So, I do art and stuff - general artistic / creative chat

Aye-Aye! Sir! :joy:


So this one is a little more dark in the background than I would like. I prefer lighter at the top but, still not bad. Tiger lilies from my flower bed.
I am really enjoying being loose and impressionistic but not sure how far I want to go with it. Maybe crossing into a little more abstract than intended? Feeling my way along.

Sorry for the glare from my lamp…


Your work has such a lively mix of colors. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It is hard to tell because of the glare but the sky looks lovely to me. Nice compliment to the tiger lilies. I also like the shift in the background from cool to warm blue to green. :heart:

Yeah. I don’t think that we ever fully settle on something. What’s art if it doesn’t evolve? :wink:

Most of my work is either/or: fully experiential abstract or fully representational. I would prefer to do more of the abstracted landscapes once I get things rolling here again.

I have my new palette well stuck to my Magnetic easel board, and well toned. Tomorrow it should be dry enough to use. In the meantime I have been using my glass palette on the table.

The pain was bad this afternoon, but I still managed to get about 20 minutes to paint. :Gratitude:


Breakfast…(not for me) :smile:

Stinky phone camera


A mushroom disguising itself as a blossom! “Ain’t Nature wunnerful!” :grin:

They do say that the best camera ever is
… the one you happen to have with you! >.>

I had a revelation about my Vine Tomato II oil painting this week. Which I have finally been able to work on again. When I get some more time I will post about that.


Tangled up in Shroomie

Chapeaus de Dirt


The old ETARC starchain fell into my yard


Oh! How cool is that! Superb! <3


“Spreading silently underground, the alien fungus approached the unsuspecting earthwoman’s dwelling…”


Well I am one jump away from finishing the latest Expedition and still working on my art every day as well. It is hard to let go of one to do the other. :wink:

Magenta has long been my favorite colour, and I was repurchasing some Winsor Newton half-pans, and checking to see if they had changed the formulation or not (and they haven’t), when I came across this fascinating snippet from Colour Story: Quinacridone Magenta | Winsor & Newton

For a colour so renowned for its’ intensity, there is a surprising fact about Magenta: it is not on the light spectrum. So, if it isn’t there, how can we see it? The answer lies in how we see light. When our brain sees waves of light from two ends of the spectrum, red and violet, scientists have learned that our brain invents a new colour for us, halfway between the two colours. Magenta has no wavelength attributed to it, unlike all the other spectrum colours, because it is really a bridge between colour; it was invented by our minds to address a perceived gap. The light spectrum doesn’t need to fill every gap, but obviously, the human mind wants to make sense of colour, and a part of that process of making sense of colour created magenta.

This is the kind of stuff I really geek out on. :blush: How about you?

My Vine Tomato II oil study is almost finished. Either today or tomorrow, then a six month wait before it can be varnished.

What’s everyone else up to art-wise?


Yes. When I told my mom that everything actually has no color, what we see are reflected wavelengths, she thought I had lost my mind. It’s easy to see how our brains invent hues. We each see colors a little differently. My poor dad was red/green colorblind :hushed:
I am just now recovering from my latest health issue…nothing major but sure drained me as I had very little sleep. So I have some papers ready to go but have been unable to do anything except snap pics as I walk my yard. Hopefully I can get back to work now.


I got over my covid thanks to nutrition, supplements, and Irish-German-Dutch stubbornness. :sweat_smile:

I… wrote a chapter, and then some. I keep threatening to do art, and with the weekend already here, I might start then, or wait till next week to sketch something out. I keep thinking that watercolor is the easiest for me to work with, but then you can do watercolorish stuff with both acrylics and oils, which I have all in abundance - as I’ve barely used them. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

On the matter of how our minds perceive the universe, I touched on that in my new chapter, as my hero got to experience some interesting stuff, courtesy of some burning powders. He reflected briefly on how the universe was a mock-up in our mind and miiiight not be quite like the reality in front of us, at least in certain aspects. Senses like color, musical tone and taste, temperature perceived as warm or cold… just about everything we experience in this world is kind of an artwork our minds create as our sensory systems feed stimulus to our brains to be interpreted. And it’s all marvelous to me, the eternal teenager looking at the world in wonder and delight. :grin:


Stay Puff Marshmallow Shroomie


That is a relief! I do hope you will continue to recover and get your strength back.

Did he find it very difficult? Like was he able to drive a car, etc.?

I’m very glad to hear that.

I totally agree! I think that is why you can line up ten artists to paint the same scene, and every single one will produce a painting completely different from the the others.

Mmmm! Looks yummy! :heart:


thankfully, traffic lights are uniform so he could tell which light was on. He just had to memorize bottom was go and top was stop. However, socks were a real issue. :wink:


He’d’ve fit right in around here then. Its all the fad to wear mismatching socks. :grin:


Family Portrait

My brother has scolded me and told me I should record everything I paint and put it on YT. I am considering it…thoughts?


Ohh… sure, that wouldn’t be a bad idea. One thing in that favor is you have a good and distinctive style, so it could be like a tutorial for those wanting to emulate it.


I understood that instagram was a good way, along with YT, to drive possible collectors to you website where they could purchase your art.

When the social media platforms go away, collectors still have access to your stuff through your own website.

So, in short, yes. <3