NMS Nintendo & Mobile App VR

About 12 months ago, I examined whether bringing NMS to a mobile app was a farfetched fantasy or a viable possibility. And at that time, the answer was an absolute, “No!” Deflated, I then examined other alternatives, but bringing it to smartphones everywhere, was still the best option. And still impossible.

Today, however…


Technological Celebration! :tada:

Immediately after I posted all the above and discussion ensued, came serious talk about cloud gaming.

So I watched and waited, and came the launch of Google Stadia, bringing the most advanced games to smartphones everywhere. The reaction was of course mixed, and it was over the subtleties of quality and some mild latency. Also, not all users have or locations provide a decent internet connection. However, while any sign of latency whatsoever puts esports into question, I would not call any of these major complaints. It just doesn’t work for all users or within all locations, which I think is to be expected of such a thing, or anything otherwise, really. — Right?

Therefore, I see that this could be a very good fit for bringing NMS to mobile. And I’m sure that Google will only continue to improve upon their Stadia cloud gaming service, just as their competitors PlayStation Now, GeForce Now, Xbox xCloud or any others that may rise, will attempt to do likewise.

And so may I present…

NMS Mobile App VR - Solved!


Put the processing power on the server and not on the end-user. Think cloud gaming!

:link: https://stadia.google.com

No Man’s Sky: :ringer_planet: Always on the bleeding edge of being created ALMOST too soon. :crazy_face: Crazy!

‘Space? There’s an app for that!’


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