Waking Titan is returning! / Investigation

I know you wasn’t to let people know the code o the v4pass you got in the emails. But I read on a Facebook group people giving their numbers out which were different to the one I got. Just thinking this may come into play as the physical passes are (hopefully) in the post

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Yeah mine was 16-A I still have the email…


It was in this pdf : “ten unique groups” Waking Titan is returning! / Investigation - #391 by PyroBob


same. My Atlas Pass ID was { REDACTED }

I still have the email as well, but i really doubt something from the 1st iteration of the ARG will solve #10.

i hope not


Ah, I thought of the Myriad site relation as well.
I thought it had something to do with mirrors that are used on satellites. The Myriad company specializes in personalized satellites where you can upload your DNA - essentially who you are - and when you die it gets jetted into space for 10 thousand years.

And I can’t help but think of that radio ad for Myriad: the glitched out “Make your voice heard” by the voice actor near the end.


I didn’t think that was to do with the passes just the citizen science pigeon hole code that we all were given, I have not revealed my code as per our masters request


But the physical passes will have these references on the front of them. And Im sure they were not used in the first ARG.


im still not sure, SM could just be tweeting to let us know he’s active, and the Passes just got delayed and he’s stalling , or he’s dropping clues.

Myriad-70 has to have some significance, it was the only website that didnt get infected by Loop16.

Or not.

Me brain hurts : )


I’m completely confused too… Who knows it’s crazy.


i mean pretty soon if not already, its gonna be 3 weeks and 0 clues, this wasnt the case with the last ARG, it was more active than this.

I almost want them to break character so we have SOME idea, whether to keep searching or indeed just wait til passes arrive.

Like they did with Reaction Faction debunking and another time i believe.


We had Emily helping a bit, I believe she was the one that pointed us to the comm ball in game

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hahaha! I mean, if a well-known show writer wrote an episode based off of my game and said it was a great game in an interview, I’d tweet that crap out, too! lol.

As of right now, Emily/Loop16 has no physical body. Or at least, not ‘physical’ in the sense we perceive it to be. My bet is she still needs the network of Myriad satellites to connect or for others to connect or to complete some task she’s been working on that doesn’t require the others.

I rather she not mess around with Superlumina anyway, if we can avoid it. :stuck_out_tongue: It seems the Atlas Foundation doesn’t even know what they’re doing with it! They could effectively destroy the space-time continuum! Bye-bye universe! (or simulated universe? [or the simulation created by the simulated universe?? [[or the simulation created by the simulation created by the simulation inside the…]]]) …OK, I’ll stop. haha


your brain can not hurt, there are no nerves in it

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Metaphorically speaking of course ; )

Ok, my Meninges hurts.

There we go.


Welp, another day, another cryptic SM tweet, more meninges pain,and my ISP couldnt be verified today…

Think im gonna go play some NMS. I’ll check back in tomorrow.

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lol, yup tis the only way to make neurons work!!!


I still haven’t told mine everyone was telling there’s as soon as it happen and it clearly said not to



Its like i followed all these other instructions, i might as well follow that one too.


Reporting in! Glad to see so many familiar faces!


Welcome back Vira, haven’t seen you in a while.

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