Screenshots v2.0


Hahah! I thought at first they were igloos

and I thought “Cool!” ;`)



Flaming Hail



That Hexabubble shot: Nicely framed! :heart:


That ascension shot reminds me of that Moonwalker movie with Michael Jackson which I loved as a kid. Not sure how I feel about it these days :joy:


After a chaotic and near deathly start, while taking notes on how best to approach a BEYOND survival mode game, I found myself landing on a neighbouring and hopefully safer world.
It was with trepidation that I exited the ship, after my recent beginning. I expected either sentinels or dangerous wildlife to swarm me and force me to once again flee.

Instead, what I found was a planet of pristine everglades, with lush grasses and striking trees. I wandered this heavenly place for ages unimpeded by machine or beast, my own jetpack my most dangerous foe.

As I wandered, I found concealed tunnels with the grass growing right to the rim and green lit passageways beyond. Some were so well camouflaged you barely find the opening.

I explored the silent ruins of a lost civilization and as I investigated, I found them partially flooded but still rich with treasures.

I think I may have found a place to call home.


Oh wow that really is a gorgeous planet. The more I see ps4 screenshots in here the more I want to ditch playing in VR. Everythings so crisp and beautiful in comparison. But then I remember the added depth and immersion VR brings. What do I do?

I found myself a beautiful lush planet last night I’m currently making a home out of. Moved everything from my frosty archaeo site in the hopes that maybe it was having a base built on one that was reducing my build limit exponentially in VR.

Turns out it wasn’t but I’ve figured my way around base building in VR. Just don’t have more than four floor panels in close proximity, never build walls or rooves, don’t bother with power and if you do build the battery’s and solar panels a good twenty units apart, never have more than four or six storage containers together, just build in clusters. It actually makes for a nice jungle basecamp aesthetic like that very popular, high grossing and not at all collosal critical failure 90s movie, Congo.

I did hit a bug right after this when I went to save that wouldn’t allow me to exit my ship or even bring up the start menu. Stay tuned for that one. Hint, it involves a frigate distress call. So I’ll have to rebuild when I get home today :slight_smile:

Edit : oh I should add, placed my first landing pad in beyond and was nervous beforehand, having heard of others struggle getting to snap.

Mine snapped straight on to a storage container, rendered a door too. :grin: You guys are amateurs :wink:


Flooded ruins :sunglasses:


Ha, having a bit of a “The engines of god” flahsback here! :+1:


Came across some curious deposits, soft and viscos to the touch, upon mining they rolled like radnox of old, and each gave a unique deposit like metal fingers.

Clearly the droppings of a colossal creature, no doubt from the large Dino predators that roam this planet.

Came up on scanner as curious deposit, I know rolling ball resources have always been a thing but these were different than any I’d encountered but I assume present since NEXT? They were like giant meat balls and they glistened and animated quite grotesquely. Rollin them home to use as fertiliser for my farm :slight_smile:


Planet dead zones? Nothing showing as per resources etc


My current home planet has similar pockets both big and small of barren terrain, where nothing grows, just small stones and condensed carbon /sodium nitrate crystals scattered everywhere. Nothing buried, never a cargo drop or hazardous fauna etc. Just barren. Except for the crystals and rocks. It’s a lush planet too, forests everywhere else and the place is full of knowledge stones and at least three to four buried Tech in view in all directions, but never at the barren patches. Having a lot of fun exploring it :slight_smile:

It’s always nice when you come across varied terrain on a planet :3


Salvage hiding deep under ground

The standard hiding place

Expensive ship at Nexus


Today’s findings

A Crowded System

Heavenly Purple

My New Ride

Cooling Caverns

Choking DustStorm


Coming in for a landing…


When did this happen? I don’t remember bubbles like this one.


So. I’m not sure that I understand the new positioning within the galaxy. I’m guessing that my current position is at the top of the vertical line. Is the 197348 LY in reference to the bottom of the vertical line or the top? Are galaxies considered to be flattened now?



It’s your distance to the core, as the spaceship flies.

If the NMS galaxy would be in any way modeled after the milky way, you’d be preeetty far out in the Halo. Mostly dim stars in globular clusters hanging around there orbiting the core in streams, which means you might be in a region where stellar density may be anywhere from as high as here to very, very low, with most stars being practically as old as the galaxy itself.

So no, It doesn’t look like NMS has adapted a “flat galaxy” model. If there’s one thing HG is ignoring like no other, it’s astronomy…


NMS galaxies are pizza boxes. Really! 4096 x 4096 x 256 regions (about 819 x 819 x 51 lightyears).

I’m glad there is a galactic position marker on the map now, but agree it’s not particularly clear. I very much would have preferred a small 3D representation that rotated with you. I think that would actually be clearer, and more useful for long-range navigation.


Found this planet.

Normally around 90 F.

Not living up to its description.