion alert
WAR_FAC_RES_A_4 The facility becomes operational.
WAR_FAC_RES_B_4 The terminal initiates an emergency shutdown.
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_5 Vy’keen security system alert! Pressure pad enemy detection confirmed! Too heavy!
WAR_FAC_DESC_5 The floor feels unsteady, and something clicks beneath my feet. The screen locks.

Systems are aware I’m not the lifeform that usually operates here…
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_5 Use jetpack to hover
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_5 Reduce weight
WAR_FAC_OPT_C_5 Stand on one leg
WAR_FAC_RES_A_5 The pressure pad has no weight to report.

The terminal remains inoperative.
WAR_FAC_RES_B_5 I briefly set my heavy multi-tool aside.

The facility becomes operational.
WAR_FAC_RES_C_5 Warrior laughter emanates from nearby speakers.

The terminal remains powered down.
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_6 Intruder alert! Commence detonation sequence! Isotope fuel flow initiated!
WAR_FAC_DESC_6 My presence has triggered a security alert. I hear elements being drawn from the two open vaults below me. On-screen: a clear countdown.

An intense exothermic elemental reaction is being charged. It’s a trap.
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_6 Remove Isotope element
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_6 Remove Oxide element
WAR_FAC_RES_A_6 Disaster is averted.

The factory restarts operations.
WAR_FAC_RES_B_6 I remove the catalyst.

A minor explosion scorches my arm, before facility operations resume.
WAR_FAC_RES_C_6 A blast of flame coats me from below.

The facility remains non-operational.
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_7 Intruder alert! Incinerating trading vault: empty. Incinerating power vault: fuel. Incinerating storage vault: multi-tool.
WAR_FAC_DESC_7 Security procedures are incinerating the content of all the vaults in the facility. Power surges are igniting them one-by-one.

I can isolate one vault from the destruction but I can’t see inside…
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_7 Isolate trading vault
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_7 Isolate power vault
WAR_FAC_OPT_C_7 Isolate storage vault
WAR_FAC_RES_A_7 The trading vault is empty.

The surrounding vaults are incinerated.
WAR_FAC_RES_B_7 I salvage something useful from the power vault.
WAR_FAC_RES_C_7 I salvage something very useful from the storage vault.
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_8 Security breach! Military action unstoppable! Vy’keen High Command vessel coordinate upload imminent!
WAR_FAC_DESC_8 A transmission is firing on emergency frequencies. A ship is in orbit trying to determine the facility’s location. It’s preparing weapon systems.

I don’t have long to act.
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_8 Cut security alert transmission
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_8 Change stored coordinates
WAR_FAC_RES_A_8 A disruption bolt strikes the roof of the facility.

It is rendered inoperable.
WAR_FAC_RES_B_8 I hear a distant explosion and the screams of burning animals.

The facility’s processes return to normal.
WAR_FAC_RES_C_8 A disruption bolt strikes the roof of the facility.

It is rendered inoperable.
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_9 Interloper detection! Heat detection systems confirm report! High temperature intruder!
WAR_FAC_DESC_9 Security scanners click and whirr as they focus. My bright red image is on-screen.

Black lines that match the position of my exosuit’s coolant mesh are clearly visible.
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_9 Decrease coolant flow
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_9 Increase coolant flow
WAR_FAC_RES_A_9 My image disappears from the screen.

I extract my reward from the facility.
WAR_FAC_RES_B_9 The image suddenly blooms bright red.

The terminal becomes entirely inoperable.
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_10 Interloper trespass alert! Destroy products of element upgrade process!
WAR_FAC_DESC_10 I hear the facility automatically incinerating recently manufactured products in nearby storage vaults. The screen suggests that, pre-incineration, they were extremely valuable.

The facility’s production processes, however, remain online. The machinery will accept several uncommon elements…
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_10 Insert uncommon silicate
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_10 Insert uncommon oxide
WAR_FAC_OPT_C_10 Insert uncommon isotope
WAR_FAC_RES_A_10 The system turns my uncommon silicate into…

…a rare and more valuable element.
WAR_FAC_RES_B_10 The system turns my uncommon oxide into…

…a rare and more valuable element.
WAR_FAC_RES_C_10 The system turns my uncommon isotope into…

…a rare and more valuable element.
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_11 Alert. Hospital facility abandoned. Emergency procedure: uncommon oxide heals warrior, rare oxide repairs equipment. Charge cylinder, or similar, brings whole system online.
WAR_FAC_DESC_11 A panel springs open and various bloodied implements fall to the floor. They look as if they have medical uses, but systems have clearly fallen into disrepair.

Two resource vaults designed for temporary oxide processing sit below the panel, but a charged product could also be used to power up the whole facility.
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_11 Insert uncommon oxide
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_11 Insert rare oxide
WAR_FAC_OPT_C_11 Insert charged product
WAR_FAC_RES_A_11 The facility is temporarily revived, and I am fully healed.
WAR_FAC_RES_B_11 The facility is temporarily revived, and my systems are repaired and restored.
WAR_FAC_RES_C_11 The facility comes back online and fully heals, repairs, restores and replenishes my exosuit and equipment.
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_12 Pathetic warrior learn Vy’keen language! Pass test or encounter fighting pits! ERROR ERROR INSERT SILICATE ERROR ERROR MALFUNCTION
WAR_FAC_DESC_12 The warrior stationed here has abandoned its training. A vast amount of data still flows through the circuitry.

The terminal is asking for a particular variety of common element.
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_12 Insert oxide element
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_12 Insert isotope element
WAR_FAC_OPT_C_12 Insert silicate element
WAR_FAC_RES_A_12 The comprehension test powers down.

It has been failed.
WAR_FAC_RES_B_12 The comprehension test has been failed.
WAR_FAC_RES_C_12 I pass the comprehension test, and am rewarded with words of unknown cultures.
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_13 Grah! Bountiful Sentinel hunt! Initiate rare silicate extraction!
WAR_FAC_DESC_13 Sentinel components are being fed into the production machinery from resource vaults.

The terminal needs instructions on what it should extract.
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_13 Initiate oxide extraction
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_13 Initiate isotope extraction
WAR_FAC_OPT_C_13 Initiate silicate extraction
WAR_FAC_RES_A_13 I hear the robots being crushed and incinerated.

Nothing is extracted.
WAR_FAC_RES_B_13 I hear the robots being crushed and incinerated.

Nothing is extracted.
WAR_FAC_RES_C_13 I hear the robots being crushed and incinerated.

A rich reward is extracted.
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_14 Grah! Education blob! Greetings Vy’keen cub! Insert units for education!
WAR_FAC_DESC_14 An animated gilled blob is on-screen waving a gun. It talks in the language of the warriors, but brightly and happily.

It springs happily between bloodied runes, then asks for a donation of units.
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_14 Insert units
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_14 Insert units
WAR_FAC_OPT_C_14 Walk away
WAR_FAC_RES_A_14 The educational program teaches me some of the language of the warriors!
WAR_FAC_RES_B_14 The animated blob senses my withdrawal from the terminal.

It has been programmed to start crying at this point.
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_15 Interloper electrification initializing! Punishment commencing!
WAR_FAC_DESC_15 A biological probe antenna launches from the terminal and fuses with my exosuit. I can’t move.

There’s no way to tell if this is a normal function, or a security measure.
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_15 Escape
WAR_FAC_RES_A_15 I use my jetpack’s propulsion to break the probe.

It contains something useful…
WAR_FAC_RES_B_15 The probe becomes electrified.

The smell of burnt flesh spreads up into my visor.
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_16 Grah! Gek war preparation disrupted! Ammunition production stalled! Common isotope required!
WAR_FAC_DESC_16 The alarm hasn’t disrupted the factory’s production line. Resources are being drawn from the vaults below me, but they have run dry.

I could obtain whatever the mechanisms are creating with the right element…
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_16 Insert common isotope
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_16 Insert common silicate
WAR_FAC_OPT_C_16 Insert common oxide
WAR_FAC_RES_A_16 The war factory’s work is allowed to continue.

I reap my reward.
WAR_FAC_RES_B_16 I hear the sound of the manufacturing process imploding with my contribution.

The war factory grinds to a halt.
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_17 Gek war approaches! Scarce elements required! High Command demand rare oxide! Contribute warrior!
WAR_FAC_DESC_17 Elements are being stockpiled. Storage vaults have been filled by local warriors.

There’s still space for an oxide, but my scanner can’t tell which one…
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_17 Insert common oxide
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_17 Insert uncommon oxide
WAR_FAC_OPT_C_17 Insert rare oxide
WAR_FAC_RES_A_17 An automated bark of thanks is played.

I receive a reward.
WAR_FAC_RES_B_17 An automated bark of confusion is played.

My contribution goes unrewarded.
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_18 Grah! Pathetic interloper! Honourable warning: cut red wire? Certain death!
WAR_FAC_DESC_18 A warrior has booby-trapped the terminal. The security alert has triggered the timer on an explosive charge. There are two wires exposed.

The warrior has left a note. Only seconds remain…
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_18 Cut red wire
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_18 Cut blue wire
WAR_FAC_OPT_C_18 Move back
WAR_FAC_RES_A_18 The explosion takes the terminal out of action, and almost me with it.
WAR_FAC_RES_B_18 The bomb is defused.

Operations are restored.
WAR_FAC_RES_C_18 I move away just in time.

The terminal is damaged and inoperable.
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_19 Security scan initializing! Motion detection cameras operational!
WAR_FAC_DESC_19 A secondary security sweep is underway. Scanners emerge from the ceiling and start to pan towards where I stand.

If they detect me the facility will go into a full lockdown…
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_19 Move to hiding spot
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_19 Stand still
WAR_FAC_RES_A_19 The scanners detect me ducking down to hide.

The facility becomes offline.
WAR_FAC_RES_B_19 The scanners pass over me. Their sweep concludes.

The installation remains operational.
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_20 Intruder alert! Battle enzyme production halted! Electrical charge removed from body harvest circuit!
WAR_FAC_DESC_20 A warrior’s heart is on-screen. It is connected to wires and artificial valves. It pumps a biological liquid through harvested organs deep within the facility.

Its beat is irregular. It has been compromised by the security alert.
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_20 Increase electrical flow
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_20 Initiate adrenalin flux
WAR_FAC_OPT_C_20 Power down systems
WAR_FAC_RES_A_20 The heart’s beat is maintained. Its strange existence continues.

The facility remains online.
WAR_FAC_RES_B_20 The heart beats faster, but then suddenly beats no more.

The terminal dies with it.
WAR_FAC_RES_C_20 The terminal goes offline.

The body organs that relied on its processes are starved of oxygen, and die.
WAR_FAC_DESC_21 The alert has obscured the information on the primary terminal. I can only make out a few words.

If I can work out what was being worked on here, I can restart the workflow – and restore operations.
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_21 Drop pod
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_21 Starship
WAR_FAC_OPT_C_21 Freighter
WAR_FAC_RES_A_21 The resident warrior’s workflow is restored.

The system comes back online.
WAR_FAC_RES_B_21 I fail to access the resident warrior’s workflow.

The installation remains offline.
WAR_FAC_DESC_22 Interference from the security alert has turned the screen to static. I can hardly make out anything beyond a few words.

If I work out which workflow has been scrambled I can restore systems…
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_22 Boltcaster
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_22 Photon Cannon
WAR_FAC_OPT_C_22 Mining Laser
WAR_FAC_DESC_23 The screen is a jumble of words, few of which aren’t drowned in static.

The on-screen workflow is scrambled. If I can identify it, I can bring it back online…
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_23 Sentinels
WAR_FAC_OPT_C_23 Atlas
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_24 POWER REPORT. Electromagnetic coil: charge falling. Power core: acceptable boundaries. Primary motherboard: levels high.
WAR_FAC_DESC_24 The facility’s production harvest is underway. I can speed up systems by boosting some of the machinery operating below me.

What appears to be a power management screen is open on the terminal…
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_24 Boost power core
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_24 Boost primary motherboard
WAR_FAC_OPT_C_24 Boost electromagnetic coil
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_25 SUBSIDIARY SYSTEMS. Temporal capacitor: operational. Central AI core: operational. Gravitational stabilisers: unscheduled drain, disconnection advised.
WAR_FAC_DESC_25 The security alarm hasn’t impacted production. Below my feet unseen equipment prepares the mineral harvest.

I can speed up the process by eliminating unnecessary systems. The on-screen automated report will help…
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_25 Remove temporal capacitor
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_25 Remove central AI core
WAR_FAC_OPT_C_25 Remove gravitational stabilisers
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_26 LASER SYSTEMS REPORT. Refraction systems: full efficiency. Laser assisted replication tank: full efficiency. Beam integrity systems: poor efficiency and performance. Engineer alerted.
WAR_FAC_DESC_26 An automated report finished just before my incursion. As it did so, laser beams in resource vaults dimmed.

I can find a way to tweak this system, and to speed up the production cycle…
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_26 Reconfigure laser refraction
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_26 Reconfigure laser-assisted replication
WAR_FAC_OPT_C_26 Reconfigure laser beam integrity
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_27 GAS INTEGRITY REPORT. Distribution network: full efficiency. Storage tank: breach detected. Pressure valves: operational.
WAR_FAC_DESC_27 The noise of gas being flushed through systems beneath my feet can be heard over the noise of the alert. An automated report flashes onto the terminal.

I can use it to boost production speed, and hopefully maintain it.
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_27 Rebalance distribution network
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_27 Rebalance storage tank
WAR_FAC_OPT_C_27 Rebalance pressure valves
DNT_WAR_FAC_LANG_28 COOLANT OVERVIEW. Coolant chamber: full. Coolant pump hydraulics: operational. Coolant network: suspected blockage, reduced operations. Engineer notified.
WAR_FAC_DESC_28 A faint chill can be felt while the security alert sounds. Coolant pipes are flushed, and an automated report appears on-screen.

I can use its findings to boost the production cycle, and maybe maintain it.
WAR_FAC_OPT_A_28 Repair coolant chamber
WAR_FAC_OPT_B_28 Repair coolant pump
WAR_FAC_OPT_C_28 Repair coolant network