Phase 3 day 2



I think the centre screen will show another Emily vlog ^^

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Where did you get 1338 from? Just very patient?

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a whimper but with a bang

Noticed someone mentioning it on the GD Discord.

Monitors are going blank one by one

Dataset text disappeared from the screen.
Looks like shes waking up slowly

Only 1 screen left


Weā€™d better get some breakfast ready

At this time of day?

Its never too late to eat breakfast:smile:

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6am for me. So breakfast is a gogo lol.


Today after watching the Twitch channel and the WT site for (once again) too long, I turned off my computerā€¦

Five minutes after that, I had to double check it was really turned off (it was) because I could still hear the background music in my headā€¦

Iā€™m sure Iā€™m not the only one!


Well itā€™s 21.45 here now, seems a little bit late :smile:

what about second breakfast?


So we are at 39 cities as of Oak Ridge and Iā€™m sure at least 8 timezones. We havenā€™t quite macthed their targetā€¦ even if it is from Calibration 1, itā€™s still interesting.

Haha I know right? That ominous hummm


Kylo is back, under the table

I have been hearing it all over my house for about 4 days

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You are not alone :smile:

Propably some mind altering trick created by that devious AI witch :rage:

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